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72 Cards in this Set

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In the election campaign of 1796, the Republicans made their primary issue ________.
the terms of Jay's treaty
The 1796 campaign focused heavily on ________________.
the candidate's personalities
foreign relations between the united states and france deteriorated in the late 1790s over ________________.
french seizure of american mechant ships
the immedate cause of the undeclared war between the united states and france was the ________________.
xyz affair
the united states finally negotiated a peace settlement with france in 1800s mainly because napoleon ________________.
wanted to concentrate on gaining more power in europe
President Adams sought a peaceful solution to the undeclared wr with france in order to __________.
prevent the outbreak of a full scale war
the federalists domiated congress' alien act was aimed at __________ whereas the sedition act was primarily aimed at __________.
recent immigrants, newspapers
the sedition act __________.
threatened first amendment freedom
the min purpose of the alien nd sedition acts was to
silence and punish critics of the federalists
the virginia and kentucky were written in response to
the alien and sedition acts
according to the compct throey advocated by jefferson and madison,
the national government was the creation of thirteen soveriegn states
according to the federalists, the duty of judging the unconstitutionality of legislation passed by congress lay with
the supreme court
name the three parts of the alien and sedition acts
sedition act- violated first amendment, censored and punished government critics
naturaization laws- citizenship from living 5 years in the state to 14
alien act- could deport and threten immigrants in time of war and concentrate them in peace
who, as a runner up in the election of 1796 became john adams vice president
thomas jefferson
who were the two major candidates running in the election of 1800?
john adams and thomas jefferson
who did thomas jefferson recieve the same number of electoral votes as in the presidential election of 1800s?
aaron burr
the federalist decline was due to their inability to appeal to who?
the common people
true or false?- in accordance with democratic ideals, Jefferson walked to the capitol for his inauguration and diregarded rank when he seated people at official dinners?
true or false- to the joy of his office seeking friends, jefferson dismissed most public servants for politcal reason
who was jeffersons secretary of state who reduced the national debtand balanced a bugdet
albert gallatin
Identify the supreme court justice who ws appointed by john adams but served on the court for thirty four years under the administration of jefferson and other presidents?
john marshall
when was the principle of judicial review established? what did it do?
marbury vs madison, confirmed that the supreme court hd the last word on the question of constitutionality
samuel chase
the supreme court justice who was the target of jefferson's revende after the marbury case and he faced impeachement charges by the house of reps but wsnt convicted by the senate
true or false? jefferson reduced the size of the army and navy
jefferson succeded in extorting the trety of peace in 1805 ending the wr with four __________. states in the north __________.
tripoli africa
true or false- jefferson was willing to make an alliance with his old foe egland against his old friend frnace in order to secure new orleans
Why did jefferson propose an amendment to the consitituion
he had a strict interpretation of the consitution and didnt believe he could purchase new orleans and luisin for 15 million
meriwether lewis and william clark
secretary and army officer who were sent to explore the northern part of louisiana purchase
who was part of the successionist and killed alex hamilton in a duel
aaron bur
enforced from 1808 to 1811 the british forcibly enlisted 6000 united states citzens
what ws the name of the united states frigate that was attacked by the royal firgate ten miles off the coast of virginia that infurited the americans
What ws jeffersons alternative to war
the embargo act in 1807
what did the embargo act do
forbade the exports of all goods from the united states whether in american or in foreign ships
What did congress replace the embargo act with? when
non intercourse act in 1809, the ct formally llopwed trade with all nations in the world except for france and england
true or false? jeffersons policy of economic coercion did previal in the end, but american was not patient enough to reap the reward of its sacrifices
who is the forth president of the united states
jmes madison
who are the two founding fathers that died on the fourth of july 1826
adams and jefferson
in 1810 congress adopted a bargaining measure known as __________ it duped madison into believing that france would comply with the terms of the bill
macons bill no 2
identify the speaker of the hor who was also known as harry of the west
henry clay of kentucky
what did the war hawks want?
free trade and sailors rights and free land, they were nationalistic westerners who were outrged by the manhandling of american sailors by the birtish orders that damned up their agriculturaal products from the ships to europe
where were indian leaders particularly worried about white enrochment, how did they know?
kentucky, they observed many coming to the land to hunt
shawnee brothers who attempted large scale indian pan alliance gainst whites and inspired a vibrant movement of indin unity and cutlural revilatlization
the prophet and tecomseh
how did house believe they could remove the indians
attack canada
did new england support the war delcared against great britain in june 1812?
Thomas jefferson was elected president by the house of represenatives when
a few federlaists refrined from voting at the request of alexander hamilton
the federalist party died out due in part to its __________.
inabilty or unwillingness to appeal to the common man
upon becoming president, thomas jefferson and the republicans in congress immediately reppealed
excise tax like the one on whiskey
when it came to the mjor federaist economic programs, jefferson as president
left practically all of them in tact
as cheif justice of the united states, john marshall helped to ensure that
the politcal and economic systems were based on a strong central government
the case of marbury vs madison involved the question of who had the right to
declare an act of congress unconstitutional
thomas jeffersons major foreign policy decision was to
purchase louisiana from france
to guard americn shores, thomas jefferson
approved the construction of two hundred tiny gunboats
napoleon chose to sell louisiana to the united states because he
suffered from misfortunes in haiti
hoped the territory would one day help americ to thwart the ambitions of the british
needed money to finance his wars in europe
thomas jefferson was consious stricken about the purchase of the louisiana terriroty from france because
he believed the purchase was unconstitutional
lewis and clarks expedition through the lousiaiana purchse territory yielded all of the following except
treaties with several indian nations
the lousiana purchase
boosted national unity and identity
the british policy of impressment was kind of a
forced enlistment
the chesapeake incident involved the flagrant use of
the duel between aaron burr and alexander hamilton was a result of
burrs belief that hamilton had slandered him
to deal with british and french violtions of americans neutrality, thomas jefferson
hastily enacted the embargo
macons bill number 2
permitted trade with all antions but promised that is either britain or france lifted its commercil restrictions on american trade, it would stop trading with the other
president madisons major foreign policy mistake
accepting napoleons promise to recognize americs rights
jefferson authorized american negotiators to purchase only __________ and __________. from france
new orleans and parts of florida
in the election of 1800, thomas jefferson recieved most of his support from
the south and the west
thomas jefferson and his followers opposed john adams' last minute appointment of new federal judges mainly because
the appointment was an attempt of the defeated party to entrench itself in the government
the non intercourse act reopened american trade with
all nations excpet great britain and france
by 1810 the most insistend demd for a declaration of wr aginst britain came from
the west and the southwest, the war hawks
during the jefferson administration the british claimed the right to stop american merchant ships and seize
naturalize americans born on british soil
native americans had not settled in kentucky because
they considered it sacred ground, the region ws a buffer between northern and southern tribes
tecumseh argued that the indians should
not believe in the white mans views of ownership of land
the battle of tippercanoe nd horseshoe bend resulted in
the opening of ll the territory est of the mississippi river to settlement by whites
war hawks/ 12th amendment/ embargo act of 1807/ judicial review/ orders in council
chapter 11