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582 Cards in this Set

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middle-aged pt c/ anemia, splenomegaly, constitutional sx, WBC > 100,000
low leukocyte alk phos
high LDH, uric acid, B12

c-abl = Tyr kinase
t(9:22) translocation is ass'd c/ CML > ALL

Chronic = 1st stage: Imatinib = Gleevac = bcr-abl Tyr kinase inhibitor. allogenic stem cell tx for younger pt
Blast = 3rd staqe: same as acute leukemia or c/ dasatinib + hematopoeitic stem cell tx
Pt > 50 y/o c/ lymphoma most likely has _

Dx is made by _
Tx is based on _
Tx options _

Bcl-2 gene inhibits apoptosis
t(14;18) => Bcl-2 activation

"small cleaved cell" lymphoma
CD10 B cells
Follicular = #1 NH Lymphoma
NHL is 5x more common than HL

Dx by excisional LBN bx
Tx based on histopath classification:
Symptomatic => radiation + CHOP (Cyclophosphamide = Cytoxan, Adriamyin, Vincristine, Predisone)
High, grade aggressive dz => aggessive, curative tx
Low-grade indolent dz => palliative
Gene is ass'd c/ 3 cancer risks...
Tumor supressor
Retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma, breast carcinoma
p53 (3 cancers, 1 genetic syn)
tumor supressor on 17q13.1
BBCD: breast, bronchial, colon
Li-fraumeni syn = autosomal D
Young adult c/:
cervical adenopathy
1-2 wks of fever alternating c/ 1-2 afebrile weeks
+/- EtOH-induced pain in nodes

Dx by _ (look for _)
Tx based on _
Nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's lymphoma
#1 HL.
Excisional LN bx => Reed-Sternberg cells (giant B cells c/ bilobar nuclei, red nucleoli)
Tx based on stage:
# nodes, systemic B sx, whether dz crosses diaphragm
Tx: local radiation
ABVD: Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, Decarbazine'
MOPP: Mechlorethamine, Vincristine, Procarbazine, Prednisone
5-yr survival: Stage 1,2 (1 side of diaphragm) 90%, Stage 3 85%, Stage 4 65%
Common risk factor for AML, NHL, breast cancer, thyroid cancer
Chemotherapy, Radiation -> secondary neoplasms
What diseases?
Paternal 15q deletion => infantile hypotony, obesity, MR
Maternal 15q deletion => happy smile, wide gait, epilepsy
Paternal: Prader willi = infantile hypotony, obesity, MR
Maternal: angelMan = happy smile, wide gait, epilepsy
Elderly pt c/:
lethargy, wt loss
Raynaud's phenomenon
Mental status changes
Sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy
Blurred vision

BM bx => PAS (+) deposits around nucleus

Major precursor _
Dx _ (look for _)
Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
Chronic, indolent malignancy in elderly pts
clonal B cells -> high IgM ->
hyperviscosity, abnl coagulation, cryoglobulinemia -> Raynaud's, neuro probs
cold agglutinin dz-> autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Skin, GI, kidneys, lungs
MGUS = monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance = major precursor
BM bx => Dutcher bodies = PAS (+) deposits
Ewing's sarcoma
midshaft of long bones:
femur > pelvis > fibula > humerus
fever, anorexia, fatigue => mets
neuroectodermal origin

Tx: local excision + chemo, rad
white male teenager
pain + swelling in midshaft of femur
fever, anorexia, fatigue
elevated ESR
lytic bone lesions on X-ray

anemia, thrombocytopenia, frequent infections
elevated WBC count, esp. myeloblasts
FAB types M0-M7

what disease?
what therapy?

Tx: primarily chemo
allopurinol premedication to avoid tumor lysis syn
Tx for leukostasis syn = hydroxyurea +/ - leukapheresis
M3 type (acute promyelocytic) responsive to all-trans retinoic acid

Poor prognosis: age >60, CD34+ or MDR1+ phenotype, elevated LDH, trisomy 8, mutated xsome 5 or 7, t(6:9), FLT3 mutatoin, FAB M7 (acute megakaryoctic)
Acanthosis nigricans is ass'd c/ what neoplasm?
Visceral malignancy: SLUT

acanthosis nigricans = hyperpigmentation + epidermal thickening
Intrinsic coag pathway:
Measured by _
Initiated by event of _
Inhibited by drug _
Intrinsic coag pathway:
Measured by PTT
Initiated by exposure of collagen 2/2 vascular trauma
Inhibited by heparin:
increases PTT
decreases fibrinogen
safe in pregnancy
extrinsic coag pathway:
measured by _
initiated by _
inhibited by drug _
involves coag factors _
extrinsic coag pathway:
measured by PT
initiated by endothelium-produced tissue factor
inhibited by warfarin
(warfarin inhibits factor 7)
factor 3 activates factor 7 to 7a. 7a or 8a (intrinsic) activate factor 10.
involves coag factors _
50% rate of bilateral renal cell carcinoma
hemangioblastomas of retina, cerebellum, medulla
von Hipple Lindau
Deletion on 3p associated with cancer _
=>50% rate of bilateral renal cell carcinoma
also hemangioblastomas of retina, cerebellum, medulla
VHL gene = tumor supressor
pt c/ high PT, PTT, thrombin time, FDPs + D-dimers.
Low factor VIII, platelets
Generalized bleeding, ecchymoses, petechiae, +/- acral cyanosis

acute DIC
(unlike in severe liver dz, factor VIII is depressed)
Fibrin deposits in small vessels -> thrombosis, organ damage
Depletion of clotting factors, platelets -> bleeding diathesis
Ass'd c/ OB complications, sepsis, neoplasms, acute promyelocytic leukemia, pancreatitis, intravascular hemolysis, aortic aneurym, massive tissue injury/trauma, drug rxns, acidosis, ARDS
Tx: May need transfusion, shock mgmt
Platelets in hemorrhage c/ plt <20,000
How is CF diagnosed?
Sweat chloride test:
>60 mEq/L for pts <20y/o
>80 mEq/L for adults
4 causes of microcytic anemia
2/2 maturation disorder

Iron deficiency
Chronic dz
Sideroblastic anemia
Baby c/ transposition of the great vessels (cyanosis, critical illness right after birth) may have what genetic syndrome?
DiGeorge's: "CATCH-22"
Cardiac defects
Abnl facies
Thymic hypoplasia => T cell don't mature
Cleft palate
xsome 22 microdeletion

(2 main RFs for transpositon are mother c/ DM and DiGeorge)
congenital heart defect present
#1 cyanotic congenital heart disease in children is _
It consists of _
Initial tx is _
RFs are _
Tetrology of Fallot => PROVe
Pulm stenosis
Overriding aorta
VSD (cyanosis 2/2 L->R shunt)

Inital tx = PGE1
RFs: PKU, CATCH-22 syndrome = DiGeorge
Adult c/ hemangioblastoma in the posterior fossa

R/o sydrome _ to make sure pt is not at elevated risk of _
von Hipple Lindau hemangioblastomas of retina, cerebellum, medulla
Cysts in other organs
50% rate of bilateral renal cell carcinoma
Baby has:
Cleft lip/palate
Cardiac dextroposition, septal defects
Patau = Trisomy 13
Baby has:
Short sternum, small pelvis
Rocker-bottom feet
Cardiac, renal, intestinal defects
Edwards = Trisomy 18
Death <1 yr
4x more common than Trisomy 13
cafe-au-lait spots
pigmented lesions on the iris
peripheral nerve tumors
Axillary/inguinal freckles
Dx done via _
Increased risk of _
Von Recklinghausen = Neurofibromatosis 1 = 90% of NF
AD, xsome 17
1.Café au lait spots
2. Lisch nodules (pigmented iris hamartomas)
3. Multiple neurofibromas
4. Axillary/inguinal freckles
RF for OPTIC GLIOMA, meningiomas, pheochromocytoma, bone cysts, Wilms', leukemia
Dx: MRI of brain, brainstem, spine
Bilateral acoustic neuromas

Increased risk of _
Neurofibromatosis type 2
Mutation in NF2 tumor-supressor
RF for acousic schwannoma
Risk of meningiomas, pheochromocytomas
10% of NF cases
Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
Adrenal hyperplasia/ pheochromocytoma
Parathyroid hyperplasia
MEN 2A = Sipple's
like MEN 1:
Parathyroid hyperplasia
Like MEN 2B:
Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
Adrenal hyperplasia/ pheochromocytoma
In children, 2/3 of brain tumors are located _
3 most common types
Children: 2/3 of brain tumors are infratentorial (posterior fossa: cerebellum, brainstem)

cerebellar astrocytoma > medulloblastoma > ependymoma
preschooler c/:
flank mass
contains calcifications on imaging
(+) HVA in urine
#1 adrenal medulla tumor in kids
Catecholamine secreting => HVA in urine
Rarely regress spontaneously
child c/ calcified tumor in/around sella turcica
= remanant of Rathke's pouch
P-ANCA (+)
Cancer (hepatocellular)
Cirrhosis (micronodular)
Diabetes mellitus

AR (or due to chronic transfusions)

Tx = deferoxamine, phlebotomy

"HaemoChromatosis Can Cause Deposits Anywhere":
Cancer (hepatocellular)
Cirrhosis (micronodular)
Diabetes mellitus
HLA B27 (3 diseases)
Anylosing Spondylitis
IBD = Ulcerative Colitis
for MHC1
Deep tendon reflexes:
S1,2 achilles (tibia = S1,2,3,L4,5)
L3,4 knee (femoral = L2,3,4)
C5,6 biceps, supinator (MC C5,6,7)
C7,8 triceps (radial = C 5,6,7,8,T1)
low platelet count
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
neuro changes: delirium, seizure, stroke
impaired renal fx

schistocytes on peripheral smear
normal coag factors, PT, PTT

Mechanism Tx
2/2 platelet microthrombi -> ischemia, hemolysis
low platelet count
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
neuro changes: delirium, seizure, stroke
impaired renal fx
Innervation of thigh: obturator, femoral, sciatic nerves
MAP OF sciatic
Medial compartment => Obturator
Anterior compartment => Femoral
Posterior compartment => Sciatic
Hyperacute rejection:
mediated by _
time course _
Due to pre-formed anti-donor Ab's
w/in minutes of transplant
What is wrong with this EKG?
suggests electrolyte imbalance....
U wave (esp. in V3) = repolarization of papillary muscles or Purkinje fibers. Hypokalemia > hypercalcemia, thyrotoxicosis, digitalis, epinephrine, Class 1A and 3 antiarrhythmics, congenital long QT syn., intracranial hemorrhage.
AIDS pt or young child c/ rash:
tiny waxy papules c/ central umbilication
Adult: genitalia, perineum
Child + AIDS pts: trunk, face, extremities

Molloscum contagiosum
Dx: Giema or Wright's stain => inclusion/molloscum bodies
Tx: Dessication, currtage, imiquimod, trichloroacetic acid
Resolve spontaneously over weeks-years
Left untreated in children
Organ recipient c/
maculopapular rash
Graft vs. Host dz
Mediated by grafted immunocompetent T cells.
Musculocutaneous innervates 3 muscles in upper arm...
Biceps brachii
Hgb degradation products in RBCs
G6PD deficiency: hemolysis c/ oxidative stress = viral infection, fava beans, sulfa drugs, nitrofurantoin, quinine
Heinz bodies
Alpha Thalassemia: SE Asia
Βeta Thalassemia: Mediterranean + US
Hypochromic rbs, target cells
Nuclear fragments
Howell-Jolly bodies
Encapsulated microbes - name 7
(remember mnemonic)
"Some Nasty Killers Have Some Capsule Protection":
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Neisseria meningitidis
Klebsiella pnemoniae
Haemophilus influenzae
Salmonella typhi
Cryptococcus neoformans
Pseudomanas aeruginosa
"Some Nasty Killers Have Some Capsule Protection"
Auer rods
In myeloblasts. AML
Reed-Stenberg cells
Hodgkin;s. Binucletaed, prominent nucleoli, clear parachromatin.
Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. IgM, Malignant
Flame cells, Hyperviscosity
4 anterior mediastinal masses
4 T's:
T-cell / Hodgkin's lymphoma
Helmet cells
Fragmented RBCs
Thrombotic thrombocytic purpura
Hypersegmented neutrophils
B12/Folate deficiency
>40 y/o c/:
Bence Jones protein (IgG 50%, IgA 25%)
Russell bodies = Ig inclusions in plasma cells
osteolytic lesions
Multiple myeloma
50% of ovarian tumors are type _
Psammoma bodies on histopath
serous cystadenocarcinoma
maignant and frequently bilateral
Lewy bodies
Intracytoplasmic eosinophilic bodies
Kayser-Fleisher rings
Wilson's dz
Negri bodies
Painless transient papule/shallow anogenital ulcer ->
painful inflamm of inguinal nodes c/ constitutional sx ->
anal pruritus + discharge, proctocolitis, stricture, rectovaginal fistula, elephantiasis
Inclusion stain c/ periodic acid-Schiff
Lymphogranuloma venereum (L-serotype Chlamydia)
periodic acid-Schiff stains glycogen
doxycycline 100 mg BID x 21 days
Intranuclear inclusions (virus)

Causes of pulmonary fibrosis = BREAST SCAR:
· Upper lobe:
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
Ankylosing spondylitis
· Lower lobe:
Systemic sclerosis
Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
Ferruginous bodies
Psammoma bodies:
associated with 4 tumor types…
Psammoma body = laminated, concentric, consist of calcium
Papillary thyroid
Serous ovarian (papillary serous cystadenoma)
Malignant mesothelioma
Eosinophilia is suggestive of 5 things…
Collagen vascular disease
Ovarian mass causing feminization, precocious puberty
Call-Exner bodies
Granulosa ovarian tumor (estrogen-secreting)
Testicular mass causing precocious puberty, gynecomastia
Reinke crystals
Leydig testicular tumor
secrete androgens

(seminoma = #1 testicular tumor)
Warm Ab's = IgG
Cold Ab's = IgM
4 possible diseases...
Mycoplasma pneumonia
Hodgkin's lymphoma
Multiple myeloma
Direct coomb's

mix pt's _ c/ _
detects Ab's bound to cells
mix pt's RBCs c/ anti-IgG
Detects sensitized erythrocytes
Indirect coomb's
detects free Ab's
mix pt's plasma c/ normal RBCs
Aplastic anemia is caused by:
Drugs: alkylating agents, Chloramphenicol
Side effect common to these:
Alkylating agents
Prolonged PT:
Pathway _
Diseases _
Extrinsic + Common
Warfarin, Vit K deficiency
Prolonged aPTT
Pathway _
Diseases _
Intrinsic + Common
Hemophilia A, B
Thromboplastin time mesures…
Common pathway
Pt c/ atropic glossitis and dysphagia 2/2 esophageal webs
May be due to _ and have increased risk of neoplasm_
Plummer-Vinson = anemia, atrophic glossitis, esophageal webs
2/2 iron deficiency
RF for sq carcinoma of esophagus
Hypoplastic thumbs
Absent radii
Aplastic anemia
Cafe-au-Lait spots
short stature

