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25 Cards in this Set

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refers to data that was collected by someone other than the user.

Secondary data

is a data that have been already collected by and readily available from other

Secondary data

are collected by someone else for a purpose other than the researcher's current project and has already undergone the statistical analysis

Secondary data

is the process of developing answers to research problems through the examination and interpretation of data.

Data analysis

you will describe the data from a particular sample, hence, the conclusion refers only to the sample

descriptive analysis

Here you may present systematically your numeric data in a form of a table or graph.

Frequency Distribution

You will describe the average of your numerical data. These are the kinds of average.

Measure of Central Tendency

a numeric value in a distribution that occurs most frequently.


the middle item of a sorted distribution of numbers.


The arithmetic average


You will compare whether your data are similar or different from each other.

Measures of Variability

the distance between the highest score and the lowest score in a distribution


indicates the average to which the scores deviate from the mean

Standard Deviation

In this method you will describe the relationship between two variables


Here, you will use information from the sample to make inferences, or estimates, about the population.

Inferential Analysis

Here you may assess whether the means of two groups are statistically different from each other. This analysis is appropriate whenever you want to compare the means of two independent groups


is used to test the significance of differences between means of two or more groups


You may measure the degree of relationship between two or more variables


aims to find a linear relationship to describe the correlation between an independent and possibly dependent variable.

Simple linear regression

Analogous to ANOVA except that there are multiple dependent variables

Multiple Linear Regression

is the organization of data into tables, graphs or charts, so that logical and statistical conclusions can be derived from the collected information.

Data presentation

Data is presented using paragraphs or sentences. It involves enumerating important characteristics, emphasizing significant figures and identifying important features of the data set.

Textual Presentation of Data

Data may grouped or ungrouped data. Ungrouped data is the data you first gather from an experiment or study. The data is raw - that is, it is not sorted into categories, classified, or otherwise considered as grouped data

Tabular Presentation of Data

is a table that displays the frequency of various outcomes in a sample

Frequency distribution

Each entry in the table contains the? or count of the occurrences of values within a particular group or interval, and in this way, the table summarizes the? of values in the sample.

frequency; distribution