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30 Cards in this Set

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IBW Males


50+0.91x(height in cm-152.4)


IBW Females

45.5 + 2.3 [height(inches)-60]

45.5+0.91x(height in cm-152.4)

Pplat=tVe/Cstat + PEEP

Calculation for Plateau pressure

Cstat is static lung compliance

Min Volume



For metabolic acidosis increase to 160-200

77kg × 160=12.3 L/min

Resp rate

Minute vent/Vte

Current respiratory rate x pc02/ desired pco2


6/6=12/6 on additive ventilator increasing expiration pressure as needed to improve oxygenation increased MAP is the goal 6/14 or 6/30 for longer inhalation


Initial 6/6=12/6 increasing inspiratory pressure as needed to decrease wob,fatigue, and distress increased driving pressure may be needed 24/6

Longer exhalation

Pplat >30

Decrease tV by 1 mL/kg

Pplat <25

Increase tV by 1mL/kg

pH >7.45

Decrease RR

pH <7.15

Increase tV by 1mL/kg

May need to give NaHCO3

Increase o2

Increase fio2, increase PEEP, Increase I time

Increase Ventilation

Increase Vte, increase ipressure, increase RR

Driving pressure calculation

pPlat-PEEP=driving pressure

Pressure required for alveolar opening

Less than 15 good greater than 15 associated with increased mortality

Normal minute ventilation

4-8 L/M

Tidal volume

4-8 ml/kg ideal body weight

Sometimes as low as 4ml/kg in ARDS pts

Hypoxic resp failure

Inability to diffuse o2

ARDs, Pneumonia, CHF

Evidenced by po2 <60

Treatment increase fio2 and PEEP

Treatment assumes tV and rate have been maintained

Increasing fio2,peep, or combination of the two will increase spo2 saturations. Rate and tV will have little to no impact.

Hypercarbic Respiratory failure

Inability to remove co2

Damage to Pons or upper medulla


Evidenced by Resp acidosis >45mmhg

Treatment- increase tV(pPlat) then increase rate

Double minute volume (Ve) normal 4-8L/min

Use caution exceeding 8mL/kg of IBW for tV settings can cause VILI

If pt is achieving adequate tV pPlat(25-30mmhg) begin to slowly increase the rate to achieve Ve of 4-8 L/min and reassess every 15 minutes for improvement

Peak inspiratory pressure PIP

<35cmH20 amount of resistance to overcome the ventilator circuit, any appliances, the ett and the main airways

pPlat Plateau pressure


Measurement of the pressure applied during ppv to the small airways and alveoli

Represents the static end insp recoil pressure of the resp system lung and chest wall respectively

Low pressure alarm

Pt d/c from machine

Chest tube leaks

Airway leaks


High pressure alarm

Kinked line


Secretions or mucus in airway

Pt biting the tube

Reduced lung compliance (pneumothorax/ards)

Increased airway resistance

Acute respiratory deterioration

PIP: decreased- airleak, hypoventilation, hyperventilating

No change- Pulmonary embolism, extrathoracic process

Increased- check pPlat

If pPlat increased =decreased compliance: abdominal distention, asynchronous breathing, atelectasis, pleural effusion, endobronchial intubation, autopeep, trendelenburg, pneumothorax, pulmonary edema

If no change in pPlat= airway obstruction: aspiration of foreign body, bronchospasm, secretions, trachea tube obstruction, ett cuff herniation, kinked ETT

Cm to inches conversion

divide the length value in cm by 2.54 to get inches

Desired o2 per altitude

Pao2 will decrease by 5 mmhg per 1000' increase in altitude



P1 current barometric pressure

P2 new barometric pressure at altitude

Winters formula

Provides an estimate for baseline co2 for chronic hypercapnea:

(HCO3 from BMP x 1.5) + 8 = normal (desired) pco2

Correcting RR based on winters

Current pco2 ×current rr÷desired pco2

Auto peep

Ards or pulmonary edema can present with 3-4 cmh2o of auto peep

If above that in ards or pulmonary edema or if the pt has copd and presents with any auto peep

Ensure adequate sedation, 1.reduce RR lowest of 12, 2.Reduce I time(however if pt had high airway resistance trouble getting air in or ards this can increase turbulence in airway or decrease ability to oxygenate) or 3. reduce Vt

Also consider taking pt off of ventilator to allow full exhalation while changes are made.

High levels of auto peep over a prolonged period of time can result in hypoxia, hypotension, or pneumothorax


Driving pressure


Minute ventilation

Recruitment manuver

Increase peep by 2 for 2 minutes

Check cstat (average of 3) if higher then increase peep by 2 for 2 min

Check cstat repeat until no improvement or decrease in ctsat leave peep at highest cstat return