Disease, inheritence, pathogenesis
"R"anconi Anemia:
AR inheritence
Absent Radii
Alkylating agents + Radiation => BM DNA more susceptible
Rheumatoid arthritis, Splenomegaly, Granulocytopenia,
skin lesions

(differential for chronic neutropenia + splenomegaly is 3 things..)
Felty's syndrome
(chronic neutropenia + splenomegaly = Felty, Gaucher's, sarcoid)
Complications: infections, hypersplenism, hyperpigmentation, cutaneous ulceration

Tx for RA: NSAIDS. DMARDS = hydroxychloroquine, sulfasalazine, methotrexate, azothioprine (2nd line: rituximab, leflunomide)
Carcinomas having tendency to metastasize to bone
"Prostate Tumors Love Killing Bone":

(this doesn't count sarcomas!!!)
Pt in 20's-30's c/ recurrent bacterial respiratory infections

Increased risk of _-type illness, _-type cancer

Dx: measure _
Common variable immunodeficiency
Combined B, T-cell defect
Ig levels drop in 20's -30's
RF for lymphoma, autoimmune dz
Dx: quantitative Ig level -> confirm c/ B- and T-cell subsets
Young pt (<1 or >10) c/ fever, petichiae, ecchymoses, CNS infiltrate. Lymphoblasts. WBC > 50,000 Bone pain
Tx: 85% of children achieve remission c/ chemotx
Avoid tumor lysis syn: allopurinol, IV fluids
Fever, petechiae, ecchymoses, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly.
Middle-aged . young pt c/ anemia, splenomegaly, LUQ pain, +/- constitutional sx
WBC maybe >100,000 c/ granulocytes @ all stages; +/- hyperviscosity syndrome
Low leukocyte alk phos
High LDH, uric acic, B12
Philadelphia chromosome = t(9;22)

Tx: 1st/Chronic stage vs. 3rd/Blast phase
Chronic phase => Imatinib = Gleevac = bcr-abl tyr kinase inhibitor. Allogenic stem cell tx in young pts
Blast phase => treat like acute leukemia or c/ dasatinib + hematopoietic stemm cell tx.
Elderlypt c/ insiduous sx of low Ig, infections. Lymphocytes predominate, esp. CD5 non-Ab producing B cells
Warm-Ab hemolytic anemia
Smudge cells on peripheral smear
Lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly
Lymphocytes predominate, esp. non-Ab producing B cells
Hemolytic anemia

Involves _ portion of brain
Hunt 4 A Date
Chromosome 4, AD
Medial calcific stenosis, "gooseneck lumps" in small-medium sized arteries
Monckeberg;s arteriosclerosis
Asian child c/ fever, conjunctivitis, maculopapular rash.
Consider dx of __
What to r/o a __
Kawasaki = mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
"CRASH + Burn"
cervical Adenopathy
Strawberry tongue
Hands + feet are red, swollen, flaky
Burn: fever >40 deg. x 5 days
Coronary artery aneurysms in subacute phase (starts after 1-2 weeks)
1. High-dose Asa for fever, inflamm
IVIG => prevent aneurysms
2. Low-dose aspirin x 6 wks
Anticoag for pts c/ coronary aneurysm
Female c/ polymyalgia rheumatica, new headaches, then vision loss in one eye
Giant cell arteritis = temporal arteritis
Subacute granulomatous inflamm of aorta, extenal carotid esp. temporal branch, vertebral arteries
Complication: central retinal artery occlusion -> monocular blindness
Tx: high-dose prednisone x 1-2 mo
Small-medium vessel arteritis
Affects kidneys, heart, muscles, skin
Disease = __
Therapy = __
Polyarteritis nodosa
Responds to steroids.
Early dx and tx may prevent blindness.
testosterone >70 ng/mL
DHEAS <7 ng/mL

late-onset CAH
Cushing's syn

no further workup/
r/o CAH, Cushings
Acetyl choline R’s in NM end plate
Myasthenia gravis
"mosaic" lamellar pattern in bone of femur, skull, axial skeleton
+/- bone pain, hearing loss
Normal Ca2+, P
High Alk phos
High urine hydroxyproline

Suspected to be 2/2
Most sensitive test
excessive resorption and formation of bone
2/2 latent viral infection?
Radionuclide bone scan = most sensitive test
Complications: fractures, cardiac coplications
Osteosarcoma in up to 1%
Tx: bisphosphonates, calcitonin to slow resorption
Pain relief c/ acetaminophen, NSAIDs
anti-Centromere Ab's
CREST = sclerosis of fingers, forearm, face
Calcinosis, Raynaud's, Esophageal dysmotility, Sclerodactyly, Telangiectasias
HHV-7 is ass'd c/ skin disease...
pityriasis rosacea
mini-epidemics in young adults
herald patch -> secondar exanthem c/ "cigarette paper" scale, christmas tree on back

heals s/ tx in 2-3 wks.
severe => short course of systemic corticosteroids
Pemphigus vulgaris
widespread painful erosions of skin, mucus membranes
Nikolsky's sign (can make new blisters beside old ones)
Bx => acantholysis
Tx: wound care
High dose systemic corticosteroids
Azathioprine, other anti-metabolites if steroids not well-tolerated
50 y/o pt c/o blisters
Can produce intraepidermal blisters by rubbing area adjacent to current blisters
(+) anti-desmoglein Ab's on immunofluorescence, ELISA

anti-Gliadin Ab's
Proximal small bowel only
Abnl xylose test
Increased risk of T-cell lymphoma
anti-Histone Ab's

what disease?
Drug-induced SLE

Chlorpromazine = phenothiazine/antiemetic
Hydralazine = arteriole dilator for CHF
Methyldopa = presynaptic adrenergic release blocker =
Penicillamine = for RA, juvenile polyart.arthritis, scleroderma
Quinidine = IA = for atrial flutter/fib, PSVT, vtach = prolongs repolarization of purkinje
Child c/ poor retinal development, GU abnormalities, MR

Should be concerned a/b malignancy _
Wilm's tumor
GU abnormalities
mental Retardation
anti-Microsomal Ab's
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
anti-Mitochondrial Ab's

lab change
1° Biliary cirrhosis

Destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts
Middle-aged women c/ hx of auto-immune dz, esp. CREST + scleroderma
Complications: sclerosing cholangitis
High Alk phos
Sx: fatigue, pruritis, hypercholesterolemia, steatorrhea, xanthomas
Tx: ursodeoxycholic acid slows dz progression
Cholestyramine for pruritus
Liver tx
anti-Nuclear Ab's:
differential = 5 diseases, in order of how commonly they present c/ ANA's
SLE 80-90%
Sjogrens 60%
Scleroderma 30%
Dermatomyositis 30%
RA 30%
anti-Neutrophil Ab's
Vasculitis (c-ANCA, p-ANCA)
auto-Ab's against Neutrophil cytoplasm
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Auto-Ab against proteins involved c/ intracellular Ca2+ release
similar to myasthenia gravis

More strength c/ repitition
anti-Platelet IgG
#1 immunologic disorder in women of childbearing age
+/- hx of lymphoma, leukemia, SLe, HIV, HCV
what type of hypersensitivity?
Pregnancy risk
ITP = type 2 hypersensitivity
Chronic form => adults
Diagnosis of exclusion
No tx if platelets > 20,000
Corticosteroids, IVIG -> splenectomy if still needing steroids @ 3-6 months
Pregnancy: risk of fetal thrombocytopenia
TSH receptor
Anti-Jo-1 (2 diseases)
Polymyositis, dermatomyositis
marker for 3 cancers…
"oncofetal Ag" = manifestation of de-differentiation
Adenocarcinoma of colon, pancreas, lung
alpha fetoprotein (3 things it can mean)
yolk sac tumor (#1 testicular tumor in kids)+C503
endodermal sinus tumors
Alk phos (3 things it can mean)
High osteoblast activity
Bone mets
Obstructive biliary dz
Paget's (bones enlarged, radiolucent, excessive resorption, replacement)
S-100 is associated with 3 cancers... (in 2 systems)
Melanoma (lentigo malinga = horizontal; nodular = vertical)
Neural tumors
pancreatic cancer
medullary carcinoma of thyroid
5-HIAA = 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
carcinoid syn
due to metastatic carcinoid tumor

carcinoid syn can cause niacin deficiency due to B3 being used to make serotonin
Decreased percussion
increased tactile fremitus (more vibration than expected when pt speaks)
bronchial breath sounds (short inspiration, long expiration)
Wet crackles
Consolidation, e.g. typical pneumonia
Sounds are transmitted better through consolidation (which includes alveoli) than through areas whnere infiltrates are mostly intersitial + spare the alveoli
Bronchial breath sounds due to compression of bronchi by infiltrate
Hyperresonance to percussion
Dry crackles
Bullous emphysema
large air-filled bullae @ periphery of repiratory unit (repiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, alveoli)
Chronic bronchitis is seen in two major areas: In _ => symptoms of _, _
In _ => _
1. segmental bronchi: inflammation causes increased mucous production (productive cough), sibilant rhonchi (whistling sounds that clear c/ cough)
2. terminal bronchioles: inflammatory airway obstruction => wheexzing, air-trapping
Dullness to percussion
No tactile fremitus or crackles
Pleural effusion
fluid in pleural cavity blocks sound transmission from parenchyma
Hyperresonance to percussion
No tactile fremitus or crackles
lung collapses due to open communication b/w pleural cavity + airway
usually due to bleb rupture in or directly beneath pleura
What lung problem?
Pleuritic chest pain
Pleural friction rub
Hemorrhagic pleural effusion
small embolus to peripheral pulm arterial branch => wedge-shaped hemorrhagic infarction extending to pleural surface
Whipple's dz
PAS (+) macrophages
PCR (+)
Extrapyramidal sx
Septran tx
2 organisms causing post-viral pneumonia
H. influenzae
Lobar pneumonia organisms (3)
Pneumococcus => ceftriaxone, macrolide, or quinolone
Klebsiella => 3G or quinolone
Legionella (LDH >400, hyponatremia, CNS changes, diarrhea) => doxycycline, macrolide, or quinolone
Lung cancer:
Neuroendocrine + Paraneoplastic syndromes
ACTH, ADH, Lambert-Eaton
Metastasizes via mediastinal + hilar LN's
Small cell carcinoma
Lung cancer:
Hilar mass arising from bronchus
Strongly correlated c/ smoking
"Keratin pearls", intracellular bridges
___ hormone -producing
Well-localized, metastasizes slowly outside of thorax
Squamous cell carcinoma
SSS = Squamous, Sentral, Smoking
Open-angle glaucoma:
dz of trabecular mesh -> obstructs drainage
most common glaucoma
painless, insidious.
B-block, latanoprost, acetazolamide, pilocarpine
Af Am pt > 40 y/o c/ hx DM, myopia
Needing frequent contact lens changes.
Headaches, bilat. peripheral visual changes
Fundoscopic exam => cupping of optic disk
Lung cancer:
@ previous site of lung injury/inflammation
Clara cells --> Type 2 pneumocytes
Multiple densities on CXR
#1 lung cancer in non-smokers
Lung cancer:
ass'd c/ gynecomastia

Large cell carcinoma

least common
poor prognosis
Top 2 causes of pulmonary HTN
2. L to R shunt
normal pulm artery P ~12 mm Hg
HTN is > 24 mm Hg or >35 mm Hg in exercise
Pulm HTN causes cor pulmonale (CP is defined as originating in the pulm circulation, due to tissue damage, chornic hypoxic pulm vasoconstriction), RV failure
Intersitial lung dz/fibrosis
2/2 inflamm and/or fibrosis of interalveolar septum
Advanced disease has cystic spaces in periphery = "honeycombing"
Causes: idiopathic, collagen vascular dz, granulomatous dz, drugs, hypersensitivity, pneumoconiosis, eosinophilic pulm dz
Iatrogenic: busulfan, bleomycin, nitrofurantoin, amiodarone, radiation, long-term high O2
Tx: support. corticosteroids for inflamm dz
Pt c/ rapid, shallow breathing, nonproductive cough
Inspiratory squeaks, "velcro" crackles
"Honeycombing" on CXR
Low TLC, FVC, DLco
Normal FEV1/FVC

Can be caused by 2 alkylating agents _, Antibiotic _, anti-arrhythmic _, long-term high O2, radiation
Therapeutic index
median toxic dose/ median effective dose
Normal lab value:
90 (75-100)
Normal lab value:
25 (22-28)
Normal lab value:
100 (95-105)
Normal lab value:
4.2 (3.5-5)
main indication
2 major side effects
For manic depression
SE: nephrogenic DI (don't respond to ADH), hypothyroid
Normal peripheral blood:
% eosinophils
3% (0-5%)
Genital lesions: what are these and how are they treated?
#1: papule -> beefy red ulcer c/ rolled edge of granulation tissue. painless. Bx => donovan bodies
#2: multiple, painful, irregular, well-demarcated necrotic ulcers. inguinal lymphadenopahty
#1: granuloma inguinale = calmmatobacterium granulomatis
#2: chancroid = haemophilus ducreyi
Tx for either: Doxy 100 mg BID or Azith 1g weekly x 3 wks
Normal peripheral blood:
platelet count
275,000 (150,000-400,000)
What has this patient overdosed on?
what is the tx?
drowsiness, confusion
dry mouth, dilated pupils, blurred vision, decreased BS, urinary retention
antidote = cholinesterase inhibitor = physodstigmine
Normal peripheral blood:
% lymphocytes
30% (25-35%)
Normal peripheral blood:
% bands, monocytes
4% (3-5%)
Normal peripheral blood:
Hct (M, F)
Male: 0.47 (0.41-0.53)
Female: 0.41 (0.36-0.46)
Normal peripheral blood:
Hgb (M, F, baby) g/dL
Male: 15.5 (13.5-17.5)
Female: 14 (12-16)
Infant: 17 (14-20)
Normal lab value:
Cr mg/dL
0.9 (0.6-1.2)
Adult pt has recently taken phenytoin, sulfonamide, allopurinol, carbamazepine, barbiturate, or NSAID
Now c/ hot, tender, erythematous macules
Loose skin patches
Blistering of oral mucosa

Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Tx: supportive
Controversial tx: systemic steroids, IVIG in early dz
Normal lab value:
normal AST < 35 U/L
Normal lab value:
Amylase U/L
75 (25-125)
DHEAS >7 ng/mL

disease differential
adrenal tumor
cushing's syndrome

adrenal CT
dexamethasone suppression test
Type 2 diabetes screening:
when to start, frequency
normal fasting #'s
no RF's: start @ 45, test q3 yrs
Impaired fasting glucose: >110 mg/dL => test more frequently
Type 2 DM: >125 mg/dL
Normal lab value:
9.3 (8.4-10.2)
annular pruritic cutaneous rash that may be recurrent
tends to involve palms, soles
starts as erythematous macules -> become centrally clear, develop a blister

Most are triggered by _
2 other causes are _
Severe disease can progress to 2 worse conditions...

