vocational high schools in the country. The highly competitive nature of these programs makes them highly sought after by many residents including myself. There are five vocational schools located within Monmouth County, but students can only apply to one, and only one student from each town is accepted. It was my dream to attend one of these prestigious schools, but events do not always unfold as planned. The entrance exam was not as difficult as I thought it would be, and I was in high spirits…
of a high school is how many people try to go about their four years of education, however this will not help you grow into a better person. High school has been a place that can be compared to a weight room for me. I go to the weight room to grow my muscles just the same as I go to high school to grow my ideas, education, and morals. “I’m a peacock, you gotta let me fly!” a quote by the most loved character, Terry Hoitz, describes how everybody in high school feels. There are days in high…
Graduating high school has been one of the biggest milestones of any young adults life journey, right up there along with getting a first job or a first car. From one side of the field, graduating early seems to be the best option. From graduating high school early to lay on the couch and just enjoy day to day life before everything changes into a routine that lasts for upwards of 60 to 70 years to travelling the world or starting an advanced academic career as a exchange student, the options…
Everyday, teens go to school. Six classes, seven hours, five days a week, They all learn the same things. So, how do you set yourself apart from the crowd? In a country based on standardized tests, you have to work hard in order make yourself stand out. So many people just barely get by in life because they are afraid to work a little harder to make themselves better off. Students do not realize the importance of getting good grades and involving themselves in their school and community to…
Deciding what I want to do after high school can be a tough choice since there is a few options specifically attending college, joining the military, getting a job or just staying in your parents house forever. With these options comes with multiple cons and pros but I finally decided. After high school, I decided I want to attend college since going to college before getting a job or joining the military seems the best choice for me. The importance of going to college are talked about in the…
Why a Dance Team Should start in ECHS Escondido Charter High School and Escondido Charter High School Flex are really awesome programs. A couple weeks ago when I toured the high school it was beautiful. The gym, field, theatre, architecture, rooms, lunch area, and the flex highschool was all amazing. I noticed on the sheet handed out at the end of the tour that their were several amazing sports that even I was surprised was on there. Roller Hockey, volleyball, basketball, baseball, swimming,…
People think that attending high school is a piece of cake, that if your present then everything will be fine, this wasn’t the case for me. I don’t accept the bare minimum for anything unlike some people. The obstacle that I’ve encountered throughout my high school career is never having enough time and constantly stressing about getting everything completed. My daily routine consists of getting ready, going to school, staying after for a club meeting and then heading straight to work or…
reflect on my high school career. High School for me is a thing that I would love to forget and is a thing I forget to love. High school has had ups and downs, but it has shown me how to have fun and be stressed out all at the same time. From freshman to senior year it has been a roller coaster of laughs and cries and not knowing what day or month it is, yet knowing when the next three day weekend is going to be. Academic wise, school is, needless to say, not so bad, the only time when school is…
Many people love to go see high school athletes compete in sports. Kids love to play sports with their friends and make memories together. Some people are saying that some sports should be taken out of schools. School sports should not be taken out of schools for the reasons that follow. For starters, kids will be able to get great exercise. In order to stay in shape many kids will start to eat more healthy. While playing sports, kids will learn new plays, by doing this kids brain activity and…
different than everyone else because I am “gay” I couldn’t hang out with the guys because I was bullied constantly it started in elementary school went on throughout middle school and the beginning of high school but putting an end to all the troubles I had made everything so much better Always speak up always let someone know what's happening and if it's happening at school tell a teacher, counselors, principle your friends. Don't ever let someone tell you something Because the less you speak…