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74 Cards in this Set

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William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were masters at producing what was called ___________.

yellow journalism

Cuba became a ___________ of the United States.


How did newspapers influence the way Americans regarded Cuba?

By using exaggerated stories about Spanish cruelty.

What events led to war with Spain?

The explosion of the Maine and Spain refusing to stop fighting and grant Cuba independence.

Where was the Spanish-American War fought?

The Philippine Islands.

How did the Spanish-American War help make the United States a major world power?

Because of the war, the United States gained more land.

How did the United States conduct the war in Cuba?

By organizing the First Volunteer Cavalry, having African Americans volunteer to fight, and by joining Cuban troops who wanted to rebel in battle.

Which former Spanish colony became an American protectorate?


When Spain was blamed for the explosion of the USS Maine on Feb. 15, 1898, what happened?

The United States and Spain went to war on April 25, 1898.

What happened to Spain when they and the United States signed the treaty that ended the Spanish-American War?

Spain lost most of its empire.

What happened when the Jones Act was passed in 1917?

Puerto Rico could elect their own representatives.

What did the United States force Cuba to do in 1901?

To adopt the Platt Amendment.

What did Cuba become under the Teller Amendment?

Cuba became a protectorate.

The Panama Canal was dug across an ________, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.


The ____________, which Roosevelt issued, said that only the United States could intervene in the affairs of countries in the Western Hemisphere.


Taft was well known for his dollar ___________, which put many local people in Latin America to work earning money.


How did the building of the Panama Canal show Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick policy in action?

The people of Panama rebelled against Columbia.

What major challenges were overcome in building the Panama Canal?

Deadly diseases, and blasting through mountains.

How was President Taft's foreign policy different from President Roosevelt's?

Roosevelt's interfered with countries in the Western Hemisphere while Taft's was peaceful negotiations with other governments.

Why did conflicts arise between Mexico and the United States?

President Wilson sent American warships to bomb the port of Veracruz.

Who was Pancho Villa?

He was an opponent of Venustiano Carranza that led a revolt and that also killed many Americans.

José Martí

a Cuban rebel leader and poet who helped fight for independence against Spain.

General Valeriano Weyler

sent to Cuba by Spain where he imprisoned and killed more than 200,000 people

Commander George Dewey

won battles in the Spanish-American War at Manila Bay and Manila

Rough Riders

special regiment of cavalry men were led by Theodore Roosevelt before he became President

Puerto Rico

became a U.S. territory and its citizens were granted U.S. citizenship

William Gorgas

army doctor who improved conditions in Panama by draining swamps and placing screens on windows to keep out mosquitoes

Fransisco "Pancho" Villa

revolutionary who hoped to overthrow the Mexican government by attacking various border towns

General John J. Pershing

he took 10,000 troops into Mexico in search of Pancho Villa

Some European countries engaged in an ________ that helped lead to World War 1.

arms race

Many Americans who were ______________ rejected the idea of war.


After many countries declared war on each other, they __________ their troops.


What were some of the causes of World War 1?

Countries joining together and expanding armies, and the Triple Alliance.

How did various groups in the United States view the war?

Some groups sided with Allies, some were against war, and some believed that the United States should stay out of the war.

What were the two major fronts of the war?

eastern and western

What is trench warfare?

Soldiers fighting from long ditches dug in the ground.

What forms of technology changed how World War 1 was fought compared to previous wars?

U-boats, tanks, zeppelins, fighter planes, and trench warfare.

Why could World War 1 be described as a total war?

The armies repeatedly attacked each other.

Put these in order:

___ 1. German troops try to invade France.

___ 2. Franz Ferdinand is assassinated.

___ 3. European countries declare war on each other.

___ 4. A German U-boat sinks the Lusitania without warning.

3 1. German troops try to invade France.

1 2. Franz Ferdinand is assassinated.

2 3. European countries declare war on each other.

4 4. A German U-boat sinks the Lusitania without warning.

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Germany's leader who built up his nation's arms until they had the largest supply in Europe

Gavrilo Princip

Black Hand Society member who assassinated Franz Ferdinand

Manfred von Richthofen

known as the Red Baron, he was a notorious German pilot who shot down 80 Allied planes

no man's land

area between defense trenches where nothing grew, it was like a sepration point between armies

Franz Ferdinand

his assassination triggered the beginning of World War 1

Under Lenin, Russia was forced to adopt _________, which is a type of government where property is owned by everyone equally


Much of the food farmers produced went to feed the troops, so families grew their own ___________ to help the war effort.

victory garden

_______________ paid for two thirds of the cost of the war effort.

War bonds

The United States government used ___________ to portray the Germans as blood-thirsty "Huns".


How did the election reflect Americans' attitudes about the war?

It showed that the Americans didn't want to enter the war.

What measures did President Wilson take to prepare for war?

He passed the Selective Service Act.

Why did Wilson shift from a policy of neutrality to a declaration of war?

Because Germany sunk 5 U.S. boats and tried to turn Mexico against them.

How did Americans at home aid the war effort?

They didn't eat wheat or meat and grew victory gardens.

What changes did World War 1 bring to the U.S.?

The government gained more control of the economy, the Committee of Public Information was formed, anti-German feelings started, and the Espionage Act and the Sedition Act was passed.

Were more countries members of the Central Powers or the Allied nations?

Allied nations

Arthur Zimmerman

German foreign minister that sent a note to Mexico urging them to join the German effort

Vladimir Ilich Lenin

led the Bolsheviks and took control of the Russian government, introduced communism

American Expeditionary Force

name given to American forces in Europe

War Industries Board

the committee over saw factory work and set prices for goods and services

"The Beast of Berlin"

name given to Kaiser Wilhelm II by the United States

Germany ended World War 1 by finally signing an _____________, which is an agreement to stop fighting.


One of Wilson's 14 Points was the support of ________________ so that people could decide what type of government they wanted.


Germany had to pay $33 billion in ___________ to pay for the cost of the war.


Why did the Allies need help from the United States?

Because they were losing the war.

How did the United States help the Allies win World War 1?

By sending weapons, food, and troops to them.

How was Germany punished under the Treaty of Versailles?

By having to give $33 billion in reparations.

How did Woodrow Wilson hope to keep the world at peace after the war?

By developing the 14 Points Plan and the treaty of Versailles.

In the United States, what happened to the proposal to join the League of Nations?

The House and the Senate both voted no to joining.

Why did Wilson believe so strongly in the League of Nations?

Because he thought that it'd be the only possible guarantee against war.

Sergeant Alvin York

82nd Infantry Division soldier who received more medals than any other American soldier

Captain Eddie Rickenbacker

former race car driver turned flying ace who shot down 26 enemy aircraft during his time in service

Woodrow Wilson

was awarded the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to attain peace

Senator Henry Cabot Lodge

led the fight to defeat the League of Nations


statement that follows logically from another statement


economy is controlled by the government and property is owned by everyone equally