(see hint)
Erythema multiforme
most triggered by HSV
other triggers: mycoplasma, drugs
Severe EM can ->
TEN = full-thickness epidermal damage + sloughing (2/2 sulfa, allopurinol, phenytoin, carbamezepine) or
Stevens-Johnson = ill c/ involvement of >1 mucosal surface

Tx: symptomatic
HSV => suppressive tx c/ acyclovir
pt usually has hx of recurrent labial herpes
Renal problems
Neurologic dysfunction
"Blue bloaters"
Chronic bronchitis
Chronic resp irritation/infections
Hypertrophy of submucosal glands
"Fixed split S2": 2 possibilities
Create L to R shunt that increases blood flow to the R heart =>
pulmonic valve closes AFTER aortic, regardless of inspiration or expiration
(normally, inspiration causes a delay in pulmonic valve closure, increases the S2 split)
"hair on end" apprearance on x-ray
Extramedullary hematopoeisis:
β thalassemia
Sickle cell
"Machine-like" murmur
"Pink puffers" = emphysema
Panacinar is located in _, due to _
Centrilobular is located in _, due to _
Panacinar: lower lobes, entire acinus is dilated. Anti-trypsin deficiency
Centrilobular: upper lobes, dilation of bronchioles only. RF =smoking
"Slapped cheeks"

Fetal effect
Erythema infectiosum = 5th disease = Parvovirus B19
ssDNA (smallest DNA virus), linear, nucleocapsid, no envelope
Aplastic crises in sickle cell
Hyrops fetalis
"Soap bubble" appearance on x-ray:
_ tumor of bone
Commonly located @ _
Giant cell tumor of bone
Benign primary bone tumor, esp. distal femur
Epiphyseal end of long bones
20-40 y/o
Spindle-shaped cells c/ multinucleates giant cells
"Spike + dome" on EM:
Kidney disease_
Membranous glomerulonephritis
"Strawberry tongue"
Scarlet fever
Toxigenic grp A β-hemolytic strep = Strep pyogenes
Toxigenic also ass'd c/ TSS
"String sign" on x-ray
Crohn's disease
"Thumb sign on lateral x-ray
Haemophilus influenzae
"Tram track" appearance on LM
Classified as a _ syndrome
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Nephritic syndrome
Sub-ENDOthelial humps on EM
Young adults
Poor prognosis: slowly progresses to renal failure
"Water hammer" pulse
What lesion
2 causes
Aortic regurgitation
Due to endocarditis, syphilis
Early high-pitched diastolic "blowing" murmur c/ "pistol shots" in femoral
Wide pulse P
# 1 congen cardiac anomaly + its direction
VSD (L--> R)
#1 acute renal failure
initial reversible oliguria => hyperkalemia
3 main causes….
1. Ischemia: low BP from sepsis, trauma
2. Myoglobinuria: crush injury, exercise
3. Toxicity to prox renal tubule: mercuric chloride, gentamycin, ethylene glycol
#1 adrenal tumor in adults
chromaffin cells (neural crest origin)
MEN2 (parathyroid), MEN3 (mucosal neuromas = oral/intestinal ganglioneuromatosis) (MEN 2 + 3 have ret gene, pheochromocytoma, papillary of thyroid)
#1 adrenal tumor in kids
can occur anywhere along sympathetic chain, but adrenal medulla is most common
HVA (dopamine degradation product) in urine

N-methyl transferase is ONLY in adrenal medulla. Makes epi.
COMT: Epi --> metanephrine
MAO: metanephrine --> VMA
HVA, VMA, metanephrines are secreted in urine
#1 benign bone tumor:
Consists of _
Mature bone c/ cartilage cap
often @ long metaphysis
M> F
<25 y/o
Rare malignant transformation
#1 benign breast tumor
Small, mobile, firm mass c/ sharp edges
increase in size + tenderness in pregnancy
Not a pre-cancerous lesion
#1 benign ovarian tumor
Serous cystadenoma:
20% of ovarian tumors
Can be bilateral
Lined c/ fallopian-type epithelium
#1 brain tumor in kids

What type of cells
Medulloblastoma (cerebellum)
a PNET = primitive neuroectodermal tumor
4th ventricle compression -> hydrocephalus
Rosettes or perivascular pseudorosettes
#1 breast cancer
infiltrating ductal
firm, fibrous mass
#1 cardiac tumor in kids
Asscocated c/ disease_
Ass'd c/ tuberous sclerosis

Tuberous sclerosis: presenting features "Zits, Fits, Deficits":
Zits: adenoma sebaceum
Fits: seizures
Deficits: neuro deficits
#1 Cardiomyopathy
Dilated cardiomyopathy = 90%
Beri-Beri, Baby-having (pregnancy)
Coxsackie B, Cocaine, Chagas
Heart dilates + looks like a balloon on CXR
Inherited form: mutated cytoskel proteins, Alk Phos (e.g. X-linked dystrophin mutation)
#1 cause of abdominal or decending aortic aneurysm
#1 cause of ascending aortic aneurysm
Tertiary syphilis

CV disease after 10-20 yrs of untreated dz

Gummas: indolent granulomatous lesions on skin, liver, skel system, musculocutaneous tissue
Neurosyphilis = tabes dorsalis : posterior column demyelination -> decreased proprioception, (+) Romberg, wide gait
Argyll-Robertson pupil = lesion in PRETECTAL area of SUPERIOR COLLICULUS: accomodates (parasymp => pupil constricts + ciliary body constricts the lens to focus), but no rxn to light (direct path from optic tract to midbrain)
Charcot joints
Stroke s/ HTN
#1 cause of congential adrenal hyperplasia, and its symptoms

what are the 2 next most common forms of CAH?
21 beta-hydroxylase deficiency: 2 rxns that create cortisol + mineralcorticoid precursors
Masculinization, female pseudohermaphroditism
Salt wasting: low Na+, high K+, low BP

11 beta-hydroxylase deficiency => HTN (11-deoxycorticosterone = weak mineralcorticoid), masculinization

17 alpha-hydroxylase deficiency => HTN, female s/ maturation
#1 cause of death in CML
Blast crisis = acceleration of CML to AML
Normally more mature myeloid cells: neutrophils, metamyelocytes
#1 cause of death in SLE
Lupus nephropathy: wire loop lesions, sub-EPIthelial immune complexes
Pattern of membranous glomerulonephritis
#1 cause of dissecting aortic aneurysm
#1 cause of hemochromatosis
2 complications
Multiple transfusions
complications: CHF, hepatocellular carcinoma

"HaemoChromatosis Can Cause Deposits Anywhere":
Cancer (hepatocellular)
Diabetes mellitus
#1 cause of hepatocellular carcinoma
Cirrhosis, often with Hep B/C

ABC of etiology:
Hep B

ABC of features:
alpha Feto-protein
Bile-producing (DDx from cholangiocarcinoma)
Commonest primary liver tumor
#1 cause of hypoparathyroidism
#1 cause of hypopituitarism
Pediatric rashes ass'd c/ fever: time of appearance after fever onset

Which disease shows rash on which day?
"Really Sick Children Must Take No Exercise":
# of days after fever onset when appears:
1 Day: Rubella
2 Days: Scarlet fever/ Smallpox
3 Days: Chickenpox
4 Days: Measles (Koplik spots 1 day rash)
5 Days: Typhus & rickettsia (this is variable)
6 Days: Nothing
7 Days: Enteric fever (salmonella)
#1 cause of MR
Trisomy 21
#1 cause of myocarditis
Coxsackie B:
Picornavirus, ssRNA, no envelope, icosahedral, makes large peptide that is cleaved into viral proteins ("PERCH on the "pico" of the mtn)
myocarditis, aseptic meningitis, herpangina (febrile paralysis), hand-foot-mouth dx
#1 cause of opening snap
mitral stenosis
#1 cause of primary amenorrhea
#1 cause of primary hyperaldosteronism
Conn's = adrenoma of adrenal cortex => low renin, low K+, HTN, met alkalosis
Receptors linked to Gq pathway
HAVe 1 M&M
#1 cause of secondary HTN
renal disease
#1 cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism
Chronic renal failure -> hypocalcemia -> parathyroid hyperplasia
Blood: low Ca, high P
"renal osteodystrophy"
#1 class of ovarian tumor in women , 20 y/o

specific tumors in that class, how to tell them apart
germ cell tumor

"Doctor Examined The Ovaries":
Dysgerminoma (hCG, ~seminoma in males, malignant)
Endomdermal sinus (AFP > anti-trypsin, kids)
Teratoma (90% of ovarian germ cell tumors; dermoid, immature, + struma ovarii = thyroid tissue)
Ovarian choriocarcinoma (hCG, syncitiotropoblasts are hyperchromatic)
#1 congenital cardiac anomaly
VSD (L to R)
#1 constrictive pericarditis
Starts as hemorrhagic pericarditis, can lead to chronic adhesive or constrictive pericarditis
#1 dietary deficit
#1 endometrial cancer
Serous adenocardinoma
may be no bleeding
RFs: >40 y/o, long childbearing period, nulliparous, obese
#1 glomerulonephritis in adults
IgA nephropathy = Berger's
5 Beta blocker contraindications, cautions
Beta-blockers: main contraindications, cautions ABCDE:
Block (heart block)
Diabetes mellitus
Electrolyte (hyperkalemia)
#1 leukemia in adults
#1 location for colon diverticula
true vs. false diverticula
true diverticula = all 3 gut layers (mucosa, muscularis, serosa)
pseudodiverticula = mucosa + submucosa; esophagus, stomach, duodenum, colon - where vasa recta perforate the muscularis externa
#1 lysosomal storage disorder
Βeta-glucocerebrosidase: Glucocerebroside --> Cerebroside
AR inheritance
Hepatosplenomegaly, aseptic necrosis of femur, bone crises
Gaucher's cells = macrophages
#1 malignant bone tumor
"sunburst" lytic lesions on CT and/or MRI seen in metaphyses of long bones
4 RFs
20% have mets to _
male adolescents
Ass'd c/ Paget's dz of bone, bone infarcts, radiation. Familial retinoblastoma
20% have lung mets
Resection + post-op chemo for micromets
#1 malignant ovarian tumor
Serous cystadenocarcinoma:
50% of ovarian tumors
Often bilateral
#1 malignant skin tumor
Esp. on eyelid
Multiple lesions on non-sun exposed areas suggests exposure to _ or inheritance of _
Basal cell carcinoma
Locally invasive, rarely metastasizes
Pearly papules, "palisading nuclei"
Arsenic exposure or BCC nevus syn => BCC on non-sun exposed areas
#1 motor neuron disease
Spinocerebellar motor neuron disease
Atrophy, spasticity, weakness = UMN and LMN signs
No sensory deficit
Can be caused by defect in SOD
#1 nephrotic syndrome

young pt, insidious onset
sub-EPIthelial immune complexes
Diffuse GBM thickening
Granular pattern on IF, "spike + dome" on EM
#1 NH lymphoma in adults
Follicular = small cleaved cell:
CD10 B cells
t(14;18) => bcl-2 (blocks apoptosis)
Indolent waxing/waning, non-painful lymphadenopathy, hard to cure

NLH's tend to affect younger adults, no hypergammaglobiulinemia, multiple nodes, non-contiguous spread
#1 NH lymphoma in kids:
_ cells
Commonly presents c/ _ + _
Lymphoblastic lymphoma
Commonly presents c/ ALL + mediastinal mass
very aggressive
#1 opportunistic infection in AIDS

Non-productive cough, dyspnea, fever
Increased A-a gradient
Bilat interstitial "ground glass" infiltrates
Can also be disseminated
Pneumocystis carinii:
Diffuse interstitial pneumonia
Inhaled yeast
Dx: methamine silver stain of lung tissue (green)
Tx = TMP/SMX x 21 days, (or primaquine, clinda if sulfa allergy)
Prednisone taper if PaO2 <60mm or A-a gradient >35
PPx: CD4 <200 cells/mL or oral candidiasis
Name 4 major opportunistic GI diseases in AIDS:
1. Neoplastic/Viral
2. Parasite
3. Bacterial
4. Viral
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 2/2 EBV
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex
Cryptosporidium (CD4 < 180, acid-fast oocysts)
CMV colitis
If an IV drug user has osteomytelitis, suspect 2 organisms...
Staph aureus: clinda + cipro, amp/sulbactam, oxacillin/nafcillin, or vancomycin
Pseudomonas: cefTAZadime
Tx: debridement -> IV abx x 4-6 wks
#1 pancreatic tumor:
_ of _
Tumor marker
Presentation (2 signs, 2 sx)
Adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas = 75%
CA 19-9
RFs: smoking, high-fat diet chronic pancreatitis, 1st deg. family hx, Jewish, Af-Am males
**** EtOH IS NOT A RF ******
1. Ab pain radiating to back
2. Wt loss
3. Trousseau's = migratory thrombophlebitis
4. Courvoisier's sign = palpable nontender gallbladder
Tx: Whipple for the ~15% that aren't metastatic
Chemo: 5-FU + Gemcitabine
elderly pt c/
Hypercalcemia, renal insufficiency, anemia
Lytic bone lesions
Serum/urine protein electrophoresis => gamma spike IgG > IgA = M proteins
Lytic bone lesions
BM bx => >10% plasma cells
Bence-Jones (light chains) in urine
Rouleaus of RBCs

Dz, Tx
Multiple myeloma
1. >10% plasma cells in marrow
2. Lytic bone lesions
3. Serum/urine M protein
Bone scan (measures osteoBLASTIC) activity may be (-)
Chemotx: prednisone + melphalan = oral alkylating agent
Myeloma cells may be resistant 2/2 MDR gene
Stem cell tx to support more intensive chemo
#1 primary cardiac tumor
increased systemic venous pressure on inspiration
90% in atria, L>R
"Ball + Valve"
Kussmaul's sign = increased systemic venous pressure on inspiration
#1 primary liver cancer
tumor marker is ...
Hepatoma/Hepatocelluar carcinoma
RF's: aflatoxin B1, Hep B/C, Wilson's, hemochromatosis, alpha1anti-trypsin defic, EtOH cirrhosis
Tender hepatomegaly, ascites, polycythemia, hypoglycemia, Budd-Chiari
Hematogenous dissemination
alpha fetoprotein
#1 renal cancer

