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What did Tulving suggest?
That the LTM is a multi-part system made up of 2 or more components containing different types of info.

What are the 3 types of LTM?

1. Episodic Memory

2. Semantic Memory

3. Procedural Memry

What are the 2 types of declarative memory?

- Episodic

- Semantic

Outline the episodic memory.

E.G Remember when

- Recall personal experiences & events from our lives

- Are available for conscious inspection

- Strength of episodic memory depends on the emotions present at the time memory is encoded (traumatic events are often well recalled due to high emotional content).

- Complex memories & time-stamped (reference to time & place).

Outline the semantic memory.

E.G Know that

- Facts about the world & is always being added to.

- Are available for conscious inspection.

- Less personal & not time-stamped

Outline the procedural memory.

E.G - Know how

- Actions & skills

- Not available for conscious inspection.

- Many procedural LTMs occur early in life.

- Can be difficult to explain these skills.

Strength of Research into Types of LTM: Neuro-imaging Research Evidence

- Tulving et al used brain scan studies to show different types of memory are stored in different part of the brain.

- Pp's asked to perform various memory tasks whilst scanning their brains - PET scans.

- Episodic memories were recalled from the pre-frontal cortex & semantic memories in the posterior region of the cortex.

- Suggests types of memory are separate stores & PET scans provide physical & objective neuro-imaging evidence = for supports psychology as a science & increases the validity.

- Tulving et al used brain scan...

- Various memory tasks while scanning

- Where episodic memories recalled form & where were semantic memories recalled from?

- What does it suggest?

- Increase in validity

Strength of Research into Types of LTM: Real Life Applications

- Tulvings' research into the different types of LTM allows psychologists & clinicians to improve people's lives.

- Episodic is most affected by mild cognitive impairments, which highlights the benefit of being able to distinguish between types of LTM.

- Belleville et al demonstrated that episodic memories could be improved in older people who had mild cognitive impairment.

- Trained pp's performed better on a test of episodic memory after training than a control group.

- Suggests psychologists know about the separate stores of LTM then treatment programmes can be developed to help these people, which means the contribution to the clinical world is highly valuable.

-What does Tulvings' research allow?

- What is the episodic memory most affected by?

- What does this highlight the benefit of?

- What did Belleville et al demonstrate?

- What was found?

- What does this suggest psychologists know?

Limitation of Research into Types of LTM: Low Population Validity

- Uses a very small sample.

- Tulving's investigation into different stores in LTM = 6 pp's

- 3/6 pp's showed differences between processing of episodic & semantic LTMs

= can't be generalised to reach solid conclusions.

- This means research lacks population validity.

Furthermore, Tulving, his wife & colleague were pp's = shows experimenter bias.

How many pp's in Tulving's study?

- How many showed differences between...?

- What can't be done w/ the findings?

-How is experimenter bias shown?

Limitation of Research into Types of LTM: Difficult to Explain

- The extent to which episodic & semantic memory stores are different is unclear.

- Although, different brain systems are involved there is a lot of overlap between the 2 systems

- Semantic memories can originate from episodic memory.

- Therefore, is unclear if the semantic memory is a gradual transformation from episodic memory.

- As this is difficult to explain it questions the overall validity of theory especially as researchers can't be sure of the internal validity.

- The extent to which episodic e& semantic...

-There is a lot of overlap...

- Where can semantic memories originate from?

- What does this question?