Alchemy was the earliest understanding of today’s chemistry. These two display Is Alchemy Chemistry? different pathways of thinking and rationalising rather than two diverse concepts. The practice of alchemy is the basis of chemistry, as it was a vital role of origin and evolution towards chemistry we know today. The comprehension of both alchemy and chemistry will aid in order to establish their connections and difference of opinion or belief. Discovering both histories of the two concepts will…
• A candy maker named, Hans Riegel started the Haribo candy company in 1920. In 1922, he created the dancing bear candy made of gum arabic. The dancing bear candy was larger than the modern gummy bear. Modern gummy bears come in five colors. They are red, clear, orange, green, and yellow. Modern gummy bears contain sugar, glucose syrup, starch, food coloring, citric acid, and gelatin. • Solutions are mixtures that are mixed evenly throughout and can not be separated. The solute is the…
look forward to going to chemistry and understanding what we are learning. Chemistry continues to be fun even though there are sometimes challenges of not understanding it or getting confused. The labs in the classroom are incredibly interesting and never fail to amaze me I chose to pursue higher level coursework by taking AP Chemistry although it is challenging, I do not regret taking it. It showed me how rigorous and fascinating it is to learn about this science. Chemistry opened the door to a…
Chapter 11, “The Chemical Elements”, was of great interest to me. “Chemistry is the study is the study of the composition and structure of matter (anything that has mass) and the chemical reactions by which substances are changed into other substances (James T. Shipman 285).” In this summary paper, I will discuss some of the highlights of the chapter. The way I see it, God is the original/first chemist. He took His own creations (the elements in our Periodic Table) to make provisions for…
Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed. It also involves the properties and the ways in which they interact, combine, and change. Chemistry is important to life. The environment is composed of many chemicals without identification of chemicals we wouldn’t know what chemicals are safe to have around or which chemicals are harmful and dangerous to our bodies. To answer the enduring question, how do we gain knowledge to…
Activity 2: Chemistry In a Bag With Chemistry In a Bag, students learn the difference between a physical change and a chemical change and how changes can either be endothermic or exothermic. Set-up: Each group of four students will need 1 canister filled with calcium chloride (CaCl2), 1 canister filled with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), 1 dropper of phenol red, a set of measuring spoons, a measuring cup, a portion cup, four pairs of goggles and four sandwich bags. Make sure there are paper…
furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.(prompt) For sure an academic subject that has inspired me has been chemistry. My sophomore year I began by taking the Honors Chemistry course offered at my school. The first couple of weeks proved challenging but I loved learning and applying this subject to my everyday life so much that I decided to take AP Chemistry my Junior year. Despite not having the highest grades in the class I can say with certainty that I had the greatest…
Of the most abundant elements together 98 percent of the 8 elements form the mass of the earth’s crust, ocean and atmosphere. Two of the most abundant elements of the eight are calcium and magnesium. Calcium and magnesium are located on the periodic table located both in group 2 sharing the same family meaning that they share chemical property’s as well as the same valence electron because of their location and family relation to the period table. The alkaline metals are a reactive group of…
Background research: Redox reactions includes the two reactions called oxidation and reduction. Oxidation is defined as the loss of electrons, loss of hydrogen and gain of oxygen. Reduction, on the other hand, is defined as the gain of electrons, gain of hydrogen and loss of oxygen. Oxidation occurs when there is an increase in oxidation numbers and reduction occurs when there is a decrease in oxidation numbers. Oxidation numbers are values assigned to an atom in a compound which measures the…
“Alchemy was the beginning of chemistry. It is part of the history of science, which is the history of human interaction with nature, and humanity's attempts to harness the power of nature for very human needs and wants” (“The Magic and Myth of Alchemy”). Alchemists acted on the idea that nature had secrets to give and that it could be exposed through laboratory examination and experimentation. Regardless of their limited knowledge at the time, the work that the alchemists did provided the basis…