Associated with diseases (2)_
2 other RF's
Typical population, presentation, paraneoplastic syndromes
Ass'd c/ VHL (deletion on chromosome 3p), acquired polycystic kidney dz
Other RF's: smoking, obesity
Paraneoplastic: ectopic Epo, ACTH, PTHrP, prolactin
Men 50-70 y/o
#1 stomach cancer is...
2 types are...
RFs are ...
Tx is ...
Gastric adenocarcinoma
Intestinal: metaplastic gastric mucosa. RF's: diet high in nitrites/salt, H. pylori, chronic gastritis
Diffuse: poorly-diff. RFs unk.
Early aggressive local spread, mets to LNs + liver
Tx: surgery
Krukenberg's tumor = bilateral ovarian mets
#2 cause of cancer death worldwide
#1 supratentorial brain tumor in kids
Derived from Rathke's pouch (depression in roof of developing mouth; gives rise to anterior pituitary)
Calcification is common
Bitemporal hemianopsia => can be confused c/ pituitary adenoma
#1 testicular tumor
Presentation, population
Tumor marker
Painless testicular enlargement
40-50 y/o
Placental Alk Phos (AFP for other testicular cancers)

Germ cell = 95% of testicular tumors (others are embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac = endodermal sinus tumor)
#1 tracheo-esophageal fistula
Upper esophagus = blind pouch
Lower esophagus connects to trachea
Hirsuitism/virilization c/ testosterone >200 ng/dL

ovarian neoplasm

adrenal CT, pelvic US
#1 vasulitis
Temporal arteritis:
elderly females, 50% have polymyalgia rheumatica
small-medium arteries, branches of carotid
focal granulomatous inflammation of media
increased ESR
risk of ipsilateral blindness by thrombosis of opthalmic artery
tx = corticosteroids
#1,2 viral encephalitis
For #1: Dz, Dx, Tx

(see hint for #1)
1. HSV: RBCs in CSF s/ hx of trauma
Tx: IV acyclovir
2. Arbovirus
also enteroviruses
CMV => IV ganciclovir +/- foscarnet
pt c/o lethargy, wt loss, Reyanud's
Neuro changes: AMS, periph neuropathy, blurred vision
Skin, GI, kidney, or lung prbs
High ESR, uric acid, LDH Alk phos
PAS (+) IgM deposits around nucleus

Dz is _
Dx by _
Tx is _
(See hint)
Waldenstrom's macrolobulinemia
precursor = MGUS
high IgM -> hypervisosity, cold agglutinin dz -> autoimmune hemoytic anemia
Dx by BM bx => Dutcher bodies
Tx: excess IgM removed by plasmaphersis
Treat lymphoma c/ chemo
a malignant monoclonal gammopathy
high IgM
#2 testicular germ cell tumor
Hemorrhage, necrosis
Embryonal carcinoma
Presents c/ pain, mets
Pts younger than c/ seminoma
_ of hypothalamus produces oxytocin
PARavenricular nucleus => PARturition
_ type pericarditis:
viral infections, uremia, rheumatic fever
2 estrogen-secreting ovarian tumors
1. Granulosa (Call-Exner bodies, precocious puberty, endometrial hyperplasia)
2. Thecoma
(Sertoli-Leydig secrete androgens)
2 High-pitched "blowing" murmurs:
Early diastolic
Mitral regurgitation => holosystolic
Aortic regurgitation => early diastolic
2 most common cancers in kids
1. ALL: lymphoblasts. Can spread to CNS, testes
2. Cerebellar medulloblastoma:
primitive neuroectodermal tumor
4th ventricle compression --> hydrocephalus. Rosettes or perivascular pseudorosettes. Roadiosensitive
Cushing's syn:
Screening test
2 most common causes
Screening: 24-hr free urine cortisol or overnight low-dose dexamethasone suppression test (abnl if AM cortisol is still high)
1. Corticosteroid therapy (low ACTH)
2. Pituitary adenoma (high ACTH): high afternoon ACTH
2 most common kidney stones

relationship to urine pH
1. Ca Oxalate and/or Phosphate: Cancer, hyperparathyroid, hypercalcemia, milk-alkali syn. Tend to recur
2. Struvite = Ammonium Mg Phosphate: Proteus, Staph, Klebsiella. Staghorn calculi = nidus for UTI. Worsened by ALKaluria.
Both radiopaque
Uric acid = radiolucent, worsened by ACIDuria
2 most common pituitary tumors
tx for #1
1. Prolactinoma: prolactin > 200 mg/dL
amenorrhea, galactorrhea, low libido, infertile. Tx = bromocriptine, cabergoline, pergolide (dopamine agonist)
2. Growth hormone adenoma (=somatotropic "acidophilic" adenoma?)
AIDS pt from another country has a head CT c/ contrast:
ring-enhancing or calcified lesion

Cystocercosis = infection c/ larval form of Taenia solium (pork tapeworm)
Tx: niclosamide or praziquantel
3 most common cancers to metastasize
Lung (to brain, bone, liver) > Breast, Stomach
3 most common causes of primary hyperparathyroidism

Blood changes
Urine changes
1. Adenoma
2. Hyperplasia
3. Carcinoma

Blood: high Ca2+, low P
Urine: high Ca, cAMP

Can cause osteitis fibrosa cystica = von Recklinghausen's = brown, cystic, painful bone lesions
H. pylori is associated c/ 2 gastric cancers..
H. pylori ->
1. Intestinal-type gastric adenoca = metaplastic gastric mucosa. Tx is surgery.
2. MALT gastric lymphoma = a NHL = monoclonal B cell proliferation. Tx is chemo.
3 most common thyroid carcinomas

path findings
1. Papillary: Popular
Papillae (branching)
Palpable lymph nodes
Orphan Annie "Pupils"
Psammoma = laminar Ca2+ collections
Positive Prognosis
RF = childhood irradiation

2. Follicular: hematogenous mets, good prognosis
3. Medullary: parafollicular C cells (calcitonin) MEN2 (parathyroid), MEN3 (mucosal neuromas = oral/intestinal ganglioneuromatosis)
3 y/o has palpable flank mass.
What genetic change is likely?
WT1 tumor supressor gene on chromosome 11
Wilm's = #1 renal tumor of early childhood
4 causes of secondary hyperaldosteronism

cardiac, vascular, renal, hepatic
1. CHF
2. Vena cava obstruction/constriction (atrial stretch R's)
3. Renal artery stenosis
4. Hepatic cirrhosis (angiotensinogen comes from liver)
4 cell/tissue types that use glucose as sole energy source
RBCs (no mitochondria - can't use ketones)
Brain (can use ketones)
Renal medulla
3 most common causes of holosystolic murmurs
Tricuspid regurgitation
Mitral regurgitation
4 most common sites for atherosclerosis
1. Ab aorta
2. Coronaries
3. Popliteal
4. Carotids
4 most common sources of brain mets
Skull/dural mets suggest…
Lung > Breast > RCC, GI
Skull/dural: breast, prostate, lung, neuroblastoma
Pt c/ intermittent dysphagia for solids + liquids
No heartburn
Barium swallow => distal "bird beak" narrowing

Possible infectious etiology _
Dx can be made via _
4 therapies: invasive, 2 drugs, surgery
Idiopathic > Chagas dz
Dx: esophageal manometry
Tx: pneumatic balloon dilation
Botox injection
Ca-channel blocker
Myotomy = last resort
sarcoidosis affects PTH by ...
sarcoidosis ->
increased conversion of 25-OH-vit D to 1,25-OH-Vit D in kidney ->
suppresses PTH
4 y/o girl c/ new onset of MR, stereotyped hand-wringing:
Girls only
Acanthosis (epidermal hyperplasia) + scaling on knees, elbows.
Auspitz sign = bleeding after removal of scales
what disease
what changes to skin layers?
increased stratum spinosum
decreased stratum granulosum
Mutation to fibroblast growth factor R 3 => defective collagen synthesis + premature ossification of growth plate
Inheritence _
Failure in _-type of bone growth
_-type bones are normal
Failure in longitudinal bone growth
normal skull, facial bones, axial skeleton
fear of heights
Acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis (fever, cough leukocytosis)
Type _ hypersensitivity
Type 3
Acute megakaryocytic leukemia is in the _ class of AML
Acyanotic congen heart defects
L --> R
ASD (ostium primun, secundum)
Acyanotic/ Late cyanotic heart defects: _ side to _ side
3 examples
Ass'd c/ disease_
VSD = #1 congenital cardiac anomaly
ASD = loud S1, wide fixed plit S2
PDA (close c/ indomethacin)
Eisenmenger's = pulm HTN c/ shunt reversal
Down's => ASD, VSD
Most common cause
Dx via _
Then do test _
Autoimmune = #1 (+/- DM1, hypothyroid, vitiligo, gonadal failure, etc.)
Hyponatremia, eosinophilia
Hyperpigmentation, Hyperkalemia specific to primary dz
Dx: cosyntropin stin test -> serum cortisol decreases <20 mcg/mL
Adjust Na+ for hyperglycemia
increase in glucose by 100 mg/dL => add1.6 mEq/L Na up to 2.4 mEq/L
Adrenal cortical masses may produce…
steroid hormones
Adult brain tumors
3 most common

Ped brain tumors:
2 most common
1. Mets (@ grey-white junction): lung, breast, kidney, GI, melanoma.
2. Astrocytoma (GBM)
3. Meningioma: F >M. from dura mater or arachnoid. good prognosis

1. Medulloblastoma: 4th ventricle
2. Astrocytoma
Adult c/ chronic petichiae
Can cause _ in fetus
anti-platelet Ab's => damaged + removed by splenic macrophages
Maternal Ig can cause fetal thrombocytopenia
Elevated enzymes after MI
Elevated enzymes after MI "Time to CALl 911":
From first to appear to last:
fear of open places
Albinism = defect in _
Tyrosinase in melanocytes
Enzyme in nerve cells is intact
murmur that decreases with valsalva
tricuspid murmur decreases with valsalva
produced by _
acts on _ to _
Increases _
Decreases _
Made in glomerulosa
Acts on Na/K ATPase in distal tubule + collecting duct
Actively absorbs Na+
Passively secretes K+
_ cells
characterisitic finding
complication of therapy
auer bodies = road-shaped cytoplasmic inclusions in granulocytes + myeloblasts, esp. in M3 form
Tx can release Auer rods , leading to DIC
Alternative complement pathway:
Activated by 3 things
Starts c/ complement proteins…
Activated by contact c/ yeast, bacterial cell wall, endotoxin
properdin + D: C3 => C3a + C3b
B => Ba + Bb
C3bBb = alternative C3 convertase to C4b2a
Amino terminus of a transmemnbrane protein usually encodes _
Signal peptide
Targets the protein, but doesn't dictate its actual fx
Anaplastic small tumor of bone
Not responsive to chemo
Genetic change
Ewing's sarcoma
males <15 y/o
"onion skin" appearance
ANCA (+) vasculitis limited to kidney
Primary pauci-immune crescenteric glomerulonephritis
Ang2 has what effects?
Constriction of afferent, efferent arterioles
Glomerular capillary P
Filtration fraction
Decreases renin via (-) feedback
At moderate concentrations, Ang2 constricts efferent > afferent arteriole
Increases efferent resisitance, glomerular capillary pressure
Decreases renal blood (and plasma) flow
Increases filtration fraction (GFR/renal plasma flow)
Anion gap =
normal value is…
Na - (Cl + HCO3)
normal: 12 +/- 2
Apolipoprotein A2 is a component of _
HDL particle
Apolipoprotein C2 does what job?
What is the consequence of deficiency?
Activates lipoprotein lipase
Deficiency causes high triglycerides

Lipoprotein lipase degrades triglycerides cirulating as chylomicrons + VLDLs
(lipoprotein AI activates LCAT; B-100 binds LDL R; E mediates remanat (Extra) uptake)
Apolipoprotein E4 has function of _
chylomicron remnant uptake into liver
Renal oxalosis (intratubular oxalate crystals visible c/ polarized light)
Ethylene glycol ingestion

Anion gap metabolic acidosis =
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Lactic acidosis
Ethylene glycol
Autosomal D dz of cancer susceptibility
Mutation on chromosome 17p
Li-Fraumeni => p53
Autosomal R disease
Giant non-functional lysosomes (dysfx of neutrophils, NK cells)
bacterial + fungal infections of skin + mucous membranes
Dysfx in microtubule polymerization => poor fusion of phagosome + lysosome
Normal doppler ankle systolic BP > _% of brachial is normal
Peripheral artery disease rest pain usually occurs c/ ABI < _
Symptomatic tx for PVD _
Drug that prevents clots
Normal doppler ankle systolic BP > 90% of brachial is normal
ABI < 0.4 => rest pain
Symptomatic relief: Asa, cilostazol, thromboxane inhibitors
Anticoagulants prevent clots
B12 required for reaction:
removing methyl grp from N5 methyl THF --> THF
Becker MD
Dz course
Decreased dystrophin
X-linked R
May walk until age 20-25
Serous cystadenoma:
20% of ovarian tumors
Can be bilateral
Lined c/ fallopian-type epithelium
Benign endothelial ovarian tumor c/ cysts + ciliated epithelium
Benign ovarian tumor c/
multilocular cysts,
non-ciliated columnar epithelium
Mucinous cystadenoma
Benign plasma cell neoplasia
IgG or IgA
<10% plasma cells in BM
Can convert to multiple myeloma
Monoclonal gammopathy
Benign tumors of eye, skin, brain are known as _
Ass'd c/ 5 genetic syndromes
Autosomal D
VHL: retino-cerebellar capuillary hemangiomatosis
Neurofibromatosis 1
Sturge-Weber: encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis
Weyburn Mason
defect in _ due to _
lab changes
Defect in platelet adhesion due to low GP 1b
High bleeding time
No change to PT, PTT, platelet count
Bilateral microabsccesses in lungs
Infective endocarditis of tricuspid valve
Bohr effect
Hgb dissociation curve shifted to R in peripheral tissue due to decreased pH
Bone mets - 2 primaries …
Breast > Lung
Brain mets - 2 primaries…
Lung > Breast
Brain tumor:
calcified, layered structures
"whorling" pattern of cells c/ center that is calcified/hyalinized
Psammoma bodies
Bruton's agammaglobulinemia:
defect _ due to _
Bruton's agammaglobulinemia:
B for Bruton's, Boys (x-linked, affects babies after 6 mo), B cells, encapsulated Bacteria
Defect in Tyr kinase gene
Bullous pemphigoid:
Due to _ that binds_ of the the _
Area affected _
IgG against epidermal BM hemidesmosomes
Linear immunoflourescence
Bullae of skin, not oral mucosa
similar to but less severe than pemphigus vulgaris
most often in kids
t(8;14) => c-myc
Africa: jaw lesion
Sporadic form: pelvis or abdomen
"Starry sky" = sheets of lymphocytes interspersed c/ macrophages
Burkitt lymphoma:
_ cells
location in body
Ca2+ kidney stones:
precipitate in _ urine
2 drugs
Precipitate in alkaline urine
Thiazides, K phosphate
Capsular polysaccharide of H. flu is conjugated with another protein to _
stimuate T cell-mediated immunity,
not just IgM synthesis by plasma cells
IgA is best to fight H, flu b/c it is a mucosal-surface pathogen
Carboxyl terminus of a protein usually _
Signals for attachment of poly-A tail => mRNA stability
Carotid body measures _
bO2dy measures O2
Carotid sinus measures _
SinuS measures preSSure
Hyperglycemia, low blood amino acids, anemia, diarrhea, and weight loss of 5-15 kg.
Erythematous blisters and swelling @ areas of friction and pressure: lower abdomen, buttocks, perineum, groin.
Glucagonoma = alpha cell tumor
very rare

