The Conscious and Unconscious Minds According to “The Allegory of the Cave,” “ The Oedipus Complex,” and “ The Personal and the Collective Unconscious,” people 's behavior in society originates in the conscious and unconscious minds. Different people have different kinds of personalities which is caused by different types of education, environments, cultures and experiences. These elements strongly influence how they regard the world, and influence how their conscious mind work.…
deems unworthy. To gain a complete understanding of Jenny’s character and the affects she has on the narrator, A Jungian analysis of this poem is required. In the Jungian analysis of a character, there are three archetypes that must be considered. Carl Jung believed that…
After much reading and re-exploring the various theories one person remained constant for this application, Sigmund Freud. Being a fan of Carl Jung and finding disappointment in Freud for ending their friendship due to differences of theory. Then, the uncomfortableness of Freud’s thoughts about the psychosexual stages of children gave cause for rethinking possible biasing due to personal experiences. Therefore, the query within is: How can a professional of the MIND, personality, and behavior…
concept: The Oedipus Complex, and Carl Jung’s thesis of transference. Freud’s theory states that a young child’s sexual development begins when the child loves the parent of the opposite sex, and hates the parent of the same gender (Freud 918). Freud believes this is a natural way of life, and will over time become repressed; however, when a person does not associate with the disappearance of these thoughts, the patient will become neurotic (Freud 918). Similarly, Carl Jung defined transference…
like Dexter Morgan, the anti-hero? The answer is yes because secretly they are representations of our own unconscious. Whether we want to admit it or not these “anti-hero” characters that show up so often in mainstream media indirectly help us through Carl G. Jung’s process of individuation. This process has helped many sift through their dreams to get to the center of their own…
Individually, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung had extraordinarily thought-provoking perspectives on the substance of the unconscious. Freud approached the subject of the unconscious by supposing awareness existed in stratums and there existed considerations occurring beneath the surface. He possessed a pessimistic obsession with the mechanisms of the unconscious, and surmised that it was motivated by instinct and stayed in unremitting turmoil. He believed in a rational, measurable approach that was…
During my educational career I was a participant in program called The College Crusades of Rhode Island. The College Crusades of Rhode Island is a college readiness program. Since the third grade I toured several colleges, learned how apply for college, studied good academic writing, was educated on financial welfare and had many classes on understanding how to choose your career. When it came to choosing my own career my view was stuck between what is practical and what do I love? I had a flare…
• No, being accurate is not the same as being reliable and valid. If a test is accurate that means the results represent the true value of a measurement and being reliable is getting the same results each time the test is taken. Being valid means if a test or experiment measure what it was intended to measure. A test must be valid so the result can be used accurately. • According to Freud, you can tell a person is stuck in the oral stage if they are unconsciously in need of stimulation with…
The Bimini Road is something that you probably haven't even heard about before. The Bimini Road, also called the Bimini Wall, is an underwater road that has a very mysterious creation that nobody knows about. It has been a conundrum for a very long time, but there are also many theories to what it is. I believe that it was once a wall that was encircling an ancient city. The Bimini Road is located north of the island of Bimini. It was first discovered in 1968 by Joseph Mason Valentine. The road…
Sigmund Freud developed psychodynamic theories on personality. According to him there are three elements to our personality. First the ID, second the ego and third the superego. He believed that each element kept the other in check – meaning if all elements are well balanced the person is having a healthy personality. Freud also developed a theory where he believed that our subconscious developed defense mechanisms to help us cope with anxiety and conflict. Freud also developed the most…