Marihuana Legalization

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When first asked in 1969, 12% of the United States population agreed to the legalization of marihuana ever since then, the support for marihuana has grown rapidly. A 2013 Gallup poll showed that 58% of Americans are now in support of legalization of marihuana. Since the discovery of marihuana, no one has ever been recorded dead because of overdose or recreational consumption of marihuana. I believe legalizing marihuana in United States will impact positively on each sector of the nation because of its health benefits, cost benefits, and similarly, a lot of successful people have based their success on their consumption of marihuana. It is also believed that marihuana can help build a safe society. I’m glad to see that your thesis is clear. …show more content…
Legalization of marihuana under strict law and regulations, will surely reduce the illegal sale of marihuana to general public. According to a 2012 study by Monitoring the Future (MTF), 45.3% of total United States 12th graders were reported to have consumed marihuana at least once in their lifetime. Therefore, if it is legalized under laws and regulations, minors will not be able to purchase it without the use of recognized photo identity card. Consumption of alcohol in High schools or by minors is rare because, alcohol is legal and the consumption is governed and regulated. Therefore, legalization will prevent minors from getting access to marihuana and also will reduce selling and buying of marihuana in high schools. Prohibition of marihuana has always be known to create more problems as supposed to solving them. Marihuana users will not stop protesting for legalization of marihuana. The protests might sometimes might turn violent. For instance, a peaceful protest that occurs annually in Vancouver, Canada every July 1st, turned violent when police attacked protesters on July, 1st 2015, for protesting against the ban on consumption of Marihuana. In some cases, the protest might be peaceful. Example was when, about 125 people gathered in front of Arizona state capitol and asked for legalization of marihuana in Arizona, United States. I believe legalization will reduce problems affecting the …show more content…
To my understanding considering the facts listed above, I believe it has a lot advantages. The legalization of marihuana will positively affect the health sector, improve the nation’s economy, might be a special feature to attain success and likewise build a safer community for both adults and youths. Therefore, I agree and stand with the legalization of marihuana in all governmental levels (Federal, State and local

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