beautiful plateau known as Table Mountain. During particular times of the year visitors to this vast mountain can view many breath-taking sights. These sights are what bring people back year after year to enjoy many outdoor adventures. If you live in Butte County, it is a short drive to this ecologically diverse setting. Table Mountain is made up of a north and south mountain. They are basaltic plateaus named for their flat top that looks like a table. The mountains are the remainder of an…
M.septentrionalis usually reside within the forests and caves, therefor their geographic range include forested places and mountainous locations. According to U.S Fish & Wildlife Services (USFWS), M.septentrionalis’s range include much of the eastern and north central parts of United States. Thus including 37 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri,…
Turn on the news today and you will see politics, Hollywood gossip, and sports updates; however, you won’t see the Appalachian Mountains burning. You won’t see the evacuations, the rising death and missing persons’ toll, or the amount of homes lost. Jason Howard of the New York Times wrote an article called, “Appalachia Burning” and he talks about his life while growing up in Appalachian area and also the lack of media coverage of the fires. Howard is deeply saddened as he talks about his life…
wind had died down and their spirits were renewed. Even three hours away, the mountain range was still astonishing. It was if the mountains had a mystery, just waiting to be discovered. As the miles counted down, they found themselves deeper and deeper in the Rocky Mountains. The mountains were majestic. Towering mounds of earth with a fresh blanket of snow. Evergreen trees lined halfway up the face of the mountains, as if their only purpose was to accent the wonder. It was extremely hard…
decided to stay in this beautiful mountain called “Lomas Linda.” Lomas Linda is known for its unique mountains, diversity in mountain and flowers. While we were in the mountains I felt the cool wind. We went on long drives that led us to a natural river, and we went to one of the biggest orchid collections in the world. The Dominican Republic is known for having beautiful mountains. My family and I decided to make our trip unforgettable by going to the mountains. When we arrived I can just feel…
The Appalachian Trail is a mountain range near the east coast of the United States. It lies partly in Canada, and is an impressive 300 miles wide, and 1,500 miles long. The individual mountains have an average height of about 3,000 feet. The tallest mountain on the trail is Mt. Mitchell in North Carolina, standing at a staggering 6,684 feet. The Appalachian Mountains have impacted history in lots of very important ways. The Appalachian Trail have always been important to people and animals in…
Charlotte Gilman’s Herland describes a feminist utopia where there are only women. No man has stepped foot in Herland for thousands of years; the women have no need for the men, since they reproduce asexually. The women in Herland value motherhood and sisterhood over anything else. When the men arrive in Herland, the women are skeptical but open to reevaluating the ways of their society, possibly willing to try reproducing sexually and creating a male-female society. In Kathleen Lant’s criticism…
there is a major distinction amongst qualities and Environment in the Appalachian. Since the late nineteenth century, there has constantly been a reason behind Appalachian neediness and the backwardness and why they are named as the poor class of mountain livers along with the relatives of convicts and submitted workers. The conflict of innate need is yet being clarified as of now until this day. Over the years, we have seen different ways on how Poverty affects us. The geographic states of…
The beauty of the southwest knows no bound. The unique landscape is home to some of the most awe-inspiring mountains, cliffs, and valleys that I have seen in my life. My research and my adventures has a broad range that has a very subtle overlap. I will do the best to my ability to show you what I learned in my time in Utah and in the library. I decided to go to the Markgragunt gravity slide. Without knowledge of the exact whereabouts of the location and limited resources I saw this as an…
of the place, and a loyal subject of the king, God bless him!” The king here is never mentioned by name, which leaves some space to further assume that the Kaatskill mountains reign over him. This idea has greater significance when considering that, while almost everything has changed in his societies’ “true history,” the mountains still stand—day after day, signaling a consistent and invaluable history, hinged upon “legendary lore.” As it happens, this lore is now more real to him than the…