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33 Cards in this Set

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is a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances


solute is a substance d ssolved in another substance, known as a


is the component that is present in greater quantity, it also determines the state of matter in which the solution exists.


is the component in lesser quantity.


refers to the amount of solute in a solution or solvent.


The dissolving agent is the


The substance that is dissolved is the


are usually homogeneous and all gaseous mixtures are gas-gas solutions. Most gases can form solutions with each other (unless they react with each other).

Gaseous mixtures

Two answers:

are our most easily recognized mixtures. When molecules of gas, solid or liquid are dispersed and mixed with those of liquid, the homogeneous states are called? Solids, liquids and gases dissolve in liquids to form?

Liquid mixtures; liquid solutions

are much lesson common. Many alloys, ceramics, and polymer blends are

Solid Solutions

Copper and zinc dissolve in each other and harden to give solid solutions called


Types of Solution Based on Nature of Solvent

1. Aqueous Solution

2. Non-aqueous solution

Types of Solution Based on Concentration

Concentrated solution

Diluted solution

Types of Solution Based on Concentration of Solute in Two Solutions

1. Isotonic solution

2. Hypertonic solution

3. Hypotonic solution

Types of Solution Based on the Amount of Solute Added

Unsaturated solution

Saturated solution

Supersaturated solution

refers to the amount of solute in a solution or UPANG solvent.


Which factor would not affect the solubility of sugar in water?

a) Heat the water and sugar

b) Add salt to the water

c) Grind the sugar to make it finer

d) Stir the water and sugar


Imagine that you performed an experiment in which you dissolved different samples of sugar cubes, extra fine sugar and regular table sugar) into water samples to compare how long they took dissolve. Which factor would be least important to the design of this experiment?

a) The same amount of sugar must be used in each sample.

b) The water samples must all be at the same temperature.

c) The sugar samples must all contain only sugar and water.

d) All the samples must be tested at exactly the same time of day


Which process or processes affect the speed of dissolving?

a) Particle size only

b) Particle size, temperature and stirring

c) Stirring only

d) Particle size and stirring only


the word describes a process that releases energy in the form of heat.


Forming a chemical bord releases energy and therefore is an

exothermic process

reactions usually feel hot because it is giving heat to you.


a process or reaction that absorbs energy in the form of heat.


Breaking a chemical bond requires energy and therefore is


reactions usually feel cold because it is taking heat away from you.


states that energy can be converted from one form to another with the interaction of heat, work and internal energy, but it cannot be created nor destroyed, under any circumstances.

Law of Thermodynamics

Q is positive when heat is? into the system (ie. heating it).


Q is negative when heat? out of the system (ie. cooling it)


W is positive when work is? the system (ie. compression).

Done on

W is negative when work is? the system (ie. expansion)

Done by

Law of Thermodynamics

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can be converted from one form to another with the interaction of heat, work and internal energy, but it cannot be created nor destroyed, under any circumstances Mathematically


When the water is placed in a freezer, the water slowly loses heat to the surrounding cold air. What could be the present reaction in this process?


Is freezing an exothermic or endothermic process? Why

Exothermic because when water becomes a solid, it releases heat, warming up its surroundings.