Tx: surgery
Octreotide = somatostatin analog => inhibit glucagon release
Doxorubicin, streptozotocin reduce sx progression
acute pneumonia infiltrates from pyogenic vs. different causes
"Pyrogenic=PMN, Miscellaneous=Mononuclear":
Acute pneumonia caused by Pyogenic bacteria: PMN infiltrate.
Acute pneumonia caused by Miscellaneous microbes: Mononuclear infiltrate.
Choriocarcinoma is caused by…
50% hydatiform mole (partial)
25% pregnancy
25% abortion
Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (peribronchial granulomas)
Type _ hypersensitivity
Type 4
Ciliary muscle contraction is under _ control,
causes suspensatory ligaments around the lens to _ =>
_ lens shape
makes _ change to refractive power of lens to bring _ objects into focus
_ drugs prevent accomodation
Ciliary muscle contraction is under parasymp control,
causes suspensatory ligaments around the lens to relax =>
rounder, more convex lens shape
increases refractive power of lens to bring close objects into focus
Antimuscarinic drugs prevent accomodation
Clear cell is a _ type ovarian tumor
surface epithelial/endothelial
cell type _
characterisitic finding
associated with _ anemia
smudge cells on peripheral smear
auto-immune hemolytic anemia, warm-Ab coomb's test

staging: LOATh
I: Lymphadenopathy
II: Organomegaly (splenomegaly)
III: Anemia
IV: Thrombocytopenia
Tx for septic arthritis in infant
nafcillin + G3 cepalosporin (cefTRIAXone or cefTAZadime)
cell type _
genetic association
complication of disease
myeloid stem cell proliferation
increased neutrophils, metamyelocytes
Philadelphia chromosome t(9;22) => bcr-abl hybrid
can accelerate to AML => blast crisis
Cocaine causes
decreased uptake of NE, DOPA
Collagen 4 mutattion =>
Nerve deafness
Ocular disorders
Also causes nephritic syndrome
Alport's syndrome
Split BM
Common variable immunodeficiency
Common variable immunodeficiency:
Normal #'s of B cells, but no Ab's
Variable inheritence, can be acquired in 20's -30's
Congenital absence of iris
Genetic basis…
11p deletion
Congenital cardiac defect
Cleft palate
Isotretinoin toxicity to fetus
What is the first thing to do in workup of acidotic pt c/ SBO?
SBO pts should be alkalotic 2/2 vomiting.
Acidosis suggests necrosis.
If concern a/b perforation, do UPRIGHT AB X-RAY
Congenital defect in dibasic amino acid transporter
Acidic urine
What disease?
What aa's affected?
COLA: Cysteine, Ornithine, Lysine, Arginine

Cystine stones - radiolucent to faintly radiopaque
Tx - acetazolamide, bicarb to alkalinize the urine
Congential syphilis:
Saber shins, Hutchinson's incisors
Interstitial keratitis, bullous lesions of palms + soles
Congenital heart defect
8th nerve deafness
COPD consists of..
Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema
Cortisol inhibits the responses of 3 tissues to insulin …
Liver, muscle, adipose
Courvoiser's sign:
Painless jaundice
Palpable gallbaldder
What population is this esp. concerning in?
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Elderly black men c/ DM
Crescendo-decrescendo systolic ejection murmur
Weak, delayed carotid upstroke
Paradoxically split S2

Dz course
Aortic stenosis
Mostly elderly
Unicuspid/bicupsid valves cause earlier dz
Pulsus parvus et tardus = weak, delayed carotid upstroke
Complications: ARC = Angina, Syncope, CHF
Once pt is symptomatic, dz progresses from Angina -> Syncope -> CHF in ~ 5 yrs
Dx: Echo
Tx: balloon valvuoplasty can bridge to valve replacement
Low dietary iodine > defect in T4 or thyroid formation
Pot-belly c/ outie, pale, puffy face + tongue
Crypt abscesses = small focal collections of inflammatory cells + necrosis in colon
Ulcerative colitis
Hyperglycemia + migratory necrotizing skin erythema
What is the dz?
Ass'd c/ what genetic dz?
Glucagonoma = alpha cell tumor
MEN1 (pituitary adenoma, pancreatic islet cell tumors, parathyroid hyperplasia)
Cyanotic cengen heart defects
Persistant truncus arteriosus
Transposition of great vessels
Tetrology of Fallot
Anomalous venous return
Cyanotic heart diseases =
_ side to _ side
Name 5
R to L
Truncus arteriosus: increased pulm vascularity
Transposition of great vessels: #1 in neonate. need septal defect or PDA. PGE1 -> surgery
Tricuspid atresia: also transposition in 30%
Tetrology of fallot: PROVe. #1 in kids. PGE1 -> surgery
Total anomalous pulm venous return
Degeneration or loss of elasticity in basilar membrane in first few mm of basal end of the cochlea
Caused by
Affects conduction through _
Presbycusis = progressive loss of sensitvity to high-frequency sounds
Affects bone + air conduction
presentation (2 main sx)
CD8 attack on muscle fibers => progressive symmetric proximal muscle weakness c/ inflammation on biopsy
Rash on face, shoulders, back
High CK, aldolase
(+) ANA, anti-Jo-1
increased risk of malignancy
diastolic knock (loud low frequency noise)
constrictive pericarditis
Diastolic murmur c/ "waterhammer pulse", "pistol shots" in femoral artery
Aortic regurgitation
Diastolic murmurs: 4 total
Regurgitant: aortic + pulmonic regurgitation
Venticular filling: mitral + tricuspid stenosis
diastolic rumble + opening snap
dyspnea, orthopnea, PND
severe cases: endocarditis, arrhythmia
what dx?
#1 cause is…
Tx for arrhythmia is (2 drugs)
Tx for severe dz (2 options)
mitral stenosis
~20 yrs s/p rheumatic fever
increased L atrial P => pulm edema, dyspnea
anti-arrhythmic: digoxin, beta blocker
Severe dz => mitral balloon valvotomy, valve replacement
bacterial meningitis in baby 1-3 months old
3 possible organisms
empiric tx

is no rash, assume _ or _
If no rash AND baby has subdural effisopm on CT, assume ...
If _, then treat contacts c/ _
if petichial rash, assume...
Pneumococcus => no rash
H flu => no rash +/- subdural effusion (no special tx necessary)
Meningococcus => petichial rash. rifampin for contacts
Tx: IV vanc +
ceftriaxone or cefotaxime
Tx for myoclonus is....
valproic acid
Due to gene deletion_
Defect in _
3 body parts affected
Ass'd c/ _ congenital anomaly
2 common type of infection _
22q11 deletion
3rd, 4th pharyngeal pouches
Thymus, parathyroid, posterior aortic arch
+/- truncus arteriosus
Viral + fungal infections
DM proliferative retinopathy is due to...
Drug-induced interstitial nephritis: presentation
Fever, rash, + hematuria 2 wks after starting a new medication
Drugs that induce BM supression
Chloramphenicol (abx for meningitis)
Gancyclovir (CMV, esp. retinitis)
Zidovudine (AZT)
Drugs used in glaucoma to decrease aqueous humor production
beta adrenergic drugs
Drugs used in glaucoma to increase aqueous humor outflow
alpha adrenergic druugs
Duchenne MD:
Physical signs
Absent dystophin
CPK increases, then decreases
Calk pseudohypertrophy, pelvic girdle weakness, lordosis, protuberent belly
possible cardiac involvement
death in 2nd decade
EBV is associated c/ 3 cancers…
1. Burkitt's lymphpoma
2. B cell lymphoma
3. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Ehler's Danlos:
Enzyme deficiency
Lysyl oxidase deficiency
Abnormal collagen, elastin
Autosomal D
Stretchy skin, sprains, joint dislocations
Vascular bleeding
Elderly cardiac exam:
Pulse P
Heart size
Wide pulse P
Systolic mumur
Increased intensity of S1
Sinus tachycardia
A fib
Means-Lerman scratch = high pitched sounds in pulmonic area that mimic friction rub
Elevated _ leads to MR, subluxation of lens

Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis

Port-Wine stain

1. Seizures
2. Wine stain
Endocarditis ass'd c/ chronic dz:
Vegetations tend to be located at.... and look like ...
4 RFs
Thrombotic, due to platelet + fibrin deposits => vegetations symmetric @ line of valve closure
Trauma (e.g. catheter)

Endometrial hyperplasia is ass'd c/ ovarian tumor _
Granulosa cell tumor (secretes estrogen)
Endothelial ovarian tumor
Nests of transitional epithelium in stroma
Brenner = Benign = looks like Bladder
Factor 5 leiden = resistance to _ which inactivates _ and _
Results in _
Resistance to activated protein kinase C, which inactivates factors 5a, 8a

(anti-thrombin 3 inactivates thrombin/2, 9a, 10a, 11a)
Factor 5a converts _ to _
Prothrombin (2) to Thrombin (2a)
Fanconi syn:
Defect in _
Ass'd c/ disease _
Electrolyte prob _
Acid/Base prob_
Defect in renal tubules
Ass'd c/ rickets, osteomalacia
Low K+
Metabolic acidosis
Flask-shaped ulcers that extend into the submucosa
amebiasis - Entamoeba histolytica
UC ulcers only extend through mucosa
Folate absorbed in
G6PD-defic ass'd hemolysis is associated c/ drugs…
Antibiotic (eg: sufamethoxazole)
Antimalarial (eg: primaquine)
Antipyretics (eg: acetanilid, but not aspirin or acetaminophen)
colorectal cancer + osseous/soft tissue tumors + retinal hyperplasia
tumors are exostoses (bony projections capped c/ cartilage), sebaceous cysts, dermoid tumors, colon polyps
Gardner's syndrome =
form of familial adenomatous polyposis
Gaucher's disesae
β Glucocerebrosidase deficiency
Hepatosplenomegaly, aseptic necrosis of femur, bone crises, Guacher’s cells = macrophage
Glanzman's thrombasthenia:
defect in _ due to _
Defect in platelet aggregation due to low GP 2b3a
high bleeding time
no change to PT, PTT, platelet count
Glycogen storage diseases
Deficiencies + main organ affected
Very Poor Carb Metabolism
1. von Gierke: Glucose-6-phosphatase, liver
2. Pompe's: alpha 1-4-glucosidase, heart
3. Cori's: debranching alpha 1,6 glucosidase
4. McArdle: glycogen phosphorylase in skel muscle
Gower's maneuver
Duchenne's: use of pt's arms to help legs pick self off floor
Granulomatous vasculitis
(+) ANCA
Affects 5 areas of body…
Often seen in pts c/ hx of _
Chrug-Strauss syndrome = PAVE:

Kidney, lung, heart, skin, nerves
Often seen in atopic pts
Hairs in nostrils filter out particles larger than _
10 microns
Haldane effect
In lungs, oxygenation of Hgb promoted the dissociation of CO2.
(5% of circulating CO2 is boung to Hgb; vast majority is transported as HCO3-)
Chronic progressive histiocytosis
Diabetes insipidus, exopthalmos, skull lesions, lytic bone lesions
Having pt lay down to listen for murmur generally makes it _ in intensity
Similar to taking deep breath: increases blood to R heart, intensity of a R-sided murmur
Crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur transmitted to axilla
"small + weak" pulse
Congenital or
Degenerative calcification
Aortic stenosis
Crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur
Transmitted to axilla
Pulsus parvus et tardus = "small + weak" pulse
LV >> aortic P in systole
Holosystolic, transmitted to axilla
High-pitched "blowing"
Mitral regurgitation
Holosystolic, transmitted to axilla
High-pitched "blowing"
MI (papillary muscle)
Acute rheumatic fever
Heart sound:
Rheumatic heart disease
A fib
Mitral stenosis

Diastolic rumble
Loudest in early + late diastole (atrial systole)
+/- opening snap + loud S1
Heart sound:
young female or

How do supine/standing/anxiety change it?
Mitral valve prolapse
#1 valvular lesion
Mid-systolic click + late systolic mumur
Heard @ apex
Due to myxomatous degeneration in normal person = excess of dermatan sulfate in valve.

