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57 Cards in this Set

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Tempe Ladder Trucks Carry?

Extrication Equipment

Air Bags

Cutting Tools

Other Specialized Equipment

Location; Page 1

What is the crucial element to Ladder Company success?

Working as a team

Location; Page 1

What must be taken into account when setting up a ladder?

Building Stability, Obstacles,

Height, Overhead wires

Construction, Collapse possibilities

Fire involvement & Your Mission

Location; Page 2

First steps for setting a ladder?

Pick target

Plan path

Consider obstacles

Location; Page 2

Systematic process for setting ladder?

Elevate ladder above target,

Rotate ladder to target

Extend ladder to desire

Lower ladder to target

Location; Page 2

Where do you set a ladder in relation to a Parapet & Window?

5' past the parapet

1' past the window sill

Location; Page 2

When lowering aerial ladders into a parapet or window sill, what distance do you keep it at? Why?

Keep aerial ladders up 6-8".

To keep loads from touching the building when loaded.

Location; Page 2

What is important to remember about the Bronto platform?

The platform is Always used from a suspended position! Never rested on anything!

Location; Page 2

What's important to remember when approaching your target?

Switch OFF the Fast Idle/Rabbit speed for smooth, controlled approach.

Location; Page 2

What's special about the Bronto?

Bronto has several different configurations and 3 extra controls; Jib Up, Jib Down, Platform Right & Left.

Location; Page 2

What is the process for stowing an aerial ladder?

Raise ladder from building (slow speed)

Retract ladder(fast speed)

Rotate ladder

Lower ladder

Location; Page 3

How do you lock a stowed ladder into place so it doesn't bounce while driving?

Apply pressure to top of the cylinders by using the down controls, with approx 1000psi.

Location; Page 3

What critical points should be avoided when operating the ladder?

Low angles when loaded (Rotation)

Lateral force

Twisting force (loading one side)

Compression of overhead truss.

Location; Page 3

How are fire personnel preferred to be moved with a ladder? What's to be avoided?

Move fire personnel with the platform of the ladder. Avoid moving with personnel on ladder portions.

Location; Page 3

What PPE must be worn when operating on a ladder?

Fire personnel must wear helmets and ladder belts!

Location; Page 3

When can an aerial ladder be used as on crane?

During Stokes baskets operations only!

Location; Page 3

How far must a ladder be kept from any form of wires?

10 feet

Location; Page 4

What is the maximum wind speed allowance for ladder operations?


Location; Page 4

When operating an aerial what must be maintained?

An aerial operators must stay near or at the turntable controls. So that they may override platform controls if need be.

Location Page 4

How is the reach of an aerial measured?

From the top rung to the ground at full extension with a 75° angle. The Bronto with the Jib fully open at 75°.

Location Page 12

What formula is used to measure ladder reach capabilities?

The Pythagorean theorem:

A'squared +B'squared= C'squared

Location Page 12

What's a good rule of thumb for ladder extension?

80% of the ladders length for maximum extension.

Location Page 12

What is the maximum angle for an aerial ladder?


Location Page 12

What is the big "Don't" when flowing water from an aerial ladder.

Don't Extend our Retract an aerial ladder once following water.

Location Page 12

Why do you rotate a aerial ladder SLOWLY?

To avoid creating lateral force.

Location Page 12

Why do you sweep the nozzle SLOWLY?

To avoid creating twisting force.

Location Page 13

What is the optimum penetration scenario for a ladder stream?

Getting 90% of the GPM inside a 15" circle at the seat of the fire.

Location Page 13

What is the preferred pumper line set up to pump a aerial ladder operation?

Preferably have 2 4" supply line to the ladder being pumped. If not, a minimum of 1 4" supply line.

Location Page 13

What is important to remember using an aerial ladder for a stokes/crane operation?

Always double the actual stokes load when making your tip load calculations.

Location Page 14

What does the roof ventilation profile consist of? What are the parameters?

Profile; 1) Can I cut?, 2) Where do I cut?

Parameters; Roof construction, Loading, Fire location, Fire involvement and Time.

Location Page 17

What tools are needed for a typical roof vent operation?

1 Pick head axe, 2 Chain saws, Thermal imaging camera, 1 Trash hook or Pike pole (longer than attic height).

Location Page 17

Reserve ladder RL012 shall deploy arms & lower outriggers until?

Bulge is taken out of rear tires.

How do you confirm the ladder truck is level after deploying outriggers (RL012)?

Use bubble level and information on screen to make truck level to within 5°

What does "CCW" rotation mean on R012?

Joystick Left

(Counter Clock Wise)

What does "CW" rotation mean on R012 ladder?

Joystick Right

(Clock Wise)

Ladder R012 should be stowed using the autobed feature once the aerial is within?

20° of center and 20° of elevation.

Deploying outriggers on L273 (ALF)

Deploy outriggers to full extension if possible,

Ensure front and rear outrigger green lights illuminate.

Stowing aerial L273

1)Aerial must be fully retracted and centered before lowering

2) Lower slowly until aerial rest in cradle

In order for the bucket operator to have control on the Bronto?

The pedestal operator must turn the power knob to "II"

Set up in the best defensive position for the area that command has assigned. Allow _________ of fire spread.

5 minutes of fire spread and be sure an engine is assigned and coming to pump your ladder pipe.

The weight of water is a _______ load and part of the ______ load.



The firefighter at the nozzle is part of the ______ load and part of the ______ load.



The force of nozzle reaction is?

1/2 the GPM

What is the stream reach of 1-1/4" SB tip?

84' @ 400GPM

What is the stream reach of a 1-1/2" SB tip?

88' @ 600GPM

What is the stream reach of a 2" SB tip?

94' @ 1000GPM

What is the stream reach of a fog nozzle set to straight stream?

90' @ 1000GPM

If using an aerial as an anchor point for a system remember the Bronto limits are?

1000lbs tip load

Remember to dbl calc weight for stokes operations.

What type of ventilation does the nozzle operator use a medium fog stream out of a window?

Hydraulic Ventilation

What type of ventilation is the natural forces of existing wind and convective currents?

Horizontal ventilation

What type of ventilation uses a fan to assist nature either forcing air in or sucking air out?

Mechanical ventilation via;

Positive pressure or

Negative pressure or both

What is the output of the 20" electric fan?

6700-9500 CFM

What is the output of the 5hp gasoline fan?

15000-20000 CFM

What is the output of the 8hp gasoline fan?

20000-25000 CFM

What are the basic ladder forcible entry tool?

Flathead axe


Sledge hammer

Pry bar

Bolt cutters

Page 18

What are the advanced forcible entry tools?

Circular saw

Air bags

Rabbit tool

Genesis tool

Page 18

How can you tell which way a door swings when forcing a door?

The Hinges

Visible=Door swings towards you.(easy)

Not visible=Door swings away from you.(difficult)

Page 19