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25 Cards in this Set

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a. Kidney

b. Ureter

c. Bladder

d. Sphincter

e. Urethra

State 3 Renal Functions

- Maintain water, electrolyte + Acid/Base homeostasis

- Excretion of Toxic Metabolic Waste products

- Control Blood Pressure (via hormone RENIN)

a. Capsule

b. Cortex

c. Medullary Pyramid

d. Renal Artery

e. Renal Vein

f. Renal Pelvis

g. Renal Papilla

h. Ureter

In a kidney, what is the function of the Hilum?

Site of entry and exit of renal blood vessels + the Ureter

a. Medulla

b. Cortex

c. Papilla

d. Hilum

e. Ureter

f. Capsule (fibrous)

a. What do Medullary Pyramids project into?

b. At the surface of the Papillae, there are ______

c. What do Medullary rays/pyramids consist of?

a. Papillae

b. Opening of collecting ducts

c. Medullary Rays consist of Collecting Ducts surrounded by tubular portions of Nephron

a. Papillary Ducts

b. Renal Papilla (tip)

This is an image of a Nephron

*** what is A+B

This is an image of a Nephron

*** what is A+B

a. Glomerulus

b. Bowman's Capsule

c. Proximal Convolulated tube

d. Distal Convolulated tube

e. Collecting Duct

f. Loop of Henley

*** Renal Corpuscle

A. What is the Glomerulus?

B. Where is it located?

A. mass of capillaries

B. located in Bowman's Capsule

(This is an image of a Renal Corpuscle in a Nephron)

(This is an image of a Renal Corpuscle in a Nephron)

a. Glomerulus

b. Bowman's Capsule

c. Bowman's Space

a. Afferent Arteriole

b. Efferent Arteriole

c. Mesangial cells

d. Bowman's Capsule

e. Podocytes

f. Bowman's Space

a. Pedicels

b. Podocytes

a. Afferent Arteriole

b. Bowman's Capsule

c. Efferent Arteriole

d. Glomerulus

a. What is M
b. What is P
(This is inside a Renal Corpuscle)

a. What is M

b. What is P

(This is inside a Renal Corpuscle)

a. Mesangial cell

b. Podocyte

a. Which Convolulated Tube is longer?

b. Describe the Epithelium Cells of the Convolulated tubes?

c. State 2 difference between the 2 Convolulated Tubes

A. Proximal

B. Simple Cuboidal

C. Proximal is deeply Eosinophilic and contains Microvilli (BRUSH BORDER) (where as Distal isn't + doesn't)

Image of Proximal/Distal Convolulated Tubes

Image of Proximal/Distal Convolulated Tubes

a. Distal

b. Distal

c. Brush Border (Microvilli)

d. Proximal

e. Distal

f. Distal

g. Proximal

h. Proximal

What are the 2 main functions of the Loop of Henle?

1. To create a concentration gradient in the Medulla of the Kidney

2. Provide very dilute fluid to the Distal Tube

How does the Loop of Henle create a concentration gradient?

via a Countercurrent Multiplier System

image showing Collecting ducts and collecting tubules

image showing Collecting ducts and collecting tubules

a. Collecting Tubule

b. Collecting Duct

c. Collecting Duct

1. Collecting Tubule

2. Collecting Duct

What is this image displaying?

What is this image displaying?


1. Longitudinal Muscle

2. Circular Muscle

How does the Ureter conduct Urine from Kidney to Bladder?

Via Peristaltic action of muscles

Describe the Bladder

3 loosely arranged layers of Smooth Muscle and Elastic Fibres

a. Dome

b. Basal Cells

c. Capillaries

d. Connective Tissue

Is this image of the     Bladder/Ureter/Urethra?

Is this image of the Bladder/Ureter/Urethra?