Standing: lower preload, less blood in LV, closer to S1

Laying down: higher preload, closer to S2

Anxiety: higher HR, less blood inLV, closer to S1
Heberden's nodes
Osteoarthritis: DIP swelling due to osteophytes
Pt c/: DM, hypogonadism, MCP arthropathy, HF, skin discoloration, CHF, hepatomegaly
Fasting transferrin > 45%

Hemosiderin accumulation
Autosomal R
Cirrhosis, cardiac failure, hyperpigmentation, DM due to chronic pancreatitis
Tx: Deferoxamine, phlebotomy
Risk of HCC
Hemophilia A/B
lab change
increased PTT
Hypersensitivity vasculitis ass'd c/ hemorrhagic urticaria and URIs
Purpura (lesions of same age), arthralgia, intestinal hemorrhage
#1 hypersensitivity vasculitis in kids
Henoch-Schlonlein purpura:
3 main sx
20-40 y/o F
insidious onset of minor bleeding, petechiae, hematuria
no splenomegaly

Dz _
Ass'd c/ conditions _
Tx _
Chronic ITP
IgG against platelets
Female: Male 3:1
Diagnosis of exclusion
Ass'd c/ lymphoma, leukemia, SLE, HIV, HCV
Unlikely to remit spontaneously (unlike acute ITP, more common in children)
Tx if platelets < 20,000
Corticosteroids, IVIG, splenectomy
New: Anti-D (Rh)-Ig, rituximab
2-6 y/o c/ recent virus
minor bleeding, easy bruising, petechiae, hematuria
no splenomegaly


#1 immunologic disorder in women of childbearing age
Acute ITP
IgG against platelets
High platelets, megakaryocytes in marrow
Dx of exclusion (platelet-ass'd Ab test not good)
Tx: children often remit spontaneously
no tx if platelets > 20,000
tx: corticosteroids, high-dose gamma globulin (IVIG), splenectomy
Newer: Anti-D IgG, rituximab = anti-CD20 monoclonal Ab

pregnant pt => thrombocytopenia can occur in fetus
Hgb F is seen in infants + _
Thalassemia major
Hgb-O2 dissociation: L shift ...
R shift…
L shift => Loads O2 in Lungs
R shift => Releases O2 from Hgb
High-output cardiac failure
i.e. dilated cardiomyopathy
_+ neuro changes
Wet beri-beri (thiamine/B1 deficiency)
High-pitched early diastolic murmur or
Rumbling diastolic murmur @ apex or
Crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur @ L sternal border
Aortic regurgitation
Histiocytosis X
cell type _
Langerhan's cells from monocyte lineage infiltrate the lung
young adults
RF = smoking
Histology of Grave's
Small follices, little colloid
Latent phase: up to _ hrs in primi, _ hrs in multiparous. to _ cm
Active phase: at least _ cm/hr in primi, _ cm/hr in multi
2. Complete dilation to delivery:
_ min to _ hrs in primi, _ min in multi
Latent phase: up to 20 hrs in primi, 14 hrs in multiparous. to 2-3 cm
Active phase: at least 1 cm/hr in primi, 1.2 cm/hr in multi
2. Complete dilation to delivery:
30 min to 3 hrs in primi, 5-30 min in multi
How do TMP-SMX and warfarin interact? (3 ways)
1. TMP-SMX displaces warfarin from plasma proteins
Both similarly metabolized by liver, so increases level of both
TMP-SMX kills intestinal bacteria that produce vit K
How does ESR work?
(-) -charged acute phase proteins cause RBCs to adhere => rolleux
HPV strains _, _ are ass'd c/ carcinoma esp. in region of _.
_ = dysplastic cervical cells
HPV 16,18
Often sq cells @ transition zone
Koilocytes = dysplastic cells, not yet carcinoma
Human herpes virus 8 is associated c/ cancer )_
Kaposi sarcoma
Hydatiform mole:
Occur when _
2 types
_% are malignant
Result of fertilization by multiple sperm
Complete = no embryo or placenta, 46XX paternal only
Partial = triploid
20% malignant => 50% of choriocarcinoma
RFs: large uterus, older
Hypochromic microcytic anemia c/ high iron, % sat, ferritin; low TIBC
What dz?
Peripheral smear shows… 4 main causes
Sideroblastic anemia
Ringed sideroblasts
Iron overload => Pappenheimer bodies
1. Heavy metals: lead, zinc
2. EtOH, INH, chloramphenicol
3. B6 or Cu deficiency
4. ALA synthase deficiency (X-linked)

INH inhibits long-chain enoyl reductase => prevents mycolic acid synthesis
Chloramphenicol binds ribosomal 50S, inhibits peptidyl transferase. Static
ALA synthase + B6 do rate limiting step of porphyrin synthesis: Glycine + Succinyl CoA => Aminolevulinic acid
Hypovolemia tends to cause metabolic _ mechanism?
metabolic alkalosis
renal compensation for volume => reabsorption of Na + HCO3 in proximal tubule
Pt c/ anaphylactic transfusion rxn
hx of chronic sinutsitis, pneumonia, Giardia

IgA deficiency
#1 congenital immunodeficiency
Autosomal inheritence
Sinusitis, pneumonia, GI esp. Giardia
In metabolic acidosis, anion gap falls _ ,Eq/L for every 1 g/dL drop in albumin
(normal albumin 3.5-5.5 g/dL)
2.6 mEq/L
(fall in Ca2+, Mg2+ can also increase gap)
Infant c/ cataracts, MR, hepatomegaly, jaundice, FTT
more common in Indians
2 enzyme defects possible
Uridyltransferase = more common (galactose-1-P --> UDP galactose)
Galactokinase = rare (galactose --> galactose-1-P)
Tx = decrease dietary galactose
Intraepidermal bullae involving oral mucosa + skin
IgG against cell surface desmosomes
immunoflouresence throughout epidermis
Pemphigus vulgaris
potentially fatal
Iron absorbed in
type _ hypersensitivity
anti-platelet Ab's
low platelets
high megakaryocyes
high bleeding time
normal Pt, PTT
type 2 hypersensitivity
can be secondary to SLE, HIV, hemolytic anemia (in kids, usually self-limited, after viral infection)
Short sternum, small pelvis, low ears
Rocker-bottom feet
Horseshoe kidney
Cardiac dz, intestinal defects
Death <1 yr
4x more common than Trisomy 13
Edwards = trisomy Eighteen
4x more common than Trisomy 13
_ amnesia due to deficiency in _, which is needed for _ reactions
Lesion in _
Anterograde amnesia due to thiamine deficiency => bilateral destruction of mammilary bodies

thiamine required for oxidative phosphorylation of alpha-ketoacids
L-> R shunt c/ wide and fixed split S2, systolic ejection murmur @ upper L sternal border

ass'd c/ 3 syndromes...
_ defects present in childhood
_ defects present in adulthood
Ostium primum: early childhood, fatigue c/ exertion
Ostium secumdum: late childhood, early adulthood

Holt-Oram = ASD, (-) radii, 1st-deg heart block
Fetal alcohol syn
osteomalacia, rickets ->
what lab changes?
Ca2+, vit D, P, PTH
Low Ca2+,vit D
High PTH (in reponse) =>
Low P
Large testicular mass in young boy.
High AFP
Yolk sac tumor
Sacrococcygeal area of young kids
Liver mets - 5 primaries …
"Cancer Sometimes Penetrates Benign Liver"
Colon > Stomach > Pancreas > Breast > Lung
Locus heterogeneity
Same phenotype occurs by mutations @ 2 different loci
Lung cancer:
Keratin pearls, intracellular bridges
Arises from _ => location in _
Sq carcinoma
Arises from bronchus => centrally located tumor
Lung cancers s/ smoking hx (3)
and how to tell them apart
AdenoCA: peripheral, weakly ass'd c/ smoking
Carcinoid: carcinoid syn suggests mets
Benign: adenoma, leiomyoma, hamartoma
Tx for parkinson-like sx in schizophrenics: 2 drug types
Anticholinergics: benetropine, trihextphenidyl
Antihistamines: diphenhydramine

Acute dystonia: anticholinergics
Akathesia: propranolol > benzos, anticholinergics
Dyskinesia: anticholinergic or amantadine = dopamine agonist
Tardive dyskinesia: anticholinergic (may initally worsen sx)
Malignancies in kids: most common, most common solid, most common solid outside CNS
ALL (CALLA Ag = CD10, in 80% of ALL, some CML)
Brain tumors
Malignancy ass'd c/ fever (non-infectious)
Hodgkin's dz:
Fever, night sweats, wt loss, mediastinal lymphadenopathy
Young > Elderly, M>F
Reed-Sternberg cells = CD15, CD30
Nodular sclerosing ~70%, F>M, young adults, collagen banding, lacunar cells, few RS cells
Mixed cellularity ~25%, many RS cells
Lymphocyte-predominant ~5%, young males, few RS cells
Malignant ovarian germ cell tumor
Analagous to seminoma
What tumor, tx?
Malignant plasma cell neoplasia
IgM, eosinophilic plasma "flame cells"
What dz?
What population?
Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
NO bone lesions
Men >50 y/o
Maple syrup urine dz:
Unable to break down _, e.g. _
Unable to break down branched-chain amino acids, e.g. isoleucine
Mutation of gene for _ on chromosome _
Fibrillin mutation on chromosome 15
1. Tall build c/ hyper-extensible joints
2. Subluxation of lens
3. CV defects: cystic medial necrosis, disecting AA, valvular prolapse
MCV > 100:
2 common causes
1. Deficiencies
2. Drugs
1. Megaloblastic, due to B12/folate deficiency => block DNA synthesis
B12: high methylmalonic acid (MMA), homocysteine
Folate: normal MMA, high homocysteine
2. Drugs that interfere c/ DNA synthesis: AZT, sulfas
MCV <80 + hypochromic anemia
#1 = Iron deficiency (low iron, high TIBC, low ferritin, spoon nails, premature babies, menorrhagic if female, ulcers if <50 y/o, CRC if >50 y/o)
Lead poisoning (basophilic stippling => persistant ribosomes)
Sideroblastic anemias
Thalassemias (target cells present)
Late anemia of chronic disease (low TIBC, high ferritin)
Medial calcific stenosis of small/medium arteries
"gooseneck lumps"
What disease?
Arteries affected?
Munckeberg's arterioscerosis
Involves media; not intima so not obstructive
Radial + ulnar arteries
>50 y/o
Megaloblastic anemia: Ab's against _
parietal cells
Meig's syndrome = ascites, hydrothorax, ovarian tumor_
Fibroma = solid tumor c/ spindle-shaped fibroblasts
Menstrual cycle:
_ acts as (+) feedback to cause LH surge => ovulation
17-β-estradiol peak in absence of progesterone acts via (+) feedback to cause LH surge (~ 24 hrs after estradiol surge) =>
ovulation ~12 hrs after that
Menstrual cycle:
On day 25, _ causes progesterone/estrogen levels to _, which leads to _ in endometrial cells
Continued low LH (after peak on ~day 14) cause luteolysis on day ~25 = death + regression of corpus luteum
Causes drop in progesterone, estrogen
Low progesterone => destabilizes lysosomes of endometrial cells => inflammation => menstruation 3 days later
Menstrual cycle:
corpus luteum secretes estrogen and progesterone, which do what?
Inhibits ability of estrogen to cause endometrial proliferation
Progesterone causes differentiation of previously thickened endometrium into secretory form
Metabolic acidosis can be induced by diuretics…
K-sparing (spironolactone)
Amiloride/Triamterene (Na+ channel blocker in collecting duct)
Metabolic alkalosis can be induced by 2 diuretics
Metabolic alkalosis can be induced by 2 electrolyte imbalance of _
1. Hypokalemia: causes intracellualr shift of H+
2. Hypercalcemia, milk-alkali syn: causes renal H+ loss
Mg -NH3-P stones
1. Urine acidification
2. Abx to kill staph, klebsiella, proteus
Cleft lip/palate
Cardiac dextroposition, septal defects
Patau = trisomy 13
Rocker-bottom feet
Cleft palate
Trisomy 13 = Patau syndrome = 47 XX, +13
Middle-aged ♂ c/ hepatosplenomegaly
B cells c/ filamentous projections
Hairy cell leukemia
Middle-aged woman c/ esophageal webs, atrophic glossitis
cancer risk
Iron-deficient anemia
risk of sq carcinoma of esophagus
Migratory polyarthritis
Subcutaneous nodules
Acute rheumatic fever
5 Jones criteria
1-4 wks s/p grp A β-hemolytic strep tonsillitis
Arthritis + fever may last 2-3 wks
follicular conjunctivitis
neovascularization in cornea
runny nose

Trachoma = Chlamydia A-C
pannus = neovascularization in cornea
Dx: giemsa stain of conjunctival scrapings
Tx: PO tetracycline or erythromycin
Young man c/ recent hx upper respiratory or GI infection
Episodic gross hematuria or
persistent microscopic hematuria
Normal C3

IgA nephropathy = Berger's
May be seen in Henoch-Schonlein purpura
"Active urine sediment"
Mesangial deposits on IF, EM
Tx: glucocorticoids for select pts.
#1 nephritic syndrome
ACE-I if proteinuria present
20% progress to ESRD
7 causes (remember mnemonic)
"STOP Making New Thrombi": Sepsis c/gram (-)
Obstetric (e.g. retained material) = #1 cause
Pancreatitis (acute)
Nephrotic syn

Coag cascade activated -> microthrombi, consumes platelets/fibrin/coag factors.
High PT, aPTT, D dimer = fibrin split products. Low platelets, factors 5 + 8.
Helmet cells + Schistocytes
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

85% are _-cell origin
#1 type is _
_ is necessary for NHL diagnosis
Staging is based on _
Tx is based on _
Follicular = small cleaved cell. t(14;18) => bcl-2 (blocks apoptosis)
Indolent waxing/waning, non-painful lymphadenopathy, hard to cure

NLH's tend to affect younger adults, no hypergammaglobiulinemia, multiple nodes, non-contiguous spread, RF's = HIV, immunosupression
Dx: excisional LN bx
+ CSF exam if HIV, neuro sx, primary CNS lymphoma
Staging based on # of LN's, whether dz crosses diaphragm
Tx based on histo classification
Airway obstruction
Corneal clouding


Heparan/dermatan sulfate accum. Heptosplenomegaly
Ugly facies = gargoylism
Recessive (AR)
L-iduronidase deficiency (alpha)
Eyes (corneal clouding)
Short/ Stubby fingers
Multiple bilateral ovarian _ -type cysts
Theca-lutein cyst
Ass'd c/ gonadotropin stimulation, choriocarcinoma, hydatiform mole
Neoplasm associated with amyloidosis
Multiple myeloma => tissue depoits of AL amyloid
Neoplasm associated with increased osteoclast-activating factor
Multiple myeloma => "punched out" skull, bone lesions
Nephritic syn:
common in kids
periorbital + peripheral edema
LM: lumpy-bumpy glomeruli
EM: subEPIthelial humps
IF: granular pattern
Post-strep glomerulonephritis = diffuse proliferative nephritic syn
(SLE = sub-epithelial deposits + nephrotic syndrome)
Nephrotic stn
LM: diffuse capillary + BM thickening
IF: granular pattern
EM: "spike + dome"
Membranous glomerulonephritis
Nephrotic syn ass'd c/ multiple myeloma, TB, RA
Nephrotic syn:
insidious onset
no immune complexes
loss of foot processes
good prognosis
Minimal change dz
responds well to steroids
#1 childhood nephrotic syndrome
Nephrotic syn:
LM: normal glomeruli
EM: foot process effacement
Minimal change dz
responds well to steroids
#1 childhood nephrotic syndrome
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Nephritic syndrome
Sub-ENDOthelial humps on EM in "tram track" pattern
Young adults
Poor prognosis: slowly progresses to renal failure
Nephritic syndrome c/
HTN + hematuria + azotemia (high BUN, Cr)
Neurofibromatosis 2: Mutation in _ (_-type gene) on chromosome _
2 signs
increased risk of 2 things
Mutation in NF2 tumor-supressor gene on chromosome 22
Bilateral acoustic neuromas
Risk of meningiomas, pheochromocytomas
10% of NF cases
Newborn c/
Hypoplastic thumbs, radii
Aplastic anemia
Cafe au lait spots

