Stroke Essay

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    Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor had a major stroke and managed to survive. She also happened to be a brain scientist and now tells people about her experience. While telling her story she describes the many effects of her stroke. One of the effects deals with sight and caused her vision not to be very good. She says that it seemed as if the atoms and molecules of her arm mingled with the atoms and molecules of the wall. Also, she said that light was very painful to her eyes and felt as if the light was…

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    Improved Essays
  • Great Essays

    Diagnosis: Pt is a 54 yo male who experienced a L ischemic MCA stroke and as a result, has functional limitations as well as expressive aphasia. The majority of pt’s current functional limitations are due to slow recovery from an ORIF of R Hip approximately 3 months ago. Chief Complaint: Pt experienced a L ischemic MCA stroke on the morning of 8/20/2014 which has negatively impacted motor function on R side and his ability to produce speech. Most recently on 07/10/16, pt twisted his R knee…

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  • Decent Essays

    Occupational Therapy Practice in Hospital-based Stroke Rehabilitation? I chose this article because I am very interested in learning more about the rehabilitation process and how effective that process is for stroke victims. Also, I find the topic in this specific article interesting because it focuses on explaining the impact rehab can have on a person while in the hospital immediately following his or her stroke. This article, like the other articles I chose, focus on how Occupational Therapy…

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    There are a lot of theories and researched that covers the topic about computed tomography perfusion (CTP) to roll- out acute stroke. However my literature search was made to encourage the UAE to do a CT perfusion for patient who has acute stroke. This research is very important because it will help them to safe the patient’s life within the golden hours. In addition, CTP has an advantage to outline ischemic areas of the brain which may be recovered by intervention (e.g. thrombolysis ), known…

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    Decent Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Ischaemic stroke case study: 53-year-old male This report describes the case of a 53-year-old male who suffered an ischaemic stroke, which was caused by his carotid artery tearing during an intensive exercise session causing a blood clot to form. This trauma is one of two types of stroke and it is caused by a blood clot blocking a blood vessel in the brain. The blood clot can either form in the brain itself, which is called a thrombus, or it can form in any other part of the body and travel up…

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    Improved Essays
  • Great Essays

    In the brochure, “Speak Up: What you should know about stroke”, published on February 1, 2012 there is information about stroke for people who may be at risk for developing a stroke. This voucher will help individuals identify their risk for developing a stroke. This voucher identifies the signs to recognize a stroke and how to get care immediately. It also gives example of questions that a person may have if they are at high risk. Strokes can be traumatic to the patient as well as their…

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  • Improved Essays

    Once you’ve experienced a stroke, it’s common to see the world through different lens. By nature, we ignore signs of our mortality, until we experience a life-threatening ordeal like a stroke. After such an ordeal, it makes sense to consider life insurance as a way to protect your family. However, after a stroke, your options for getting approved for life insurance dwindle significantly. You should AVOID applying for life insurance with every company with the goal of getting a reduced rate for…

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    Improved Essays
  • Great Essays

    In 1997, the American Heart Association brought together the organization’s stroke-related activities as American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. In an effort to get women involved in increasing stroke awareness, The Power of Women in Media was created as a brand that symbolizes women banding together through the effective use of social and traditional media to increase stroke awareness and whose mission it is to empower women to begin a movement that will stimulate collective…

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    Great Essays
  • Improved Essays

    and hypotension. In a healthy body the carotid arteries form blood supply to the brain. When having a stroke, the muscles may be lost depending on the type of the stroke patient/victim had. Strokes can result from embolism due to a breach blood vessel. Embolism blocks some small arteries within the brain causing dysfunction. Sudden rupture of blood vessel in the brain causes a hemorrhagic stroke. Another form of cerebrovascular disease is aneurysms. The weak branching points of arteries give…

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  • Improved Essays

    tumors and miscellaneous tumors. A stroke is defined as a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), cerebrovascular insult (CVI) is when poor blood flow to the brain results in cell death. It disrupts the blood flow. Risk factor includes a heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias, diabetes, smoking, obesity. Strokes can be visualized unto two types ischemic or hemorrhagic. Ischemic is caused due to lack of blood flow. Hemorrhagic is due to bleeding. Signs and symptoms of a stroke may include an inability to…

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