Corporate social responsibility is a fundamental factor and expectation of any business. Business responsibility is most commonly known as Corporate Responsibility (CR) or the most common term Corporate social responsibility (CSR). There is a lot of conversation and deliberation around the subject of CSR and CR, and the dissimilarities between the two, some even describe it as a more philanthropic activity. Although,…
“Ah, I see you are ready to go, Nightingale Sapienti,” Action Andy said to Virgil, dressed in the ceremonial uniform of his all-boy Catholic high school in Wilmington, Delaware. He then smiled, “I hope your time in my outfit would be fruitful one for you.” Virgil returned the favor. “How nice of you, Action Andy,” he told him in a polite one. “What are my orders regarding the Remnants and the South American Catholic school students?” The leader of the Nightingales informed him by saying:…
Springfield where they were given a temporary apartment to stay. While in Springfield, Dung Le, started education at Putnam High School, her brother Mai Thi Dung started elementary school at Middlebrook School, and her sister Mai Thi Hieu started school at Chestnut Middle School. Dung Le spent her early life in Springfield and eventually married my father, Cuong Le, on October 7, 1992. Dung Le now works in Westfield, Ma at her own nail salon as a nail technician. April 20, 1996, my only…
good in a while. You were munching the food away with bliss, making everyone at the dining table laugh. Especially the ebony haired girl. 'Ahh, so even someone like her can laugh, so beautiful...' you thought. "Say... what's your name?" The dark chestnut haired woman asked you. "It's _. What's yours?" "I'm Carla. This is my son Eren, and my daughter Mikasa, and my husband Grisha." Carla grinned. Eren sneakily gave a carrot piece to Mikasa, with Carla noticing. "Hey Eren! Don't make Mikasa…
trailing closely behind. She knocked three times and a distant “coming!” could be heard from the inside. It was a woman’s voice. “that must be Mrs. Birch” May thought The door suddenly swung open and revealed a petite woman with ruby-brown eyes and chestnut colored hair and lightly suntanned skin. May couldn’t help but notice just how beautiful she was. “Caroline! It's been so long!” Lisa exclaimed and pulled Caroline into a tight hug. “Its so nice to finally see you again!” Caroline as they…
A golden ticket to enter the not-so golden gates of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. A shiver crept up my spine as to say turn back now. I waited for the mysterious person I was told would come find me. Looking up, I saw a massive red brick building with a rather dull facade. Not many windows, but the few that there were had metal bars of constraint over them. As to add to the feel of the building, the sky held a grey tone with hints of white. Steam puffs rose from the top of the red block, I…
together looking up at the house. It was a modern building, without distinctive character, but many-windowed, and pleasantly balconied up its wide cream-coloured front. On one of the upper balconies, which hung well above the rounded tops of the horse-chestnuts in the square, the awnings were still lowered, as though the sun had just left it. "I wonder which floor--?" Dallas…
MAJOR THEMES IN THE NOVEL Individualism The white tiger symbolizes power and majesty in East Asian societies, for example, in China and Japan. It is likewise an image for independence and uniqueness. Balram is seen as not quite the same as those he grew up with. He is the person who escaped the "Murkiness" and discovered his way into the "Light". All through the book, there are references to how Balram is altogether different from those back in his home surroundings. He is alluded to as the…
Karmann Ghia. “When you’re down and troubled, and you need a helping hand…” I felt accomplished to have memorized each song and with a convincing smile confidently sang the works out loud. Paul closely resembled Jim Croce: dark Italian skin, long chestnut curls, olive eyes, and a handlebar mustache. He had a New York accent, which felt familiar to me, having lived in New York, and both my parents had New York accents.…
Most of us have copper hair, of similar pigment to the first light of day. You know, like the kind of sunrise bursting with radiant streams of orange and speckled with red. Well, that is what we are known for. Our hair sets us apart in this land; it defines our place in the realm. Our purpose is to make the decisions for the kingdom. We are med for this responsibility from the time our first soft tuft of hair is present. I am not certain how this came to pass, but copper hair signifies sagacity…