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30 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 causes of tension that led to the start of WW1?





What is the SPARK that starts WW1?

The Assassination of the Archduke and Archduchess of Austria-Hungary

Who ASSASSINATED Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Gavrilo Princip

Which country did Austria-Hungary declare war on to"officially" start WW1?


Which position did the United States take at the START of WW1?


What was the number one killer in WW1?

Machine Guns

Name 3 NEW advances in military technology that were used in WW1.


Machine Guns

Chemical Weapons

What is trench warfare?

A type of combat where soldiers fight in trenches facing the opposing side

What was the main EFFECT trench warfare had on WW1?

It caused a stalemate

What new weapon finally made trench warfare obsolete?

Chemical Weapons

What was Germany's most feared naval weapon?


Describe submarine warfare

A type of combat used in WW1 where soldiers are in submarines and torpedoe the oppposing sides' boats

Why is the Lusitania historically significant to WW1?

It was one of the ships in which Germany had sunk, but it was only a cruise liner

What was the Sussex Pledge?

Germany's promise to resrict submarine warfare to the United States

Describe the Zimmerman Telegram

the telegram sent from Germany to Mexico stated that if Mexico would invade the United States', Germany would help Mexico gain back its lost territory.

Why did Russia withdraw from withdraw

There was a Civil War and there were many causualities

What is the Selective Service Act? Why was it created?

It created a draft where all men ages 18-30 had to sign up for the draft

What were Liberty Bonds? How did they impact WW1?

They were a bond that was sold to support the Allied Side. It gave them money to pay for the cost of war

What were Victory Gardens? Why were they created?

They were gardens created to support the war effort and gave more food to the soldiers

How was propaganda used in WW1?

To support the war effort

What was John J. Pershings roll in WW1?

He was the Genral of the AEF, and decided that the U.S. troops would not fight with the other countries forces

What was the American Expeditionary Force (AEF)?

It was the United States' armed forces that fought in WW1 and were led by Genral John J Pershing

What was the name of President Wilson's plan for peace after WW1?

The 14 Point Peace Plan

What were the 4 key points to the 14 Point Plan?

To form the League of Nations

There would be no secret alliances

Freedom of Territorial Waters


What time and date did the WW1 armistice go into effect?

November 11, 1917

At 11 am

What is the name of the holiday created following the end of WW1 and what is it called today?

Armistice Day

Veterans Day

What is the name of the treaty that OFFICIALLY ended WW1?

Treaty of Versailles

What was the League of Nations?

The League that was created to maintain world peace and spread democracy

Why was Germany upset following the signing of the Treaty of Versailles?

They weren't allowed to have a representitive and they had to pay 30 billion dollars in reparations

What years did WW1 take place?

1914-1918 or 1919