Cause of Death: Celebrities In today’s modern age, it seems like the people with the most influence on our daily lives aren’t the people that actually control our government but are instead the people that have the most followers on social media: celebrities. Instead of catching up on worldly affairs, it is safe to assume that most Americans would much rather binge watch a whole season of, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” or read the most recent scandal in Hollywood from the various tabloid…
celebrities during their segments. They have a great deal of influence over the general public that seems to be growing more and more every day. Some people look up to celebrities and treat them as if they were “god-like” figures. Celebrities should be held to the same standards as non-celebrities.…
Carlson, P. (1982, August 9). Growing up Privileged. People. This article reflects on how growing up privileged molded the lives of several celebrities and their children. Some celebrities embraced the lavish lifestyle of living in Hollywood, while other stars such as Suzanne Summers and John Ritter of Three’s Company indulged in the simple things. The children that are born into this privileged lifestyle often want to feel a sense of normality. Growing up in Hollywood is like being enclosed in…
We hear of multiple children under the age of 16 becoming celebrities. Kylie Jenner is a prime example- but how does this affect their view of education? If these children gain a celebrity status, they will be ruining their vision of life as well as towards success. Having a celebrity status is dangerous to children because they will be exposed to stress at such a young age and they will be put on the limelight by the media. The media’s watchful eyes will perhaps contaminate their actions; which…
put on a show for everyone. They don’t know what has been going on. It feels like I’m drowning with each click on the camera for photos. On a daily basis, people come up to me saying how blessed I am and how they wish they were me. Actually, they don’t want to be mentally disturbed, depressed, and not be able to show it. Fame is not all people say it is. Of course there are benefits but you could say that about anything. You can’t have lazy days and are always expected to be perfect. There is no…
complete safety. Photoshop is a dangerous tool in the way that it conveys an unrealistic image of a body that is not achievable. Magazines and photos don’t come with a disclaimer that explains that the body in the images is altered, as they should. People, usually young women, see these…
5 ex-celebs who are completely broke today (-- removed HTML --) We all love to fantasize about what we'd do with fame and fortune. Well, these ex-celebs had them both and found a way to lose them too. Here are some names you might recognize that did just that. 1. Aaron Carter The preteen pop singer found himself filing for bankruptcy in 2013, despite selling over 10 million albums worldwide in the last 20 years. Carter, now 30 (feel old?), was more than $3.5 million in debt, mostly from not…
other women that try to build their companies, or represent people. I’d never had to see how they struggle, and I saw it and thought, “Damn.” They have an education and look at how hard they still have to work. I be feeling like, “Damn, I work so hard,” but I’m not the only one that works hard. I walked away knowing that we all work hard, but in our different ways and in our different fields. I feel real proud of myself because when I see people that come from places like NYU—to go to NYU, you…
In today’s world the internet makes up a large portion of the way we get our news and keep in touch with family and friends. Some people believe that the new technology is a new tool used for conducting incivility. I have to disagree with these people on the thought that it does more good for this world than harm. I believe the use of internet and social media encourage civility in today’s society. Cyberbullying is a new form of bullying that has just recently come about from the use of…
take your picture and post it up as your default, and that’s what people are going to expect that you are every day, when really you’re making it up for all these people…” (380). She makes a valid point that most people today would rather hide who they are and take to social media to broadcast their “fake” self, instead of embracing their unique quirks and flaws, these things we forget that make us human, and show them to the…