Having a stroke is not what a person wants and it may prevent us to do our routine. There are several risk factor of stroke such as lifestyle, family background and effect of other diseases. A person may not able to control some of the risk factor or it cannot be avoided but he or she may decrease the potential risk of stroke by having a healthy lifestyle and stay away from diseases that can lead to stroke. The first risk factor of stroke is lifestyle. Lifestyle is depends on every person to…
known as ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke occurs when blood supply to the brain is blocked. Permanent damage to brain tissue occurs at the site due to cell death at the affected area. Certain parts of the brain control different body functions, so when damage occurs this alters how the body works. Per the American Stroke Association, 87% of strokes are ischemic (Doenges, Moorhouse, and Murr, 214) Etiology: There are certain risks that can increase the chance of someone having a stroke. High…
Introduction: about 9% of acute ischemic strokes are complicated with myocardial infarction, and about 2-6% of acute anterior wall myocardial infarctions are complicated with stroke. They occur at the same time or with a difference of several days. Case report: The patient is 47 years old female who had diagnosed lumbar disc disease and constant numbness in her left leg. The disease started with a permanent feeling of weakness in her left leg and transitory numbness in her left arm; at the same…
Discuss the neurological implication of a stroke and the role it plays in generating a treatment plan. A stroke is basically when the blood supply to the brain stops. The brain needs oxygen to survive and blood has oxygen in it, so if there’s no blood reaching the brain then there’s no oxygen reaching the brain either. This would cause the brain slowly to lose all its functions and eventually the person will die if it goes untreated. The person would slowly lose all their bodily functions…
Stroke is one of the leading cause of disability and the fifth cause of death in United States. Stroke occurs to a person every 40 seconds and one out of six patients suffer from stroke in his or her life time. Public awareness about stroke warning symptoms are important and can be achieved through patient and family education. At present the unit I work take care of patient with Transient ischemic attack (TIA) and stroke. We follow stroke protocol to attain positive outcome and prevent…
5 Warning Signs of Stroke You Should Never Ignore A stroke is the result of blood flow to the brain being disrupted. The long term results of a stroke can be hospitalization, a coma, partial or full paralysis or even death. It is important to know and understand the warning signs of a stroke so that if you witness a loved one having a stroke you will be able to rush them to a hospital or call them an ambulance. But what are the warning signs of a stroke? Would you have any idea if someone…
Stroke Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about strokes and the importance of knowing the symptoms. Attention Getter: On the night of August 14th, 2011, my grandfather awoke my grandmother. He complained of headache, dizziness, weakness and had slurred speech. At the time, she did not realize my grandfather was having a stroke, even though she was a retired outpatient nurse. My grandfather did not reach the emergency room until hours later. According to the American Stroke Association…
Personal Reflection of "My Stroke of Insight." In “My Stroke of Insight,” Jill Bolte Taylor shares her excellent point of view on the capacity of the brain to recover, and the understanding she achieved from this extraordinary and inspirational journey out of the chasm of a wounded mind. It took eight long years for Dr. Taylor to be fully healed. Taylor restored her mind entirely and redefined her understanding of the world based on the information she gained throughout her long recovery.…
Stroke: The Silent Killer Anyone can be at risk for a stroke. Everyone knows what a stroke is; but one cannot stress the importance of being educated about them enough. There are several signs and symptoms of strokes; some silent and some obvious. Once the symptoms are noticed, there are immediate actions that need to be taken in a certain time window. If the time window is abided by then there could be certain treatments for any damage done; however this is not always the case. Further more,…
Introduction After a stroke, some people experience physical changes or problems. Physical therapy may be prescribed to help you recover and overcome problems such as: Inability to move (paralysis) or weakness, typically affecting one side of the body. Trouble with balance. Pain, a pins and needles sensation, or numbness in certain parts of the body. You may also have difficulty feeling touch, pressure, or temperature changes. Involuntary muscle tightening (spasticity) or muscle and joint…