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33 Cards in this Set

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believe games are defined by the way you play them

EG - First Person Shooter, Puzzle, Role Playing Games


believe games are defined by the genre, (narrative, character, setting, mis-en-scene)

EG - Action, Sci-Fi, Horror

What is the percentage ratio of Men:Women for playing games?

Men 48% : Women 52%

What year was the first Tomb Raider released? Why is this relevant?

1996 - Spice Girls - "girl power"

Who was the creator of Lara Croft?

Toby Gard

What company developed Tomb Raider and where was it based?

Core Designs - Derby

Why did Toby Gard leave?

He was unhappy with Lara's portrayal and how she was made into a sex object.

Who said it?

'Lara Croft is a sergeant-major with balloons stuffed up his shirt. She's a distorted, sexually ambiguous male fantasy. Whatever these characters are, they're not women'

Germaine Greer

What age rating is Tomb Raider (2013)?


Who said it?

'malleable techno puppet made by and for the male gaze?'

Anne- Marie Schliener

What company created GTA V?

Rockstar (North)

How many copies of GTA V have been sold?

65 million

How many days did it take GTA V to make $1 billion?


What was the development cost of GTA V?

$150 million

What was the advertising cost of GTA V?

$80 million

Name all three of the playable characters of GTA V?

Michael De Santa

Franklin Clinton

Trevor Phillips


women hating

What is the target audience for GTA V?

Males 16-40

When was GTA V released?

September 2013

How many units were sold in the series (Pre-GTA V)?

114 million

Which company created The Last Of Us?

Naughty Boy

Who was the composer for TLOU?

Gustavo Santaolalla

Which popular TV show is TLOU similar to?

The Walking Dead

What games consoles were TLOU exclusive to?


How many sales did TLOU make?

10.5 million

Roughly,how many 'Game of the Year' awards did TLOU win?

over 240

What age rating is TLOU?


Who wrote Tomb Raider (2013) and why is this significant?

Rhianna Prachett - women

Who makes the 'Tropes vs Women in Video Games series' on YouTube?

Anita Sarkeesian

Who are GTA V's lead developers?

The HouserBrothers

Who played Ellie and Joel in TLOU?

Ashleigh Johnson and Troy Baker

(Ellie) (Joel)

Who were the developers of Tomb Raider (2013)?

Crystals Dynamics

What significant change was made to Lara Croft's wardrobe for Tomb Raider (2013)?

Her tight, short shorts were changed to trousers.