fractions, decimals, and percentages. Students need to understand that fractions, decimals, and percentages are equivalent ways of writing the same quantity. Students need good examples of these concepts in various practical contexts so they can make the connections between these areas. Write the fractions illustrated below in order from least to greatest. Then, explain: 1. why the fraction with the greater denominator is less, when the numerators are the same 2. why the fraction with the greater numerator is greater, when the denominators are the same Fraction from least to greatest: 1/5,2/5,2/3 Fractions that has a bigger denominator with the same numerator is less because the pieces (numerator)that are divided are larger. Fractions that has a greater numerator and the same denominator is greater because if the denominators of two fractions are the same, the fraction with the largest numerator is the larger fraction Model How can manipulatives be used to find a common denominator for fractions with unlike denominators? 1/3 1/3 Manipulatives such as fractions strips is a great tool to use to help find a common denominator for fractions with unlike denominators. When students have a variety of fractions strips of different pieces, they can see which fraction strips will fit into both fractions. For example, you have 1/4+2/3 ¼ 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 These fractions strips help the student see that fractions…
Primes – the building blocks of all numbers: The dictionary meaning of prime is ‘Of first importance’ or ‘Of the best quality, excellent’ etc. What is so great about prime numbers? A number is said to be a prime if it is divisible only by 1 and itself. 5, for example, is a prime number because it is divisible only by 1 and 5. The number 4 can be divided by 1, 4 AND 2. So it is not a prime number. Numbers that are not primes are said to be composite numbers. The fundamental theorem of Arithmetic…
classroom? A. Incorporating technology in a Mathematics class is very important. I would like to introduce my students to website, creating their individual logins on that website so that they can practice every concept at home as well and I can help them by looking at their dashboards if they are finding any concept difficult. This will help me in keeping a track of every student’s performance. However, to make my class more interesting I will incorporate interactive Smart…
working alone. Aiden and Alex, on the other hand, would be okay working together because they both prefer to work in groups or partners. Alex and Aiden’s strong abilities in presenting information verbally allows them to give each other more ideas and help one another form a stronger argument or answer. Since both of them are classified with IEPs and neither of them are strong at written expression, I would still need to accommodate how they should present their answer or argument. I would have…
Most people would like to believe that they make their choices based on what they believe is right or wrong. For most this is an easy thing to do and most problems normally don’t make a difference to other people anyway. Sometimes it isn’t that easy such as problems like what it takes to be the man of a situation. Sometimes it works out but most of the time it does not. Most would like to believe that people always do the right thing and not based on what society thinks. Everyone has wanted one…
Purpose is demonstrated through the way a person lives their life, the goals they set, and consequently their psyche. More importantly, my “Purpose Paper” goes over my long term goals, short term goals, and what will result after they are achieved. Briefly my goals all fall into one finish line, academically get my college degree in order to pursue a career that’s stable to support my personal life with family friends etc. It’s been embedded into our central intelligence to follow the strict…
Managers are in a leadership role, everyone looks up to them and rely on them; they are the captain of the ship. Also, a successful manager is a manager that has a vision for themselves, for everyone in the team and for the whole company. A manager is a person that doesn’t only go to work just to get through the day, they go to work to get closer and closer to a common goal. I’d like to tell you about a person whom I consider to be a true leader, I will never forget my high school football…
Who Am I ? “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss once wrote this poem which was music to my ears growing up. It fascinated me to think that in this gigantic world filled with 7 billion people that I was the only Amanda A Laryea to ever walk its surface. Until about 8 years later on a random Facebook search, I found about four other individuals who share my name. However, our similar names do not connote similar personality…
Introduction It is widely accepted in the Christian faith that mankind is created in the image of God. When an individual believes this, they can use their understanding of this doctrine to determine how to interact with people in their day-to-day lives. After I graduate, my goal is to become an Elementary Teacher. As a teacher I will interact with my students, other teachers, administration, and my students’ parents/guardians. I think it is also important to know how to interact appropriately…
A mindset or emotional support is often overlooked. Anyone who wants to succeed, but tends to stumble knows this well. Everyone wants to be the best there ever was in a certain profession, unfortunately those who want to succeed occasionally have distractions which cause them to “screw up” that take over his or her ability to put the past behind them and notice the flowers blooming outside. In Janice Hudson’s memoir Trauma Junkie, Hudson takes her reader on a series of CLASTAR (California…