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33 Cards in this Set

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Chapter 1

Wine, for this book and this course is made from what fruit?


____________ is a natural process that acts to stabilize grape juice and protect it from spoilage, allowing it to be stored as wine for later consumption.


______ was always safe to drink even when the local water supply was contaminated because of _________.

Wine, fermentation

While many societies have regarded wine as essential and healthful, others have shunned its use and consider it _____.


Popular belief is that wine was first consumed in the area of ________, which today is Iran, around 5000 to 6000 BC.


____________ is the species of grape that is most often used for the production of wine.


By 3000 BC, wine making from _______ had begun.


By 2000 BC, wine had become an important part of _______ culture.


Early Greeks stored their wines in containers called ______________.


The Greek deity __________ was created in honor of wine.


The Romans took grape growing or __________ and wine making to a new height.


The Romans began the practice of _________ vines off the ground by training them to grow up trees.


The study of wine making is called ________.


Roman viticulture and wine making followed closely on the heels of the Roman ______ as they pushed the boundaries north and westward.


By AD 250, the _________ were growing grapes in Languedoc, Burgandy, and Bordeaux and other regions of Europe.


The Roman god of wine is _________.


The physician Galan freely prescribed wine______________________________.

in moderated doses as a cure for most illnesses

Galan felt that the ________ the wine, the better was the cure, provided it had not spoiled.


During the middle ages, the practice of agricultural activity on any meaningful scale fell to the _____________.

Catholic Church

In the early seventh century, Pope _________, instructed the monastic orders to expand wine production and the planting of wine grapes again began to spread.

Gregory the Great

During the reign of _______________, medieval viticulture and enology reached a peak.

Charlemagne (768-814)

A marriage between Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine and then when Henry and his son Richard (the Lion Hearted) ruled England, it created enormous thrust for the wine of ______.


In 1429, lead by Joan of Arc, the French drove the English out of _____________ Valley, and in 1453, they expelled them from ____________.

Loire, Bordeaux

Sparkling wine is often referred to as __________.


The Benedictine monk credited with the discovery of Champagne is _______________.

Dom Perignon

Louis _________ used wine in many of his experiments and determined that the fermentation of grape juice into wine was the result of action by microorganisms.


In the second half of the 19th century, disaster struck in the form of a root louse, __________.


In the United States, the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages was outlawed by ____________ from 1919 until 1933.


___________ was also called the 18th amendment or the _________________ Act.

Prohibition, Volstead

In _____________ in the 1950's and the 1960's , they started naming wines after the grape varieties they were made of, instead of naming their wine after geography like previously was done.


Global competition from new wine regions has put pressure on producers in traditional regions, such as ________ and __________ to keep their prices competitive.

California, Europe

Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot are called international ________________________.


Wine like many other agricultural products exhibits a _________ and _________ economic pattern.

boom, bust