a good example of the two elements of Rococo and Baroque art. This painting is titled, Diana and Endymion, the tools are oil paint on canvas. Painted by Michel Francois Dandre-Bardon. There is little to no information of his life as an artist. He was a French visual artist that had 77 known pieces of work. He was born 1700 and died in 1783. In the original story of Diana and Endymion, her name was Selene. Diana was the renewed Roman goddess. “The Romans have adapted Greek mythology to their own…
In the last couple years, it seems that there is always a news headline about a celebrity getting into an argument with the paparazzi, and there is always that one person that feels the need to say, “They signed up for it,” but that’s not true. These celebrities signed up to do what they love; they signed up to do a job just like any other person. What they didn’t do is sign up to have drones fly over their homes, be followed and yelled at as the walk down the street, or be photographed as they…
On a sunny and windy day at Brownsville, Texas, Mrs. Diana Bryant, a geography teacher at Brownsville Early College High School executes her job and shares her knowledge as if it was the last day of her life, always with a positive attitude and a warm smile. Mrs. Bryant starts her day as usual; preparing a teaching schedule, having the materials needed to teach her subject, but most importantly she manages to create a learning ambiance of education, comfort, and entertainment where her students…
Interview Narrative Of Diana Tripp (Draft 1) “There are givers and takers in this world, and you need to decide who you're gonna be. I’m a giver, and you’re a giver. Sometimes be a taker; don’t let the world take advantage of you. So be a cautious giver, be a wise giver.” These had been my mother’s words to live by. A light breeze wafted in from the cul-de-sac outside through a slightly opened window. The aroma of a cookout filled the dining room as Diet Coke sizzled. I sit down at the dining…
In Wonder Woman Diana lives on Themyscira, an island that Zeus created that is hidden from mankind to protect the woman on it. Hippolyta, Diana's mother shared a story with her about how Ares was jealous of humanity and wanted to destroy it. Zeus left one thing for the Amazons, a weapon known as the Godkiller which is to be used when Ares returns. All Diana wanted as a child was to be trained to become a warrior but that was not what her mother wanted for her. She would tell her she is safe and…
Princess Diana once said, “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” This quote shows the kind of personality Diana had. She lived a royal life, but Diana also had a heart of love and kindness. This is why, even after she got divorced, many still honoured her. This was made known when millions watched her funeral, mourning over the loss of a great women. Princess Diana’s life and death interests many…
Music was another major media influence on Cindy’s life growing up because her father was a DJ at a local Jazz Club in her hometown. Cindy recalls times where she had the chance to meet and rub shoulders with musicians, she adored. Musicians such as Diana Ross, Natalie Cole, and Chaka Khan and many other famous black women during the 70s influenced the way Cynthia dressed and her perception of beauty. In this paper, I will discuss how Cynthia dressed as a teenager during the 1970s due to the…
Saving Society Tumultuously, Diana Moon Glampers burst into the auditorium. As she irately evaluated the room, her eyes met Harrison’s. The look of pure defiance that was revealed through Harrison’s eyes enraged her. “Stop the music,” she demanded fiercely. Their music remained audible. “Now,” Diana persisted, her face swiftly evolving into a scarlet red tint. They still refused to stop playing. A mixture of anger and stress brewed inside of her; she could not bare to see all of these once…
Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961 in Sandringham, United Kingdom to Edward John Spencer and Frances Spencer as the fourth out of five children. Throughout her childhood, Diana showed a strong interest and love for dance, music, and children. After finishing school, she held a wide range of jobs, including, a pre-school playgroup assistant, a nanny, a dance instructor, and also a cleaning lady for her older sister. In 1975, Diana became Lady Diana Spencer due to her father’s inherited title…
named Diana. She once heard of a greedy businessman, with lots of money. She had an idea to curse him, because he was cruel and greedy, and took advantage of other people and their money. Her plan was to turn herself into an old hag in need. And by doing that, her plan was to convince Simon and see if he would give her money and if he didn’t budge all would go bad for him. The following day Simon came out of his office building and walked into the alley to get to his car, when he saw Diana…