I had recently woken up and was still in bed. I reached over to grab my pack of Juicy Fruit and pop two pieces in my mouth. I checked my clock and it was 6:00 AM. I noticed my covers were alongside my bed. That's weird, I mean for normal people but I have a tendency for sleepwalking so I guess it’s pretty normal. “Shoot! Dammit!” I whispered as I remembered my science project was due 1st period. “Oh no no no, C’mon!” I followed up with after I opened my computer and it started to buzz and whir…
Even though there are a multiplicity of people who hold the opposite side of the opinion about random locker searches, there are fascinating number of individuals who believe that random locker searches should be manacled. Above all, random locker searches will be an invader to students penetralia. Random locker searches can be a huge invader to the student private items. If a student of the school has some kind of distemper has to have medicine and want to keep the disease a secret, then he…
the recruitment base. For some it may have been a long journey, but for me, it was almost in my backyard. All the kids carrying huge bags that were probably received from their high school as a graduation gift. In other countries graduates receive books or special pens. In Israel it’s a special bag for the army with the words “With Love” and the cities name. These bags are packed for two weeks as they were told to do, not really knowing whether they would be coming home this coming weekend or in…
becomes greater because most of the plastic takes a long time to break down. The plastic that is in the sea will thus remain there if no one picks it up. Many sea turtles examined eaten plastic bags. Scientists believe they easily confuse plastic bags with jellyfish, which sea turtles happily munches on. Plastic bags can at worst choke turtles or be in the way of real food . Some other animals very often eaten plastic are seabirds. There are sea birds, marine mammals and turtles that have…
She is 17 years old and 5 foot 10 inches, she had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes that are as bright as the sky. She has an oval face with peachy skin, she has slightly plumped lips and a nose that fits perfectly on her face. She has a model like body that is slim, she not weak girl, she is the strongest girl in the school. She is very athletic and very determined to win, she loves to play lacrosse, soccer, track, cross country and basketball. She was voted best athlete of the year three times…
With a defeated sigh, he turned back to his desk. Someone slammed their body against the man’s front door, groaned, slammed once more, and knocked harshly for many seconds. Startled, the man whipped his whole body to face the door. Knock. Knock. Knock. The doorknob rattled. A shrill voice tore through what was once a pleasant silence: “Open up, dammit! Ih’know you’re in there!” The man on the…
Plastic bags, worth the risk? A lot of states have passed laws that require stores to charge at least 5 cents per plastic bag which has some people fuming. Less 0.2 percent of plastic bags make up world pollution. Do we really need to debate a fee? There is other trash that is being dumped into the ocean, which is bad for the environment. Plastic bags also create jobs for people in factories and if we charge a fee on bags some people would not buy bags. So there should not be a fee on…
Why do we keep saying that plastic bags should have a tax? Human use plastic bags for groceries, garbage and dog waste. Using plastic bags is convenient. If there are no plastic bags it will make human difficult to live without them because they could carry a lot of stuff and if we had to buy plastic bags using much money people would be struggling on making money on their jobs because of paying money on every bag they buy on the store. That plastic bags fee cost would make people poor. There…
The video shows that ridding of plastic bags is possible, but there needs to be a change. Plastic bags are environmental hazardous, and even though there is a simple solution they are still being used. Until we show companies that plastic bags are no longer needed or wanted companies will still use them. There are many negative environmental effects of having plastic bags. Besides being unsightly plastic bags adds to the negative effects of greenhouse gases. According to the Northern Territory…
Devyn Vermette Ten things I’m afraid of Not being able to explain myself to you Keeping my composure Sleeping my life away Writer’s block Sailing. I don’t cope well when I don’t have the right skills. When the water gets cold and black, it scares me. Little dogs Dying Being in trouble Being with you Being without you It was a muggy Sunday. I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of my boyfriend. August is undoubtedly the hottest month of summer and we were going to…