Insecurity can lead to things such as eating disorders and depression. We should mimic not celebrities in hopes of looking like them because the images seen are altered and not obtainable through workouts and dieting. Although working out and dieting are essential to living a healthy life, excessively doing so can do more damage than good. Many celebrities maintain seemingly healthy lifestyles, however they take diets and workouts too far, which can lead to eating disorders. Eating disorders are dangerous and potentially deadly disorders that affect the body and mind. There are countless examples of celebrities who have had eating disorders that started as diets, such as Demi Lovato, Lady Gaga, and Paula Abdul. Celebrities may seem as if they are healthy, but mimicking the excessive workouts and diets can lead to
Insecurity can lead to things such as eating disorders and depression. We should mimic not celebrities in hopes of looking like them because the images seen are altered and not obtainable through workouts and dieting. Although working out and dieting are essential to living a healthy life, excessively doing so can do more damage than good. Many celebrities maintain seemingly healthy lifestyles, however they take diets and workouts too far, which can lead to eating disorders. Eating disorders are dangerous and potentially deadly disorders that affect the body and mind. There are countless examples of celebrities who have had eating disorders that started as diets, such as Demi Lovato, Lady Gaga, and Paula Abdul. Celebrities may seem as if they are healthy, but mimicking the excessive workouts and diets can lead to