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78 Cards in this Set
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Compliance Equation
C = dV/dP
Volume must start completely full to affect pressure; can only be measured after the system is full |
Filling the container; you can only start to measure it after the system is full
Total Peripheral Resistance Equation
TPR = Arterial - Venous = 92 - 2 = 90; takes 90 mmHg to push blood through peripheral capillaries by minute
Shows us what happens if you change the capacitance of a system (decreased capacitance = decreased venous pressure, etc)
CO maintained by retention of wtaer in moderate HF; but increased fluid volume can cause the heart to fail even further into severe HF; the body will retain even MORE water and this cycle will continue until death
How does an increase in total peripheral resistance effect MAP, CVP, CO or patient weight?
How does increased CO effect MAp, CVP, CO and pt weight?
Blood pumps from venous side to arterial side, decreased CVP and increases CO and MAP. Doesnt effect pt weight
How does increased venous compliance affect MAP, CVP, CO and pt weight?
Equivalent o increasing the volume of container
How does decreased blood volume effect MAP, CVP, CO and pt weight?
Less blood = less weight = less CVP = less venous return = decreased CO = decreased MAP
How will a decrease in total peripheral resistance affect MAP, CVP, CO and pt weight?
Decreased TPR doesnt change pt weight, CVP increases bc blood can flow easier from arterial to venous side; increased venous return = increased cardiac output; heart pumps against decreased afterload so mean arterial pressure decreases
How will decreased cardiac output effect MAP, CVP, CO and pt weight?
No change in pt weight, CO obv decreases, decrease CO = decrease CVP bc less side moved from venous side to arterial side, MAP will decrease
How would decreased venous compliance effect MAP, CVP, CO and pt weight?
Increase in CVP (decrease container size); increased venous return; increased cardiac output; MAP increases due to increased CO
Mean Arterial Blood Pressure Equation
MAP = (Systolic - Diastolic)/3 + Diastolic
MAP = (CO)(TPR) + CVP (shows us how we might effect MAP using beta blockers or calcium channel blockers) MAP = Arterial Blood Volume/Arterial Compliance |
Arterial Blood Volume Equation
ABV = (Total Blood Volume)(.12)
ABV = (MAP)(Arterial Compliance) |
Total Peripheral REsistance Equation
(92-2)/ |
Central Venous Blood Pressure (CVP) Equation
CVP = Venous Blood Volume/Venous Compliance
CVP = MAP - (CO)(TPR) |
Venous Blood Volume Equation
VBV = (CVP)(Venous Compliance)
VBV = total Blood volume(2/3) |
Pulmonary Resistance Equation
PR = (Pulmonary Artery Pressure - Pulmonary Vein Pressure)/CO
Arterial Compliance Equation
AC = dAV/dAP
Venous Compliance
VC = dVV/dVP
Blood Flow Through the Systemic Capillaries Equation
It is equal to cardiac output
Blood Flow Through the Pulmonary Capillaries
Equal to CO
How does blood loss alone affect the curve?
Effect of exsanguination + sympathetic activation
Also get a simultnaeous increase in TPR, which causes vascular function curve to become less steep; we will also see venoconstriction
Effect of sympathetic activity and increased TPR and venoconstriction during exanguination on the curves
You can see it's trying to push back to normal/increase CO
If blood loss isn't much or tx is given, you can return to normal, if the loss continues you end up in hemorrhagic shock |
System can no longer respond; venodilation in the face of decreased blood volume
Hypodynamic stage of shock: heart is failing bc its not responding to sympathetic activity and Vascular curve shifts left cuz venoconstriction can no longer be maintained
Now CO is unable to sustain life of the system |
Effect of fight or flight on curves
Increased CO, increased pressure/performance of vascular system
Effects of nitroglycerin
Venodilation (increased venous compliance), vasodilation (slight), increased cardiac function (reflex-slight)
Effects of nitroglycerin
Venodilation (increased venous compliance), vasodilation (slight), increased cardiac function (reflex-slight)
21 yo in ED 30 min after MVC; femoral artery laceration; estimated he has lost 1.5L blood; what condition is produced by the blood loss after compensation has occured
A decrease in blood volume, an increase in TPR and an increase in HR
45 yo w in clinic; arterial bp = 180/110; blood volume is normal; what describes the cause of her condition?
Increased total peripheral resistance
60 yo during hip operation; concern for DVT; a drug given to decrease venous compliance; what describes the effect that this drug will have on the cardiovascular system
Increased mean arterial pressure; it would do this by causing a venoconstriction which would push more blood to heart, increase CO and increase MAP
Relationship of resistance to radius
Resistance of a vessel is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the radius
How quickly will unconsciousness occur in total cessation of blood flow to the brain?
5-10 seconds
This occurs because lack of oxygen delivery to the brain cells shuts down most metabolism in these cells |
Three metabolic factors with potent effects in controlling cerebral blood flow
1. carbon dioxide concentration
2. hydrogen ion concentration 3. oxygen concentration |
Arterial PC02 and cerebral blood flow
Arterial PC02 and cerebral blood flow
Hydrogen Ion Conc and Cerebral Blood Flow
H+ increases cerebral blood flow (bc H+ decreases neuronal activity); increased flow carries hydrogen ions, carbon dioxide, and other acid forming substances away from brain tissue
Loss of carbon dioxide removes carbonic acid and brings H+ back to normal |
Oxygen Deficiency as a Regulator of Cerebral Blood Flow
If blood flow to the brain ever becomes insufficient to supply this needed amount of oxygen, the oxygen deficiency mechanism for causing vasodilation immediately causes vasodilation, returning the brain blood flow and transport of oxygen to the cerebral tissues to near normal.
