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66 Cards in this Set

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State the five steps for loss of communication?

1. Try contacting any or all units

2. Try secondary and tertiary if available frequencies

3. Use alternate pre-planned forms and Communications

4. Use loud hailer or siren to contact other units

5. Use colored smoke flares or signal flags

State the two principles regarding when Force may be applied from Coast Guard vessels conduct mean LAA enforcement operation

1. Force may be applied to compel compliance with a lawful order to stop

2. Voice may be applied in self defense individual or unit

What must you consider when enforcing LAAs in congested ports and waterways

You must consider that there is limited time and space within which to identify, track, short, and interdict vessels

State the four steps and tactics involved in stopping non-compliant vessels

Step 1 command presence

Verbal commands with Task direction and consequences

Step 2warn tactics

LA51 warning shots

Step 3 disrupt tactics


Step 4 disabling fire

What is the minimum distance for warning shots to be placed forward of a non-compliant vessels bow?

50 yards

What range should disabling fire be used within?

10 - 40 yards with a clear Field of Fire

What should you do if while chasing a non-compliant vessel someone Falls overboard?

Change your mission to search and rescue

What is a toi?

Target of Interest

What are the three phases of non-compliant vessel Pursuit

1. Intercept



What is TTP

tactics techniques and procedures

State the primary Mission areas of Homeland Security?

Ports waterways and Coastal security

Enforcement of laws and treaties

Counter drug

Alien migrant interdiction operations

Define Authority?

The government's legal power to act

Define jurisdiction

The government's right to exercise legal authority over its persons vessels and territories

What are the three elements jurisdiction is comprised of?

Substantive law, vessel status flag, and location

What are the six levels of force in the use of force continuum?

Command presence, verbal commands, control techniques, aggressive response techniques including OC pepper spray, intermediate weapons including baton, deadly force

What is the definition of a limited access area?

Boundaries used to restrict or control movement of vessels Vehicles persons or objects

How much security is marsec 1

Minimum appropriate security

How much security is a marsec 2

Additional security for heightened risk

How much security is marsec 3

Additional security do to an incident being probable imminent or has occurred

What is a security Zone

Areas of land, water, that the captain of the port deems necessary to secure to prevent damage or injury to hva

What is tacon

Jacqueline is responsible for the oversight of assigned assets as well as providing guidance as needed. Usually sector

What is patcom

Is a CO or a senior coxswain responsible for updating TACON on with onscene conditions as well as positions of the response boats and locations of the HVA

Explain the relationship between tacon and tcoxn?

Tacon relies heavily on tcoxn to provide continual updates to the tactical situation

What are some of the main things past in an operational pre-brief?

Mission objectives, current Intelligence on possible threats comma marsec level, planned routes assets available, transit speed, pier sweep, layout of security zones, and weather

What she'll be contained in a debrief

Discuss the operation weather mission objectives are being met and recap any problems so you can improve future missions

Define beadwindow?

Term used to alert other units breaking comsec

Define gingerbread?

Used to identify an attempt by outside enemy or Force trying to imitate Communications on our frequencies

State the two principles regarding when Force may be used in an laa

In conjunction with a lawful order to stop

In self-defense individual or unit

What is your standard Blurb in the RNA?

The Coast Guard is enforcing a regulated navigation area in the Hood Canal for a naval submarine. all vessels are required to comply with all lawful orders given by the Coast Guard. Move Your Vessel( where you want them to go)

What is your standard blurb 4 enforcing a security Zone

The Coast Guard is enforcing a thousand-yard moving security Zone around the Navy submarine. Move Your Vessel( the direction you want them to go) remain at least a thousand yards away until the submarine has passed

Failure to comply blurb

If you do not comply you may be subject to fines, rest, and seizure of Your Vessel

How many .50 cal rounds


200 ball and tracer

100 apit

Effective and max range of .50 cal

2000 yds

7400 yds

How many m16


Max effective range and max range

550 yds

3600 yds

How many .762


Max effective range and max range of .762

1100 yds

3725 yds

How many la51


How many copper sabo?


Max effective range and max range of copper sabo

50 yds

250 yds

Who is the captain of our port?

Joe raymond

Who has Authority for authorizing a security Zone

Captain of the port or District Commander

What does TPS stand for

Transit protection system

What do you report to patcom after firing your weapon

Rounds expended


Casualties y or not

If the bore is clear or foul

What is an escort

A protective screen of Naval or law enforcement vessels to protect an Hva

What is Field of Fire

The area in which a weapon May cover effectively with fire from a given position

What is the intercept zone

The outermost of the security Zone. Usually from the reaction Zone an additional thousand yards

Who is opcon?

D13 commander

What is the reaction Zone

An area from the HVA that normally extends 1000 yards

What is a response boat

The Coast Guard's smaller quicker and more maneuverable crafts

What is a reaction vessel

A boat used to intercept engage and if necessary destroy a threat to an Hva

What are the five most likely threats a boat crew May encounter

Small boat assault with small arms

Explosive Laden small boat

Small boat with rocket-propelled ordnance


Suicide bomber

What is weapons tight?

Weapons pointed in a safe direction and weapons clear. Weapons condition 4

What is weapons stowed?

Weapon is placed in clear and safe condition. And stowed in the ready air position weapon conditions 4

What is weapons free?

Free to commence fire at his or her discretion. Weapons condition 1

What is weapons ready?

Gunner has positive control, stow pins removed, chamber clear. M240 bolt forward safety off weapons conditions 3

What is the definition of shadowing

Shadowing is when you maintain your position between a toi and the HVA while the TOI is transiting outside the security Zone preventing a clear line of attack

What is the definition of escorting in regards to a response boat?

Escorting is when you maintain your position between a toi and the HVA while the TOI is transiting inside the security Zone. Must be authorized by PATCOM

What is the definition of herding?

Herding is similar to escorting except the TOI was not granted access to the security zone.

What is a loitering hand off

What is a drop back hand off

What is SV

Screening vessel

What is RB

Respons boat

What is RV

Reaction vessel

What are the four LAAS

Waterfront restricted area

Naval vessel protection zone

Safety zones

Security zones

What is a regulated navigation area?

A regulated navigation area is an area where you must comply with all orders given by the coast guard. Failure to do so will result in fines, arrests, or seizure of your vessel