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48 Cards in this Set

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In charge that everything and everyone is doing what they need to do and when they need to do it
stage manager
call the show ( gives light and sound people cues)
stage manager
solves issues, tape down floor for rehearsal, take down blocking
stage manager
rehearsal & performance reports, make sure props are there
stage manager
hangs the lights
master electrician
drafting and which kind of instrument is used and the direction it's facing
lighting plot
a 3-D communication of what space is going to look like (in scale), but no indication what it'll look like when painted
white model
in charge of audience comfort, seating problems, adjust temperature, special needs, contact with stage manager to say when they're letting people in and when they can start
house manager
builds detailed stuff, best carpenter in shop
master carpenter
in charge of budgeting (materials and people), oversee build of all of the set
technical director
make sure equipment works, oversees loading of stuff, strike (disassembling set)
technical director
person who creates a pattern (dress forms)
three elements of action
1. intention: have and objective to action
2. obstacle: something to fight against to create tension, create conflict
3. Tactic: have a variety (how to get past an obstacle)
primary functions of a director
1. concept: interpret the text
2. unify: director is involved in all aspects (actors, designers, publicist)
secondary functions of a director
1. acting coach
2. staging: block the show (tell people where to move and when)
3. casting
4. scheduling
50 sec-1 1/2 min audition, memorized monologue, sample to show emotional range
formal audition
reading specific material from script, not memorized, usually during callback
cold read
primary responsibilities/concerns of lighting designer
1. focus: decide where the focus will be
2. mood/emotional content
3. accuracy in terms of time of day & time of year
four things communicated through blocking by the director
1. character: way a person moves conveys character
2. intention: believe what we see
3. relationship
4. focus
a series of events
two opposing forces that create conflict, shift direction play is taking
highes point of action, most emotional, the defining moment
tie up loose ends, resolving everything
point of attack
first moment we discover what major conflict is going to be
bits of info need to know at top of show to understand what's happening and whom it's about
a plan or intention
how we know a play begins (lights are dark, lights flash, lights start getting darker and brighter when it begins, specific color or patterns of light to know it's going into the past) used to not confuse audience
carrier of the action, usually the good guy
person who opposes the action, usually the bad guy
hint on what's going to happen in future, can happen at any point
anything you see, anything visual, costume, lighting, setting
all audience at front of stage
audience on three sides
audience is everywhere
audience is on two sides, opposing each other
have to have absolutely everything and not groom any events (rough language overlap speaking, nude people) slice of life, photographic detail, actually doing actions
focuses on ridiculousness of human behavior, co-dependence shows up
focus on stress, insecurity, loneliness, future is undetermined and in your own hands, work like crazy to get somewhere but not achievable
a desire for equality, idealistic, the way the world could be, elevating things to equal status
distorting outward appearance to get to the truth of the internal
have to show the good and bad, events happen through cause and effect and chronological order, everything well thought out & well packaged, groom events to think and feel a certain way
dream like, free association of ideas, doesn't have to be chronological, subconscious through the senses (ex: slow motion of event)
Who develops the ground plan?
scene design
what is a section?
from the sides and incorporates from above
what makes theatre today unique?
technology advancements, language, subject matter, more groups of people are represented, nudity, simulate sexual acts, nontraditional casting, genres are melting together, time warping, spectacular
play wrights concerns?
stage ability, perform ability, think about how things will happen and be possible
how it theatre different than any other other art?
theatre combines all parts of art, music in play & pre, post, intermission of show, sound cues
friendly faces, help to seat, make you feel welcome