Autoregulation of Cerebral Blood Flow
Is the brain capable of anaerobic metabolism?
No; One of the reasons for this is the high metabolic rate of the neurons, so that most neuronal activity depends on second-by-second delivery of oxygen from the blood.
What is the main supply of energy for brain cells?
Glucose derived from blood; As is true for oxygen, most of this is derived minute by minute and second by second from the capillary blood, with a total of only about a 2-minute supply of glucose normally stored as glycogen in the neurons at any given time.
Cushing Reaction
CNS ischemic response that results from increased pressure of the CSF around the brain in the cranial vault; when CSF pressure rises to equal the arterial pressure, it compresses the whole brain as well as the arteries in the brain and cuts off blood supply to the brain. This initiates a CNS ischemic response that causes arterial pressure to rise
How would increased preload affect the pressure volume loop?
Increases in preload = increased EDV = increased venous return; causes an INCREASE IN STROKE VOLUME (frank starling); increased SV is reflected in increased width of PVL
How would an increase in afterload affect the PVL?
Increased afterload = increase in aortic pressure; the ventricle must eject blood against a higher pressure resulting in decreased SV; the decreased SV = decreased width of pressure volume loop; decreased stroke volume results in an increase in end systolic volume
How does increased contactility affect PVL?
The ventricle develops greater tension than usual during systole, causing an increase in stroke volume; the increase in stroke volume results in a decrease in end diastolic volume
What is 1 -> 2?
Isovolumetric contraction; cycle begins during diastole at 1; LV is filled with blood from left atrium and (EDV); ventricular pressure is low because muscle is relaxed; one xcitation the ventricle contracts and ventricular pressure increases; mitral valve closes when the left V pressure is greater than left A pressure; bc all valves are closed, no blood can be ejected from the ventricle (isovolumetric)
What is 2 -> 3?
Ventricular Ejection; the aortic valve opens at point 2 when pressure in the LV exceeds pressure in the aorta; blood is ejected into the aorta and ventricular volume decreases; the volume that is ejected in this phase is the STROKE VOLUME; thus, stroke volume can be measured graphically by the width of the pressure volume loop; the volume remaining in the left ventricle at point 3 is the end systolic volume
What is 3 -> 4?
Isovolumetric relaxation; at point 3, the ventricle realxes. When ventricular pressure decreases to less than aortic pressure, the aortic valve closes. Bc all of the valves are closed again, ventricular volume is constant (isovolumetric) during this phase
What is 4 -> 1?
Ventricular filling
Once left ventricular pressure decreases to less than left atrial pressure, the mitral valve opens and filling of the ventricle begins; during this phase, ventricular volume increases to about 140 ml (EDV) |
What is 4 -> 1?
Ventricular filling
Once left ventricular pressure decreases to less than left atrial pressure, the mitral valve opens and filling of the ventricle begins; during this phase, ventricular volume increases to about 140 ml (EDV) |
Metabolic Hypothesis/Vasodialator Theory
Tissue produces a vasodilatory metabolite that regulates flow (adenosine in the coronary circulation when ATP is degraded due to decreased oxygen)
The dilation of the arterioles is produced when the concentration of these metabolites increases in the tissue. The arterioles constrict if the tissue concentration decreases |
Oxygen Lack Theory
Smooth muscle requires oxygen to remain contracted; when 02 conc in tissue rises above a certain level, the sphincters presumably close until the tissue cells consume excess oxyge
When the excess oxygen is gone and levels fall, the sphincters open to begin cycle again |
Cyclical opening and closing of precapillary sphincters and metarterioles several times a minute
Reactive Hyperemia
Same as metbaolic hypothesis
Lack of flow sets in motion factors that cause vasodilation |
Capillary blanch times greater than 2 seconds may indicate what?
Dehydration, shock, peripheral vascular disease, hypothermia
Myogenic Hypothesis
Increased perfusing pressure causes stretch of the arteriolar wall and the surrounding smooth muscle
Bc an inherent property of smooth muscle is to contract when stretched, the arteriole radius decreases and flow does not increase significantly This explanation cannot stand alone unless overcompensation to the stretch occurs |
endothelium derived relaxing factor (nitric oxide)
rapid flow of blood through the arteries causes shear stress on endothelial cells = release of nitric oxide; NO increases the diameters of the upstream arterial blood vessels whenever microvascular blood flow increases downstream
Oxygen and VEGF
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor promotes new vessel growth due to decreased oxygen
Vasoconstrictor Agents
norepinephrine, epinephrine, angiotensin II, vaospresin, endothelin
Vasodilator Agents
Bradykinin, Histamine
hr < 60 bpm
hr > 100 bpm
hr > 250 bpm
flutters; organized electrical contraction but not effective flow
hr > 350 bpm
fibrillations; random electrical events; not existant flow
Wiggers; know it
Find R wave on dark line; can calculate rate by looking where next R rate falls
300,150,100,75,60,50 |
What's the rate?
What's the rate?
What's the rate?
First degree heart block
Mobitz 2* heart block; normal PR interval but P wave is not followed by QRS; not every Q wave generates QRS contraction
Wenckebach; second degree AV conduction block; PR interval increases until the last P wave is not followed by QRS (PR lengthening NOT seen in mobitz)
Wenckebach is usually located in the AV node |
Third degree heart block; total separation of atrial and ventricular contractions
Varied number of P's between QRST; multiple P waves with no QRST waves Rate of QRST is often around 40 bpm |
Bundle branch block; note rabbit ear appearance of R wave
Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome;
Premature Ventiruclar Contraction