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50 Cards in this Set

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Election 1860
Election 1864
Election 1866
Election 1868
Election 1876
Confederate generals
Johnston? Beaurgard? Robert E. Lee
Union generals (in order)
McDowell-1st Bull Run-
McClellan-7 Days-
Pope-2nd Bull Run-
slang term for the national currency (paper money) during Civil War for the north.
forcing people into military service.Congress issued a militia law requiring this
Habeus corpus
person's right that he/she cannot be imprisoned unless charged with a crime and given a trial. Lincoln suspended this to enforce militia law
when one side of the war gets worn down throug exhaustion of soldiers and resources. South experienced this
to cut off a city's food and supplies and bombard the city until its defenders give up. Grant's troops did this to Vicksburg
Anaconda Plan
Winfield Scott proposed a strategy for deafeating the south by blockading Confederate ports and send gunboats down the Mississippi to divide the Confederates. The South would run out of resources and surrender
Trent Affair
The Confederacy sent permanent ministers to Britain and France to represent its interests. Mason and Slidell slipped past Union blockade and traveled to Cuba where they boarded Trent, a British ship. Charles Wilkes, captain of a Union warship, intercepted Trent and arrested the two men. Britain was furious and threatened war. Lincoln freed Mason and Slidell.
Emancipation Proclamation
September 22, 1862, Lincoln publicly announced he would issue this. It freed all enslaved persons in states at war with the Union
what the democrats referred to the Peace Democrats as. This group opposed the war and called for reuniting the states through negotiation rather than force
13 amendment
abolition of slavery
15 amendment
suffrage no longer restricted by race
14 amendment
Citizenship, state due process, applies Bill of Rights to the states, revision to apportionment of Representatives, Denies public office to anyone who has rebelled against the United States
Appomattox Courthouse
south surrenders. Lee surrenders to Grant April 9, 1865. Grant gave generous terms-would not persecute any Confederate soldier for treason. Let Confederates take horses home
black codes
severly limited African Americans' rights in the south. Southern state legislatures passed a series of black codes
to charge a president with "high crimes and misdemeanors" in office. House of Representatives voted to impeach Johnson
paid a share of their crops to cover their rent as well as cost of seed, fertilizer, tools and animals they needed.
tenant farmers
paying rent for the land they farmed. African Americans did this
Gettysburg Address
Lincoln's speech on November 1863. Lincoln came to Gettysburg to dedicate a portion of the battlefield as his military cemetery. His speech became of one the most best know orations in American history.
War Democrats
Northern democrats who supported the conflict and hoped to restore the Union to the way it was before the war. This group also opposed ending slavery
US Sanitation Commission
an organization that provided medical assistance and supplies to army camps and hospitals.
Sherman Neckties
August 1864, Sherman sent his troops south around Atlanta to cut the roads and railways leading into the city. His troops destroyed the rail lines by the heating the rails and twisting them into snarls of steel nicknamed this.
Pickett's Charge
Lee ordered nearly 15,000 men under command of Pickett to make a massive assault.
Confederate troops marched across open farmland toward Cemetery Ridge where Union forces stood, Union cannons and guns opened fire, inflicting 7,000 casualities
Advantages and Disadvantages of North and South
A-- South- strong military
A--North-naval tradition, large population, industrial, controlled national treasury

D--South-bad financial situation, fewer people working to support war effort, ports blocked by Union, smaller population
D--North-No food production
54th Massachusetts
one of the first African American regiments officially organized in the North
Clara Barton
established an agency to obtain and distribute supplies to wounded soldiers.stablished the American Red Cross,
Elizabeth Blackwell
first woman to graduate from medical school (M.D.) and a pioneer in educating women in medicine
Ku Kulx Klan
A secret society organized in the South after the Civil War to reassert white supremacy by means of terrorism.
John Wilkes Booth
shot President Lincoln in the back of the head
Andrew Johnson
president after Johnson. Impeached.
1st Bull Run
Confederates won. Union realized they would need a well trained army. Lincoln called for more troops
2nd Bull Run
Lee decided to attack Union forces defending Washington. South forced North to retreat again. This left Confederate troops 20 miles from Washington. Lee crossed into Maryland and began an invasion of the North
Monitor vs. Merrimack
Alabama and Florida destroyed Union ships. Merrimack was trying to break through break through Union blockade. Iron clad ships. Fought for hours. Draw.
Ft. Henry
Union victory. Grant seized this. Union wanted to seize control of Cumberland river and Tennessee River.
Union headed up Mississippi. Confederate forces launched suprise attack on Grant's troops. Union victory. Grant was advised to retreat but attacked at daybreak and forced Beaurgard to retreat.
outside Chatanooga
Lincoln sent some of Mead's forces here to help Rosecrans. Lincoln placed Grant in all over command of west.
Grant's troops cut off this city's food and supplies and bombarded the city until its defenders gave up.
2 day battle
Lee marched in Pennsylvania. Lee's forces attacked by Union held their ground. Lee ordered Pickett to make massive assault called Pickett's charge. Lee withdrew.
General Rosecrans forced Bragg out of Chikanooga w/o a fight. Bragg launched an attack on Rosecrans at Chickamauga. Rosecrans was completely surrounded by Bragg's forces.
Grant ordered Sheridan. Sheridan distracted lee and Grant crossed James River and went toward Petersburg. Put city under siege because Confederates had defended it so well.
Mobile Bay
Farragut took 18 Union ships past 3 confederate forts defending Mobile Bay. A torpedo blew up one of the ships. Farragut's ships destroyed Confederate fleet. He sealed off the bay but did not capture Mobile
Sherman sent troops to Atlanta to tear up railroads and roads. Atlanta flee to Union.
Sherman's March
March across Georgia. Sherman ordered all citizens to leave Atlanta. Wanted everyone to feel harshness of war. Cut a path of destructuion through Georgia. Demoralized South.