Systemic acidosis
Urine: high P, aa's, glycosuria
Blood: low P
Fanconi anemia
Autosomal R (can be acquired)
Bone marrow DNA = more susceptible to alkylating agents
Low absorbtion in prox renal tubule of P, glucose, aa's, bicarb
40-50 y/o pt c/ painless testicular enlargement
+/- beta HCG elevation

Presents @ 15-35 y/o
Workup: testicular US, CXR + ab/pelvic CT to r/o mets
Beta HCG high in 10% of seminomas, all choriocarcinomas
Tx: seminomas are radiosensitive, respond to chemo. surgery = default for testicular cancer
Non-germ cell testicular tumor (
Little to no hormone production
Sertoli cell
(Leydig makes androgenes, estrogens, corticosteroids)
Non-tender macular patches on palms, soles
Fever, chills

Disease? Etiology?
Acute infective endocarditis
Janeway lesions
Staph aureus, Strep
Osteitis deformans = Paget's
Due to _
Presentation _
Lab values _
Abnl osteoclastic + osteoblastic activity
Long bone chalkstick fractures
Softened, enlarged bone
High Alk phos (heat-labile, unlike hepatic Alk Phos)

Normal Ca2+, P, PTH

High output CHF due to vascularity of lesions

3:2 M:F
Osteitis fibrosa cystica:
Due to _
High _
Low _
Look like_
Due to hyperparathyroidism
High Ca2+, Alk phos
Low P
"brown tumors" = cystic spaces lined by fobrous stroma +/- blood
AKA marble bone dz
Abnl osteoclast fx => thick, dense, painful bones
Normal Ca2+, P, Alk phos
Anemia due to BM displacement
Oval retinal hemorrhages c/ pale center
Red tender lesions on finger/toe pulps
Low fever

What disease?
Subacute endocarditis
Roth spots, Osler nodes
Strep viridans, Enterococcus, Staph epi (prosthetic valves), Candida, Aspergillus
Tx: empiric IV vancomycin + (ceftriaxone or gentamycin)
Ovarian tumor c/ glandular cells
(cells resemble uterine endometrial adenocarcinoma)
Endometriod (surface epithelial type ovarian tumor)
p53 promotes apoptosis in mutated cells by increasing synthesis of _ gene product
bax = apoptosis gene
Palpate for heart apex @
5th IC space, midclavicular line
Pancarditis (infectious cause)
Rheumatic fever
Typically 1-5 wks s/p Step pharyngitis
Migratory polyarthritis of large joints
Erythema marginatum (rash) is esp. common in "bathing suit" distribution
May have pancarditis = inflamm of all layers of heart
Mitral valve most commonly affected > both mitral + aortic
Sequelae = mitral stenosis, aortic regurgitation, mitral regurgitation
Myocarditis can cause ventricular dilatation, CHF
Pansystolic murmur loudest @ apex
Mitral regurgitation
Pansystolic murmurs
_ c/ inspiration
Mitral regurgitation
Tricuspid regurgitation
R side increases c/ inspiration
L side decreases c/ inspiration
may obscure S1 + S2
Paraneoplastic syn:
Low K+
VIP (Sq lung cancer)
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemioglobinuria:
Labs: blood, urine
Intravascular hemolysis due to membrane defect
RBCs sensitive to lytic activity of complement
high urine hemosiderin
Particles of size _ may reach bronchial walls,moved back up by mucociliary elevator
2-10 microns in diameter
Pathway of sperm start to finish
Seminiferous tubules (production)
Epididymis (storage)
Vas deferens
Ejaculatory ducts
PDE5 (famous for sildenafil) is found in 5 tissue/cell types…
Vascular smooth muscle
Visceral smooth muscle
Skeletal muscle
Corpus cavernosum smooth muscle

degrades cGMP => smooth muscle relaxation, inflow of blood
persistant truncus arteriosus results from…
Failure of truncus arteriosus to separate into pulmonary artery and aorta
3 main signs/sx
Enzyme deficiency
1. Hypopigmentation (skin, eyes) 2. Musty odor
3. MR
Autosomal R
Defect in phenylalanine hydroxylase (Phenylalanine --> Tyr --> dopa --> dopamine --> NE --> E). Tyr becomes an essential AA.
what impact on blood sugar?
Platelet-derived growth factor:
made by (2)…
Made by platelets, endothelial cells
Proliferation of vascular smooth muscle
Pleiomorphic adenoma commonly affects the _
Challenge to therapy
Parotid gland
Benign lesion c/ poorly-defined "fingers" extending into gland that increase risk of recurrence
Polyarthritis, Erythema, Subcutaneous nodules, Chorea, Carditis
Major Jones Criteria for Acute Rheumatic Fever
1-4 wks after Grp 1 β-hemolytic strep tonsillitis
Polyhydramnios is seen with..
2 signs of this dz in newborn
duodenal atresia
newborn has vomiting, "double bubble" on x-ray
Lady >50 y/o has pain and stiffness in shoulder, pelvic girdle
Difficulty getting out of a chair, lifting arms above head
No weakness
+/- Fever, high ESR, anemia

Increased risk of _
Pain/stiffness in shoulders, hips
Fever, malaise, wt loss
NO weakness
Ass'd c/ temporal arteritis
tx = LOW-DOSE PREDNISONE (10-20 mg/day)
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia:
Albrights triad
Fibroblasts + collagen replace bone
Albright's = multiple bone lesions, endocrine (precocious puberty), unilateral pigmented skin lesions
Post-surgical thrombocytopenia:
due to…
give _ tx of _
Due to sepsis, H2 blockers, DIC, transfusion, abx, swann-ganz
Giver DDAVP (promotes release of vWF, factor 8) if etiology is uremia, Asa, or bypass
Potter's syndrome
malformation of ureteric bud => bilateral renal agenesis
oligohydramnios, limb + facial deformities, pulm hypoplasia
Pre-eclampsia is associated with vascular problem of _. High ratio of _ to _ can result in 2 major problems…
Arteriolar spasm
Possibly due to high ratio of thromboxane to prostacyclin
Renal vasospasm decreases GFR => increases BUN, Cr, causes proteinuria
High thromboxane can also cause platelet aggregation, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia
chronic hepB is treated c/ 2 drugs...
interferon or lamivudine
Proteins C and S inactivate _ and _
5a and 8a
Pruritic , purple, polygonal papules
what disease?
pathogenesis: _ infiltration @ _
Lichen planus
Lymphocyte infiltrate @ dermo-epidermal junction
Pruritic papules + vesicles
Deposits of IgA @ tips of dermal papillae
What disease?
Associated with _
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Ass'd c/ celiac sprue
Pseudomyxoma peritonei is complication of ovarian tumor…
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma rupture or mets
Pt c/ fever, malaise, dark urine, periorbital edema
increased ASO titer
decreased serum complement
Post-step gomerulonephritis
#1 nephritic syndrome
Pt c/ hyaline microthrombi in small vessels
Helmet cells, schistocytes
Neuro changes
Renal insufficiency

What is the mnemonic for this dz?

Thrombocytopenia (normal coag factors)
Renal problems
Neurologic dysfunction

Tx: steroids, plasmapheresis
Platelet transfusion contraindicated
Pt c/ viral/fungal infections due to __. Hx of tetany, tx of truncus arteriosus
DiGeorge: T cells absent.
Pt c/o:
increased GI motility
decreased BP
R heart abnl
+/- ab/rectal pain

What dz? Tx?
Carcinoid syn due to mets from carcinoid tumor
Vasoactive amines: 5HT, histamine, kinins, prostaglandins
Tx = octreotide
Pt has 1. Oval retinal hemorrhages c/ pale center. 2. Red, tender lesions on finger + toe pulps. 3. Low grade fever. 4. Hx abnl L-heart valves.
Dx = _ due to _ or _
Subactute infective endocarditis
Strep viridans > Gram (-) bacilli
Tx: early empiric abx - vancomycin or ceftriaxone
Surgery indications = PUS RIVER:
Prosthetic valve, Uncontrolled infection, Supperative complications c/ abnl conduction, Resection of mycotic aneurysm, Ineffective antimicrobial tx (e.g. vs. fungi), Valvular damage is significant, Embolization - repeated systemic, Refractory CHF or sudden onset
Pt has HTN, alkalemia, low K+.
No edema
Conn's = hyperaldosteronism
may be due to adrenal adenoma
Aldoserone raises Na+, gets rid of K+, H+

HIGH: total body Na+, pH, BP, ECF volume, plasma volume
LOW: K+, renin, Ang 2
Pt has hyperkalemia, acidemia, hypotension
Addison's = hypoaldosteronism
HIGH: K+, renin, Ang 2
LOW: total body Na+, pH, BP, ECF volume, plasma volume
Pt has leukemia, gout, + radioLUCeNT kidney stones.
Uric acid stone
Urine pH < 5.5
Tx:Can pass stone <5 mm
Lithotripsy (ESWL) or percut. nephrolithotomy if <3cm
hydration + purine restriction
CITRATE -> converted to HCO3- in liver
Allopurinol = xanthine oxidase inhib = inhibits urate production)
Pt has non-tender macular patches on palms, soles. High fever, chills. Hematuria.
Dx = _ due to _ or _

Early empiric IV antibiotic tx is ...
Acute infective endocarditis
Staph aureus or Step
Janeway lesions

Early empiric: Gent (MSSA, GNR)
+ Vanc or CefTRIAXone (no MRSA)
Pt has platelet/thrombin deposits on valve
Marantic endocarditis
Trombotic dz ass'd c/ chronic illness
Pt has verrucos lesions on both sides of valve leaflets
SLE endocarditis
Erythema multiforme
Stevens-Johnson: sulfa drugs, anti-convulsants => fever, bullae, necrosis, high mortality
HSV => most recurrent cases

Immune complexes

Drugs: penicillins, sulfonamides, barbiturates, NSAIDS, thiazides, phenytoin
HSV, Hep A/B
Strep, Mycoplasma
Malignancy, Radiotx
Pt takes antibiotic + develops rash:
multiple lesions of varying types - macules, paples, target lesions
Ass'd c/ infections, drugs, cancer, autoimmune diseases
What disease?
2 major causes (recurrent, acute)
Pt c/ dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, PND
3 possible murmurs:
Decresendo blowing diastolic murmur @ L sternal border
Mid-diastolic rumble
Midsystolic apical murmur

Wide pulse P, head bob c/ heartbeat, water-hammer pulse, femoral bruit c/ compression of femoral artery

Aortic regurgitation
Causes = CREAM:
Rheumatic damage
Aortic dissection/root dilation

Tx: vasodilator = CCB or ACEI until sx bad enough to warrant valve replacement
Pulsus paradoxus
Exaggeration of normal inspiratory fall in BP.
Restrictive lung dz ass'd c/ black sputum or carbon dust or finrous silicates
What type of hypersensitivity?
Berylliosis = type 4 hypersensitivity
T memory cells activate macrophages + NKs => toxic to Ag-bearing target cells
Allergy/ Asthma
Addison's disease
Collagen vasc. dz: PAN, dermatomyositis
Parasites: helminth, schistomia, coccidioidomycosis
CSF analysis to r/o drug rxn: sulfonamides, iodides, Asa, phenytoin
Image lungs, abdomen, pelvis + brain
Eosinophilia = abs eosinophil count [(EBC)(% eosinophils)(0.01)] > 350
5 causes
Retinal microaneurysms c/ leakage => exudate, edema, hemorrhage
"cotton wool spots"

DM non-proliferative retinopathy
Microaneurysms c/ leakage => exudate, edema, hemorrhage
Hard protein exudates in deep retinal layer
"Cotton wool spots" = microinfarcts in superficial retina
Tx: laser photocoagulation tx for retinal neovascularization
Retino-cerebellar capillary hemangiomatosis
von Hipple Lindau

Increased renal cancer
Port-wine stains
Eye dysfunction
Liver, pancreas, kidney cysts
Rheumatic fever affects valves _
_ type hypersensivity
Mitral > Aortic
Type 2 hypersensitivity
R-side murmurs generally _ in intensity in inspiration
increase (more blood entering R heart)
at early diastole = time of max ventricular filling
"protodiastolic gallop" - not valvular origin
Due to poor compliance of LV (e.g. CHF) => vibration of chordae tenindae
Normal in kids, young adults, pregnancy
at atrial contraction (so only present during sinus rhythmn
"presysolic gallop"
sign of a failing LV
sound of blood being forced into a stiff/hypertrophic LV
Salmonella enteritis tends to involve 2 regions of GI tract…
Ileum, inc. Peyer's patches
Lack Ab-dependent toxicity, NK cell fx
X-linked> autosomal
20-50% lack adenosine deaminase
others: MHC2 Ag's, IL-2 R's
Secondary hyperaldosteronism
High renin
Kidney perceives low intravasular volume, over-produces renin. Due to renal artery stenosis, chronic renal failure, cirrhosis, nephrotic syn.
Tx = K-sparing diuretic
Selective constriction of efferet arterioles makes what changes in kidney:
Glomerular capillary P _
Resistance of renal vessels _
Renal blood flow _
Filtration fraction _
Lowers RPF
Increases glomerular capillary P
Increases GFR
Increases vascular resistance of renal vessels
Increases filtration fraction (GFR/renal plasma flow)
Sensory-neural deafness is caused by damage to 2 things…
Lose sensitivity to _ -frequency sounds
Damage to hair cells of cochlea and/or vestibulocochlear nerve
high-frequency loss more common
Serous pericarditis is caused by (2 things)
Viral, esp. Coxsackie (picorna, ss linear, no env, icosahedral)

Pulsus paradoxus
ECG(PericarditiS => ST elev. +
precordial PR dep.)
Increased JVP
Chest pain [worse on inspiration, better when lean forward]

