trying to raise the driving age to 18. For example, some people want to change the age to 18 so drivers are safer, While others think the age should remain at 16. After looking at the arguments The driving age should remain at 16. Driving at 16 gives teens and parents more freedom. Nationwide, 76.3% of U.S. high school students aged greater than or equal to 16 years reported having driven to school during the 30 days before the survey (Shults). This shows that teens are driving to school and…
age of driving to at least 18 than we can drop the rate by more than 45% percent.That would most likely make our nation safer than ever.…
The state of Virginia is considering raising the legal driving age to 18. To help reduce the cause of accidents on the road. However, whatever your age may be people will have an accident regardless of their age. Also it is very hard for teenagers get around now with or without a car so increasing the driving age would not benefit it. The last reason for this topic being the fact that teenagers deserve to be treated as an independent adult. First, I would like to discuss the age of people…
able to drive themselves, and it also gives teens the time to learn and experience the ways of driving. Restrictions keep our young teens from becoming to distracted and potentially hurting others not just in the car, but on the roadways as well. Different restrictions have been set into place for novice drivers including limiting the number of passengers allowed into the vehicle, barring late night driving, and having the teens be temporarily placed under parental supervision. Due to these…
Teenagers are beginning to skip driver’s education, which could prove to become extremely costly to their health. Dunn-Alexander said that, "You can make one mistake, and that's your life or the life of the other driver. It doesn't even have to be your mistake." Eighteen is still too young of an age to present a teenager with a driver's license. At this young of an age, teenagers are prone to make rash decisions, which could end up changing their lives, or someone else's. Younger people are far…
active, engrossed individual. I never played video games anymore. I was never at the house. I hung out with my friends everyday for hours enjoying life. Dirt roads, church parking lots, even parties were the new activities we loved to participate in. Driving had unleashed a new spirit which had taken over my body. My personality had loosened up and allowed more change. I used to be boring, but now I was entertaining a funny. Many memories came out of this change. Having a free personality…
090 Final Illustrative In this essay i will be explaining a personal experience involving my class b driver licence. I will explain how it felt to get it and the journey i took to get it. The hardship i had to overcome and the lessons i learned. Getting my class B was the best experience could have done. The first time I showed up to my truck diving class a little nervous but mainly excited about the new experience. The experience of learning how to control such a big piece of equipment was…
Teenage Driving Teenagers should be given the ability to drive as soon as they turn sixteen years of age. The article “Teen Drivers” by Holt, Rinehart and Winston talks about the benefits and dangers of teenage drivers. They state, sixteen year olds and seventeen year olds are more likely to get in car accidents and be reckless drivers rather than eighteen and nineteen year olds because of lack of responsibility and being too immature. While young drivers could cause car accidents, teens who…
make them a better driver? If teenagers get a C average or higher it will help the numbers of accidents happening. In the world today the leading cause of death for teenagers is car accidents and could the grade matter in the class affect their driving? In tennessee they have a no pass, no drive rule to where it helps students get more involved into the class so they can pass and be able to drive. It's a great idea because that's all what teenagers want when they get this age is there drivers…
Drag racing has a long history. In Utah it started in 1925 on the salt lake flats. Now it has evolved into a legitimate sport. Rocky Mountain Raceways is a great place for racers to practice their drag racing skills and to impress other racers. It has many great traditions, but is lacking in being overly cautious, inefficient and could do with some improvements ( People have to be 18 or older with a legal valid license in order to race in the Rocky Mountain…