What are group one elements? Group one elements are alkali metals. The physical properties of group one elements are that they are shiny and the alkali metals are very soft. Lithium is the hardest alkali metal and they become softer as you go down the group. The chemical properties of group one is that they’re very reactive when mixed with water or when in contact with the air. Each element in group one has one electron in their outermost shell. Also, group one elements get more reactive as you…
Before beginning he experiment the physical appearance of all the chemicals being used needs to be written down. To begin the experiment 3 test tubes must be acquired; a boiling tube, large test tube and a small test tube. The large test tube must be completely dried with a paper towel and labeled R for Reactants. After that is done a piece of weighing paper should be placed on a balance and tared. After make sure the balance is correctly tared, a spatula must be used to collect 2 grams of…
Paragraph 1 (300 - 500 words) Compare and contrast the crystal structures and crystal chemistry of quartz, α-FePO4 and β-FePO4 To compare quartz, α-FePO4 and β-FePO4, it is essential to look at their crystal structures and crystal chemistry. This can be done by observing their three-dimensional structures as well as their reactions to various degrees of temperature. This particular research takes a look at the structure of FePO4 between temperatures of 294K to 1073K. At lower temperatures,…
Chemistry can be related to my job when I get older by how I will have to know the chemical processes for the body, and how vitamins and certain chemicals can alter and function the body differently. Doctors can use blood or even urine to determine a state for your health. I will have to know how certain chemicals can alter body functions and how the use of drugs or vitamins can help your body function correctly. A doctor will use chemistry to control infections and try to prevent them from…
Name: Ifeolutembi Fashina Student Number: 13335535 Lab Partner’s Name: Ifeoma Agu Demonstrator: Maria Inorganic Chemistry Experiment 3: The Identification of Unknown Samples Objectives The experiments were carried out in order to identify 15 samples, through their physical and chemical properties. Theory A precipitation reaction is one which produces an insoluble salt as product. An example would be; Ca(NO3)2 + H2SO4 = CaSO4 + 2HNO3 The calcium salt is insoluble. Precipitation reactions…
In Mrs. Caushon's Chemistry Class, there are many bright and eager students ready to learn about the wonders of chemistry and the properties of many elements, and in this experiment, the students will be mixing the Metal Sodium with some Water for an interesting chemical reacting, the students we will be focusing on in this story are the two sophomores, Walter Lazee and Jane Dull. "Alright Class!" Mrs. Caushon said in a raised voice. "We are going to be Testing some Chemical reactions today in…
I decided to pursue this degree because my first chemistry teacher inspired me. She is an amazing woman. Previously she had the job that I would eventually like to have and has a family, productive life, and also able to maintain all of her hobbies. I want to pursue this degree because I want to have a successful life like hers. I also want this degree because I love chemistry I believe that chemistry is my true passion. I have loved chemistry from the moment I started it. I wish to pursue a…
On September 6, I decided to attend my first Chemistry SI session. I showed up to the class with a few of my friends who are in the class as well. I found the gathering incredibly helpful, and I’m planning on going to it every week. I know it will assist me to get a better understanding of what we’re learning in Chemistry, do well on tests and reach my goal of achieving a high grade level in the class. The main reason why I chose to attend this meeting was because I heard the statistics of the…
Chemistry As Carl Sagan once said, “Chlorine is a deadly poison gas employed on European battlefields in World War I. Sodium is a corrosive metal which burns upon contact with water. Together, they make a placid and non-poisonous substance, table salt. Why each of these substances has the properties it does is a subject called chemistry.” Chemistry involves many things, from atoms to elements and their functions. It is a wide field of science with an extensive early and modern history. It also…
atoms based upon measurable properties of mass. Later on Dalton introduced his belief that atoms of different elements could be universally distinguished based on their varying atomic weights. John Dalton's research not only changed the face of chemistry but also initiated its progression into a modern science. In 1869 Dmitri Mendeleev discovered that the properties of elements "were periodic functions of the their atomic weights.” This later on became known as the “Periodic Law.” At his…