the cooling factor. “Evapotranspiration is the term used to describe the part of the water cycle which removes liquid water from an area with vegetation and into the atmosphere by the processes of both transpiration and evaporation, (About Evapotranspiration, 2016).” the location of the project is the broken down hydroelectric station in a weir in proximity of the camp, information supplied by EWB. Due to this there is a nice rectangular cemented area providing easy access. The principal of the solution is having a steel cooler vaccine box lowered to the weirs depths where the water temperature is at its coolest. The project shall use only native materials of the area or from other towns in Zambia such as Lusaka (which is the Capital city) for the thermometers. The native materials shall be used to create a shaded area over the water to reflect the suns rays to further induce colder temperatures. Now the weather climate shown in Fig 1 (grey line) reveals the humidity levels in the area of Koama. Humidity levels in the area directly influence the efficiency of evaporation and evapotranspiration and their cooling effect. Due to “Relative humidity (rh) is the…
Weather Instruments are basically tools that measure the state of the atmosphere at a given time. Some of the earliest instruments were made very simply but more scientifically accurate instruments weren’t made until the 1800’s. For example, weather vanes were simply used to sense the direction of the wind. In the 1800’s scientist were more curious about what goes on in the upper earth so they started making detailed instruments. Thermometer A thermometer is an instrument that measures…
restore the balance in the body temperature, it is detected by the thermoreceptors and relayed back to the thermoregulatory centre. But in a prolonged exposure to high environmental temperature, body temperature cannot be restored by negative feedback control because the mechanisms of homeostasis become over-whelmed, then the normal biochemical and physiological balance in the body is lost. The body’s thermoregulatory mechanism primarily protects again overheating. Body heat loss occurs by main…
The purpose of this research paper was to determine the influence of cellulose and date palm pad on cooling efficiency, low cost, and reduced temperatures. A study was undertaken to compare the two types of pads to determine the cooling efficiency, low cost, and reduced temperatures. The study found that cellulose pads gave high cooling efficiency, but at the same time increased the total cost. Date palm pads saved water compared to cellulose pads. The cost of using the date palm pad was less…
“From a search of the body all we found was a business card to ‘St kilda dry cleaners’ we assume he's a client” This discovery wasn't any help to Frank or Lewis so Frank asked him to do a missing person search and see if any pictures match. * * * As Lewis was searching in the missing persons data bases, his phone rang, It was Frank. Frank said “We found another body, this time washed up on the banks, nothing was found except that same card in her pocket, I want you to check it out”. “Will do…
represents the insulation given by a jumper or a dress (underclothing are included) and the typical comfort temperature while seated (1 met) for who is dressed with a jumper or a dress is 25ºC. When calculating the insulation of a garment it is to consider also where people stay when they are in that particular environment, for example if a person spend most of his time in that building seated in a chair (like in a office) it is also to consider the insulation given by that chair.. Air…
Both scales are based on the freezing conditions of water, a very common and available liquid. Since water freezes and boils at temperatures that are rather easy to generate, it is the most likely substance on which to base a temperature scale. On the Fahrenheit scale, the freezing point of water is 32 degrees and the boiling point is 212 degrees. The Celsius temperature scale is part of the "metric system" of measurement (SI) and is used throughout the world. The freezing point of water is 0…
Heat stress may occur to human when the controlling means for internal temperature to their body starts to fail (Health and Safety Executive, 2013). There are different contributing factors to the heat stress such as temperature, amount of work performed in heat (ambient temperature), clothing worn at work and humidity. When somebody wears protective dress to perform heavy task in hot environment, can result the heat stress due to: restricting the evaporation of sweating; heat rise in body due…
Dry Ice Properties Dry ice is a translucent white solid that is also odourless, non-toxic, non-flammable and slightly acidic substance (Department of Biology, 2013). Dry ice is the solid phase of carbon dioxide gas with the chemical formula of CO₂. It consists of two oxygen atoms bonding with one carbon atom. Dry ice has a low melting point of -79°C and it is also denser than air therefore when it sublimates to CO₂, it will replace O₂ in the environment and sink to low areas. Dry ice is a…
Earth’s natural processes. Just as there have been periods global cooling and periods of global temperature stability. Though these processes are natural and are given to the ebb and flow of the Earth’s rotation, precision, and periodic catastrophic events humankind’s industrial, scientific, and population explosions over the last centuries have had a marked effect on the Earth and how it is understood. As it stands, there are two major trains of thought about “climate change,” one group, the…