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15 Cards in this Set

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In what three ways does tactical mode procedure support and enhance incident command risk management

Sharing the outcome of an IC'S ORA with staff involved with the incident both locally and remotely

insuring that fire service operations being carried out by just a single crew or sector do not have adverse effects on the safety or effectiveness of firefighters another crews or sectors

Recording the outcome of the ICS ORA

Hazardous goods or a type of building contents and storage that can cause problems for firefighters state another 3

Highly flammable

Goods which become hazardous when involved in fire

Storage of goods stacked high present a danger of collapsing as a fire develops

Priceless and valuable property stored in art galleries jewellers and museums

What must the emergency team leader do immediately after they have found the team requiring assistance

communicate immediately with ECO / communications operative stating they have located the Ba team requiring assistance given their exact location where possible and what they intend to do

at a fire you are sent to the sprinkler main stop valve on arrival at the main valve you should do one of two things what are they

Ensure the valve is not closed except on orders of the IC

Open the valve on the orders of the IC if it is closed

Where should the BA tally from a second set be placed when the emergency team passes through entry control

The BA tally is to be placed into the ECB and bracketed with the BA emergency team

Looking around the outside of a building for signs of Fire is one source of information that can help identify the fires location within the building describe four other sources of information that can be used before committing teams to the building

Eyewitnesses and the premises owner

Consult the automatic fire alarm panel to see the location of the detector heads which have actuated

fill for hot doors or walls as these are reliable indicators to the presence of Fire

characteristic odours can indicate the type of material burning and assist in locating the fire

Listen for crackling which indicate combustion

How was the initial command pump identified at an incident and what item should appliance commanders hand in at the ICP

Blue flashing lights left on

Nominal roll board

Define incident command

A system to promote the safe and effective resolution of events through the deliberate allocation and direction of resources

State 6 of the command pump officers responsibilities

Notify control of the call sign of the ICP

maintain radio contact with IC and transmitting information to and from brigade control

Collect nominal roll boards and switch off blue lights

Place normal roll boards in icw

Enter Preliminary details on the incident information board

receive nominal roll boards from oncoming appliance offices and notifier IC of crew officers available at ICP

Notify oncoming offices crews of IC requirements

Continue functioning as ICP until relieved by CU

List four actions that should be considered by firefighters if the signs of a fire gas ignition but present

Communicate the hazard to other firefighters ECO set commander or IC

Consider withdrawing from the building

Ventilate the fire gases from the adjacent compartments

Cool and dilute fire gases that have leaked from the fire compartment

What is the purpose of a long pulse

To extinguish flaming combustion in the gas layer to allow firefighters to advance through the compartment

What are the four effects of the direct fire extinguishing method

Extinguishes the fire

Possible water damage

entrained air into the compartment intensifying the fire if not used correctly

Worsens conditions for firefighters and casualties

Which phase of the fire progression shown on the graph above is considered the transition phase where the whole of the compartment is involved in the fire

Phase two or the flash over stage

What is the purpose of a short pulse

To provide a safe zone cooling the gases in the immediate vicinity of the fire fighting team

A ventilated fire with an adequate oxygen supply and flames visible in the fire gases at ceiling level two of the signs that a flash over may occur list the other 6 signs

Combustible material gassing off due to pyrolysis

High temperatures and an increasing rate of combustion

Neutral plane moving down

Sudden increase in fire development

Pyrolysis at floor level in the compartment

Increased turbulence of the neutral plane