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25 Cards in this Set

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Structure theory

Ecology theory

Anomie strain

Subculture theory

Process theory

Association/drift theory

Social control theory

Labeling theory

Ecology theories

Social disorganization

Deviant dangerous place theory

Anomie strain theory

Anomie/strain theory

General strain theory

Subculture theories

Status frustration

Lower class focal concern

Association/drift theories

Differential association

Techniques of neutralization

Social control theories

Social bond/social control theory

Low self control theory

Labeling theories

Classical labeling theory

Re-integrative shaming theory

Ecology theories

Where you live impact what you do

-environment impact behavior

-c.b is concentrated in parts of cities

Social disorganization theory


-weak ties in a community that make it difficult to regulate

-lead to a Cultural transmission of delinquent norms

-decay , poverty

Starks(deviant/dangerous place theory)

Location can create motivated offenders

Urban decay


Mixed used area

Anomie/strain theory (Merton)

Society values influence Criminal behavior

-mode of adaptations

-innovator: Enoch stealing cars because he can’t afford it.

Anomie theories

How socialtal values and outiside social force add stress and strain to your life and influence your behavior

General stain (Agnew)

What make the emotion that can lead to c.b

1.failure to achieve goal

2. Removal of positive stimuli

3. Presence of negative stimuli

Subculture theories

Crime is a Lower class phenomenon

A culture within a larger culture

Status frustration (Cohen)

Recognize lower class is a status

-LCK values

Immediate gratification



Focal concern(Miller)

Concern of lck

Concern is part of daily existence

Trouble- avoiding trouble

Toughness-being prepared

Smartness-alert of other

Excitement- not being bored

Autonomy-nobody can tell you what to do

Fate-life is out of your control

Association/drift theory

Watch the company u keep

Differential association (surtherland)

Crime is a learn behavior

Though with interaction with peer

4 element





Drift theory

Criminal are not criminal all the time

Sykes(technique of neutralization)

1.appeal to higher authority- Kai stealing to provide for his sibling

Denial of injury

Social control(hirshchi)

C.b behavior is due to weak or lacks of bond


Bonds served as form of Social controls

Gofffredson(low self control)

Parenting styles is the problem

Labeling theory

Criminal will act like a criminal when they are label

Braitwaite(re-integrative shaming )

Avoid the criminal label being permanent