Grant Penrod’s “Anti-Intellectualism: Why We Hate the Smart Kids”, makes the argument that academic achievement should be rewarded just as much as athletic achievement. He continues with the fact that today’s society tends to praise non-intellectuals, such as famous celebrities and athletics, while the intellectually skilled individuals get left no recognition for their accomplishments. I agree with Penrod that there is a hatred and inattention in society for those who are smarter than others,…
There have been many different art movements over the course of history. Within the 20th century the art movement called Surrealism risen. Artwork within this movement tend to be unrealistic or dreamlike. It became an international movement that involved artists such as Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo, Roberto Matta, Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte and many more. Surrealism took the world by storm and changed the way we look at art forever. The surrealist artist that I am focusing on is Rene Magritte.…
At the beginning of the 20th century, France as well as other countries began to change at a rapid pace thanks to the technological advances made in the previous century. Movements in French art changed just as fast with a shift from impressionism to more experimental art forms such as Surrealism (20th Century French Art). Surrealism is “a literary and artistic movement devoted to the exploration of irrational and subconscious states of mind” (Gordon). It is interesting to note “surrealism grew…
Duchamp was raised in Blainville-Crevon, northern France, in a family of artists. He was born in 1887 to Eugene and Lucie Duchamp. His family was fascinated by the works of famous French artists at the time such as impressionist, Claude Monet, which can be seen represented in some of Duchamp’s earliest works depicting the French countryside. In 1904 following his older brothers Jacques Villon and Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Marcel Duchamp went to Paris to master painting at the Adacedemie Julian.…
Realism is a period of art that started in the 1850’s and has continued on in various forms since then. In a literary sense Realism is the attempt to portray life as it is and not, like the Romantics, as it should be. This philosophy is the heart of Realism and “has its origins in Descartes and Locke” who laid the groundwork for Empirical thought (Ian Watts, Rise of the Novel). Realism portrays society by using Empirical methods, the human senses, to create an objective view of reality in the…
The fastest way to end a marriage is to enter an Ikea store with your significant other, where soon enough, one spouse is stubbornly defending their claim that there are no other drawer door that call so deeply to their soul then GRIMSLÖVS, while the other spouse storms away in rage and disgust when so obviously it is the bright orange JÄRSTAS that are the only one true drawer door. Good taste is the most contentious conviction that everyone claims expertise on. This is especially true within…
and artworks through their practice.We can interpret the above artist by examining the origins of Dadaism & Collage and to see how the facilitate the mundane into the extraordinary. This notion is illuminated through the anti-war anti-movement Dadaism. Dadaism is an Anti War anti Art Movement, a nonsense…
The weak copyright legislation is one of the reasons of digital piracy appearance. Enforcement mechanisms and regulations play significant role in terms of controlling the spread of illegal material. To demonstrate its role the comparison of legislations of two countries has been done, where one country has strong legislation and other country, which legislation needs to be improved. China represents country with comprehensive and strict rules against digital copyright infringement. It…
Determining What Comprises Art Art is commonly considered a beautiful painting or sculpture in a gallery for public view. However, not all art fit into the perfect mold of what we imagine. Marcel Duchamp used a urinal to create his artwork "Fountain, with the words "R. Mutt 1917" inscribed (Jacobus and Martin 372). Is Duchamp’s "Fountain" any less art than da Vinci 's "Mona Lisa"? Investigating the composition of art and looking at alternative arts may aid in understanding. To be considered…
Dadaism is an art movement that is met with many different points of view. Some art historians look at it with contempt, others generalize it as a movement solely about nihilism and a post-war reaction. It is possible that art historians by and large have missed the whole point of the Dada movement, and do not take it as a valid art movement. Leonard Aldea and Phillip Prager both believe that Dada artists are largely misunderstood and that art historians have done an injustice in their…