Pericarditis caused by CARDIAC RIND:
Collagen vascular disease
Aortic aneurysm
Drugs (e.g. hydralazine)
Acute renal failure
Cardiac infarction
Rheumatic fever
Dressler's syndrome
Severe nephrotic syn in AIDS pts
focal segmental glomerular sclerosis
Sheehan's syndrome
Post-partum anterior pituitary necrosis
RFs: hemorrhage, DIC (HELLP, amniotic fluid embolism)
Hypertrophy, hyperplasia of lactotrophs during pregnancy enlarges anterior pituitray without corresponding increase in blood supply
Anterior pituitary is supplied by portal venous system (low-pressure)
Posterior pituitary not affected b/c of direct arterial supply
Sipple's syndrome:
Inheritience, genetic change
Associated with…
Men 2:
AD, ret gene
Parathyroid + 2 C's
Catecholamines: Pheochromocytoma
Carcinoma: Medullary of thyroid
3 classic findings
cancer risk
Dry eyes
Dry mouth
40-60 y/o
increased risk of B-cell lymphoma
Small % of pheochromocytomas occur in 3 familial syndromes…
MEN2, MEN3, von Hippel-Lindau
Smoking-associated lung cancers (3)
and how to tell them apart
Squamous: Strong assoc. c/ smoking, "Sentral", PTH-like peptide
Small cell: central, aggressive, ACTH, ADH
Large cell: peripheral, poorly-diff., adeno or sq
(+) HepB sAg implies _
(+) HepB sAg implies =>
ongiong HBV replication
Appears in blood before clinical sx
Persistant HepB sAg => infectivity
Sources of brain mets
Lung, Breast, Skin (melanoma), Kidney (renal cell), GI
"Lots of Bad Stuff Kills Glia"
Well-cicumscribed tumors, @ gray-white border
Mets = 50% of brain tumors
Sources of liver mets
Colon > gastric (Stomach) > Pancreatic > Breast > Lung
"Cancer Sometimes Penetrates Benign Liver"
angiokeratoma = red/purple skin rash
kidney failure
what disease? What defect?
X-linked R
Defect in alpha-galactosidase => globoside accumulation
Struvite stone:
made of _, _, _
caused by _, _, _
Made of ammonium + Mg + P
caused by Proteus, Staph, Klebsiella
#2 kidney stone (
staghorn calculi
Nephritic syndrome
Subepithelial humps on EM
Post-strep glomerulonephritis = diffuse proliferative nephritic syn
(SLE = sub-epithelial deposits + nephrotic syndrome)
Sub-occipital lymphadenopathy

RNA, enveloped, (+)stranded

Rashes: time of appearance after fever onset "Really Sick Children Must Take No Exercise":
• Number of days after fever onset that a rash will appear:
1 Day: Rubella
2 Days: Scarlet fever/ Smallpox
3 Days: Chickenpox
4 Days: Measles (and see the Koplik spots one day prior to rash)
5 Days: Typhus & rickettsia (this is variable)
6 Days: Nothing
7 Days: Enteric fever (salmonella)
Sulfur granules
seen as _ infection c/ _ on microscopy
Organism normally found in _
Actinomyces israelii
Oral infection c/ gram (+) branching rods
Sulfur granules in sinus tracts
Normal oral flora (unlike Nocardia, which is found in soil)
Tx = Penicillin (Sulfa for Nocardia, "SNAP")
Swollen gums, poor wound healing, brusing
Due to _, which is necessary for _
Vit C necessary for hydroxylation of proline and lysine in collagen synthesis
Systolic ejection murmur - most common
aortic stenosis
Systolic ejection murmurs (3)
_ c/ inspiration
course of murmur over cycle of a heart beat
Aortic stenosis, Pulmonic stenosis, ASD
R side murmurs increase c/ inspiration
L side decrease c/ inspiration
Start after S1, crescendo to peak @ early-mid systole, close before S2
Systolic murmur transmitted to carotid. Pulsus parvus et tardus.
Aortic stenosis
Tabes dorsalis
characterisitic finding
can lead to…
Neurosyphilis = tertiary syphilis
Due to demyelination of doral columns, which carry position sense
No patellar reflex = Westphal's sign
Can lead to paralysis, dementia, blindness
T-cell proliferative disorder of skin
Presents early as red-brown raised patches
Mycosis fungoides
Testicular germ cell tumor
Uniform polyhedral cells
Good prognosis
Tumor? Tx? Population?
#1 germ cell tumor (and 90% of testicular tumors are germ cell)
Peaks @ age 35
Testicular tumor
High beta HCG
Highly malignant
Can occur as an element of other germ cell tumors
Peaks in teens-20's
Testicular tumor in elderly pt
Spermatocytic ceminoma @ older age than seminoma, better prognosis
Tetrology of Fallot consists of …
Mid-sysolic murmur @ upper L sternal border is 2/2 _
Children squat to _ sx b/c _
Tetrology of Fallot: PROVe
1. Pulmonary stenosis
2. R ventricular hypertrophy
3. Overriding aorta
4. VSD

R ventricular outflow tract -> R to L shunt, Mid-sysolic murmur @ upper L sternal
Squatting relieves sx by increasing SVR
Therapeutic index of a drug
toxic dose / effective dose
lower index => less drug needed to be toxic
Thickening of glomerular MB + proliferation of mesangium
subENDOthelial or intra-membranous immune complex deposits
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Nephritic syndrome
Sub-ENDOthelial humps on EM
Young adults
Poor prognosis: slowly progresses to renal failure
2 applications
tx for toxicity
Convert plasminogen to plasmin => cleave thrombin + fibrin clots
tpA (alteplase), streptokinase, urokinase, anistreplase
early MI, ischemic stroke
tx for toxicity = aminmocaproic acid
Thymoma is ass'd c/ paraneoplastic syndrome _
Myasthenic syndrome
Thyroidization of kidney
Chronic bacterial pyelonephritis
Top 2 causes of dementia
1. Alzheimer's
2. Multi-infarct
Top 3 coronary arteries involved in thrombosis:
1. LAD => anterior LV wall, anterior 2/3 of septum, anterior papillary muscle
2. RCA => inferior LV (posterior descending), RV wall (acute marginal)
3. LCA --> LAD, CFX (lateral + posterior superior LV)
Top causes of SIADH
SIADH: euvolemic hyponatremia
urine Na >20 mEq/L (i.e. NOT hypovolemic)
urine osmolality >50-100 mOsm/Kg
Head injury, tumor
Sarcoid, pneumonia
Small cell lung ca
Post-op status
Chlorpropamide, oxytocin, cyclophosphamide, morphine, sulfonylurea
Tx: #1 = Fluid restriction
Demelocycline = ADH antagonist
tPA is secreted by _ cells
works under what conditions?
tPA is secreted by endothelial cells.
optimized by binding to fibrin
activity is restricted to site of clot
activates plasmin to degrade fibrin
neuro changes: delirium, seizure, stroke
low platelet count
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
impaired renal fx

neuro changes: delirium, seizure, stroke
low platelet count
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
impaired renal fx
high bleeding time, indirect bili, LDH, AST
Low haptoglobin
Normal coag factors

Tx: steroids to decrease microthrombus formation
Plasma replacement, plasmapheresis
NO platelet transfusions
(NOTE: severely high Cr => HUS. Pregnancy => HELLP. high PT, aPTT => DIC)
Tx for addisonian crisis
4 S's of adrenal crisis mgmt:
Salt: 0.9% saline
Steroids: IV hydrocortisone 100 mg q8h
Search for underlying illness: Addisons = adrenal dz, polyglandular autoimmune syndrome, congenital enzyme deficiency, adrenal hemorrhage, TB, pituitary (may be 2/2 to stopping long-term steroids)
Thirst, polyuria, inability to concentrate urine

What disease?
Diabetes inspidus

Central: Vasopressin/ Desmopressin = ADH analog

Nephrogenic (due to lithium, demeclocycine, hypercalemia): HCTZ, indomethacin, amiloride
Type 2a hypercholesterolemia
LDL R defect
Type 4 renal tubular acidosis:
Due to _ or _
Anion gap?
Electrolyte change_
Aldosterone deficiency or tubular resistance to aldosterone
Mild metabolic acidosois s/ anion gap
High K+
Type of ovarian cyst ass'd c/ hyperestrinism, endometrial hyperplasia
Follicular cysts
Sq cell carcinoma, esp in sun-exposed area
Ulcerated, red lesion on an old person
Uric acid kidney stone:
Seen in 2 diseases
Gout, myeloproliferative disorders
V/Q is highest @ _ in area of lung, lowest @ _
High+C670est @ top, lowest @ bottom
Humeral shaft fracture injures the _ nerve,
which causes motor symptom of _ or pt unable to _ th arm
Radial -> WRIST DROP, unable to supinate

Innervates the BEST:
Urine osmolality >500
Urine Na <10
FeNa <1%
BUN/Cr >20

What is wrong with the patient?
What changes to:
Renal blood flow
Pre-renal failure

FeNa = Na(U)/Na(P) / Cr(U)/Cr(P)
asymptomatic pt c/:
diet high in salt and nitrates, low in vegetables
hx gastritis
enlarged L supraclavicular node
INTESTINAL type gastric adenocarcinoma
(diffuse type NOT related to H. pylori or gastritis)
Virchow's node = enlarged L supraclavicular node
2/2 metastatic stomach cancer
Usually discovered incidentally
Poor prognosis: <10%
Tx depends on surgical excision of tumor
von Hipple Lindau:
Mutation of _ -type gene on chromosome _
Mutation of VHL tumor supressor gene on chromosome 3
1. CNS/retina hemangioblastomas (esp. in kids - cerebellar)
2. RCC
3. Cysts in internal organs

Increased renal cancer
Port-wine stains
Eye dysfunction
Liver, pancreas, kidney cysts
von Recklinghausen
gene location
3 major sx
4 other common findings
Neurfibromatosis type 2
Long arm of chromosome 17 (17 letters in von Recklinghausen)
Café au lait spots, neural tumors, lisch nodeules = pigmented hamartomas of iris
Skeletal disorders (e.g. scoliosis), optic pathway gliomas, pheochromocytoma, increased tumor risk
von Recklinghausen
mutation in _ (_-type gene) on chromosome _
Increased risk of 2 things…
Mutation in NF1 tumor-supressor gene on chromosome 17
1.Café au lait spots
2. Lisch nodules (pigmented iris hamartomas)
3. Multiple neurofibromas
Risk of meningiomas, pheochromocytoma
90% of NF cases

Cafe-au-lait spots
Axillary, inguinal freckling
Eye: lisch nodules
Seventeen (chromosome 17), Skeletal (bowing leg, etc)
Positive family history
Optic Tumor (glioma)
pt has anemia
Bone marrow: giant neutrophils, hypersegmented mature granulocytes
Elevated MMA, homocysteine
subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord
(see hint)
B12 deficinecy
if it were folate deficinecy, would have normal MMA, elevated homocysteine
Wallenberg's syndrome
PICA thrombosis
Pt c/ altered consiousness, headache, fever
CSF: (+) for RBCs, protein
Contrast-enhancing temoral lobe lesion on MRI
HSV encephalitis
high morbidity
PCR very sensitive, specific
Tx: immediately start a full course of IV acyclovir
Wax in ear or impaired movement of ossicles causes _-type hearing loss
Frequencies affected
Conduction deafness => all frequencies affected
Waxy casts
Chronic end-stage renal disease
Pt c/:
kidney stones + stomach ulcers

Family hx:
ZE syndrome, insulinoma, VIPoma
Parathyroid hyperplasia
Wermer's syndrome = MEN 1:
Pancreatic islet cell tumor: insulinoma, ZE, VIPoma
Pituitary adenoma: prolactinoma
Presents c/ kidney stones + stomach ulcers
What deficiency?
Epithelial metaplasia, esp to eyes
Conjunctival dryness => keratomalacia, corneal erosion
Vitamin A
What vitamin? What rxns does it do?
Deficiency =>
Peripheral neuropathy, convulsions, hyperirritability.
Seborrheic dermatitis, chelosis, glossitis
Pyridoxine = b6
also peripheral neuropathy, seizures

Converted to pyridoxal phosphate =>
Transamination (ALT, AST)
Heme synthesis
What deletion?
Malignant urinary tract tumors
2/3 diagnosed by age 4
Tx = surgery
Wilms tumor
deletion of 11p13
Brown sequard:
damage to _ tract -> loss of _-type sensation on _-lateral side, @ level _
spinothalamic tract injury -> loss of contralateral pain/temp sensation @ 2 levels below lesion
What disease?
Heart failure
Skin pigmentation
RF for 2 other diseases…
Risk of chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic carcinoma
(A team has 3 members; Mr. T wears iron medallion)
What disease in newborn?
Nail hypoplasia

(see hint)
Fetal hydantoin syndrome
Due to phenytoin
mom has history of tonic-clonic seizures
What disease? Congenital cardiac defect, inc. heart/lung fistulas
Short upturned nose, long philtrum
Limb dislocation
Mechanism may be inhibition of cell migration
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Highest risk @ weeks 3-8
What does PGI2 do?
pgI2 Inhibits aggregation
(txA2 Aggregates platelets)
What dz?
HLA DR5 or B5
Anti-microsomal Ab's
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
Histo: atropic follicles with decreased colloid; lymphocyes, plasma cells, macrophages
Pt has enlarged thyroid +/- hx of thyrotoxicity
Hypothyroid later in dz
What dz?
Irritability, increased GI motility, tachycardia, wt loss, muscle wasting
What vitamin deficiency decreases fertility?
Tropheryma whipplei
Malabsorbtion > neuro change's, arthritis
90% male
Tx =1 yr abx (pen, amp, tetracycline; sulfonamide for neuro sx)

Weight loss
Hyperpigmentation of skin
Infection with tropheryma whippelii
PAS positive granules in macrophage
Enteric involvement
Whipple's dz:
Hepatolenticular degeneration
Cu accumulation, can't enter circulation as ceruloplasmin
Basal ganglia degen
Corneal deposits (Kayser-Fleischer), Choreiform mvmt, Carcinoma of liver
Tx = penicillamine
Xerostomia + Arthritis + Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
Young adult c/ insidious onset of glomerular BM thickening, subEPIthelial immune complex deposition:
IM, EM findings
Membranous gomerulonephritis
IF: granular pattern
EM: "spike + dome"
Young female c/ mid-systolic click.
This murmur is also common in dz _
Mitral valve prolapse
associated with 3 things
Gastrin-secreting tumor of pancreas or duodenum.
Ass'd c/ recurrent ulcers, hyercalcemia, MEN1
Brain mets - 2 primaries…
Lung > Breast
Bone mets - 2 primaries …
Breast > Lung
Liver mets - 3 primaries …
Colon > Stomach > Pancreas
Tx for ventricular tachycardia (4 possible)
Be a PAL!
PROCAINAMIDe = class 1a = prolongs purkinje repolarization
PROCAINAMIDe = class 1a = prolongs purkinje repolarization
LIDOCAINE = class 1b = shortens purkinje repolarization
high alpha fetoprotein in pregnancy ...
"Increased Maternal Serum Alpha Feto Protein":
Intestinal obstruction
Multiple gestation/ Miscalculation of gestational age/ Myeloschisis
Spina bifida cystica
Anencephaly/ Abdominal wall defect
Fetal death
Placental abruption
What type of hypersensitivity?
Ab + complement lead to membrane attack complex => lysis or phagocytosis
Type 2 = IgG, IgM -mediated = "Cy-2-toxic"