Raising the Driving Age to Eighteen Remember the feeling of your first time being free on the open road, with none but yourself to direct where your going. Every person remembers the thrill of freedom that getting your license at sixteen brings. What we don't remember is our first car crash, how lucky we are to have lived through it and the huge risk teen drivers are really taking by being on the road. Automobile accidents are a common sight on the road and the majority of the population has…
Responsibility comes a long way when it cones to things like school, driving, bills, and taxes. Rose Mary had responsibility when it came to getting her license for being a parent or for well driving of course. In the book, Rose Mary is a terrible driver and this quote summaries it “But instead of easing forward, Mom, who had never quite gotten the hang of driving, hit the gas pedal hard, and the truck shot ahead. The piano jerked out of our hands, sending us lurching…
the roads driving cars. Out of 100 women, 69 of them received…
Driving Age Is Good As Is Sixteen probably is the best birthday of of a kid’s life because they get their license, but people are trying to take that freedom away from teens. Teen driving have killed many teenagers in the last few years, so one idea to fix this problem is to raise the minimum driving age, but there are others ways to fix this problem before going to extremes. Teens will fix anything just so they can have the keys, but politicians don’t get that, they think since people are…
I believe the driving age should be raised by increasing the legal driving age to eighteen. At eighteen you are legally an adult progressing towards adulthood, at eighteen a person can vote, obtain a marriage permit, buy cigarettes, join the military, consent on legally binding contracts, start there own business, move out on there own, at the age of eighteen you become more responsible. Someone who is eighteen can take responsibility for there own actions. I feel driving should be also one of…
amongst them all was to get a car before or after graduation. They all seemed to advise that in order for me to have a sweet senior year, I must learn how to drive early. As wise as I am I took their advice and decided to start driving school this summer. I recently finished driving school and can genuinely say I can’t recall off head everything I learned. However, there are two key things my instructor told me that I will remember forever. One of them is that car accidents have the highest…
licence because they turn 16. ¨The second study examined crash rates in New Jersey, which has a minimum age of 17 for unsupervised driving and is the only state in the country to have a comprehensive GDL program for all new drivers up to age 21. In New Jersey, while crash rates of new drivers licensed at different ages largely converged after six months of solo driving experience, older beginners had lower crash rates overall and lower rates of injury crashes than younger beginners.¨ ¨The…
Should the Driving Age be Raised or Stay the Same? Many people around the globe ask this questions everyday; should the driving age be raised? But imagine this; you're sixteen years old struggling to get to and from work and school everyday. You could get a ride, but your parents and other relatives near by have to be at work early. Your only option left is to walk or take a bike; sometimes it's a far distance and may take an hour or so, but it's the only way to get to your destination.…
with what they said about rising the age up to 18 to driving . I think that people 16 and up should be able to drive. The solution to stop teenage driving from having accident is stop texting and driving and that also goes the adult’s to. Not all kids will get into accident so I think bringing the age up is a bad ideal. Sixteen is the perfect age to start driving. I also get the point of view when they say the age of driving should go up to 18. Cause people don’t want to…
Many people are starting to question the legal driving age. They are starting to think that it should be raised based on the amount of teen driving accidents. There have been many, many studies done to determine if it is the right decision or not. But, the driving age is fine the way it is. At any age they start driving they will be new and inexperienced, they just need more guidance and teaching. The driving age should not be raised because it is a rite of passage for teens, it would be highly…