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131 Cards in this Set

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A transactional process of sharing meaning with others.

Public speaking

Fundamentally, an act of communication in which a clearly identified speaker presents a message in a more formal manner than mere conversation to an audience of multiple listeners.

What word best describes human communication, that is how communication is done.

When you give a speech in class you are the…(use one word to finish the sentence.)

The definition of message

The ideas you wish to express such as what your college should do about fees.

what is the definition of channel?
The median used to share a message.
In a class speech, the receivers are---(finish the sentence)
– your classmates, classmates of the speaker.
The speaker codes his or her a message into his words, the classmates---(finish the sentence)
– decode the speakers message.
Noise – definition
Any interference with effect and transmission and reception of your message.
If you say public speaking Is transactional, you mean (finish the sentence)
– the speaker is both a sender and the receiver simultaneously, not merely a sender or a receiver.
As you give a speech, you receive feedback. Define feedback.
Feedback is the responses, mostly nonverbal from listeners.
What should a speaker do in response to feedback?
The speaker should be influenced by the feedback. He or she should modify his or her speech accordingly.
How is transactional communication more than simply the text of the speech?
The speaker develops a relationship and association with audience members.
When does shared meaning occur? Describe shared meaning.
Shared meaning occurs when both speaker and receivers have a mutual understanding of the message.
What one word describes booing or cheering during a speech?
Booing or cheering is an example of feedback.
Communication competence is??
Engaging in communication that is perceived to be both effective and appropriate in a given context.
The degree to which speakers have progress toward the achievement of their goals is called effectiveness.

Degrees of effectiveness in public speaking range from, describe the high and the low end.
Degrees of effectiveness in public speaking range from highly proficient to severely deficient.
What is the definition of appropriateness?
Speech behavior that is perceived to be legitimate and fits the speaking context is called appropriate speech.
What is the definition of context?
Context is the environment in which communication occurs.
Every communication context is guided by rules. What is the definition of a rule.
A followable prescription that indicates what behavior is obligated, preferred or prohibited in certain context.
What is the definition of an implicit rule?
And implicit rule is one that is assumed but not stated directly.
Communication becomes inappropriate
Communication becomes inappropriate when it violates rules when such violations could be averted without sacrificing a goal by choosing alternative communication behaviors.

Competent public speaking requires you to be both.

Appropriate and effective when communicating your message to an audience.

Name five general ways the appropriateness and effectiveness of your public speaking can be improved
1) Build knowledge about what works and does not work in any public speaking context. 2) develop your public speaking skills. 3) Increase your sensitivity relevant to the audience. 4) enhance your commitment to speak effectively. 5) Apply ethics to your public speaking performances.
A communication skill is
A communication skill is the successful performance of a communication behavior and the ability to repeat such a behavior.
Sensitivity is receptive accuracy whereby you can detect, decode, and comprehend signals then your social environment.
Define mindful speaking
Mindful speaking occurs when you think about your communication and concentrate on changing what you do to become more effective.
Define mindless speaking
Mindless speaking is when you are not aware of your communication with others or simply do not care, so no improvement is likely.

Define commitment

– passion for excellence. Attitude is as important as aptitude.

Define ethics
A system for judging the moral correctness of human behavior.

Name the five standards put forth by the national communication Association-

(1) respect (2) honesty (3) fairness (4) choice (5) responsibility

Define respect
Respect is treating others as you want to be treated.
Define honesty
All ethical systems condemned lying and dishonesty. Plagiarism is dishonesty.
Define fairness
Fairness requires equal treatment and opportunity.
What is speech anxiety
Fear of public speaking and the nervousness the accompanies that fear is called speech anxiety.

The physiological defense-alarm process triggered by stress is called…

– Fight or flight response.

Dysfunctional speech anxiety occurs when –

the intensity of the fight or flight response prevention individual from giving a speech affectively.

Functional speech anxiety occurs when

– the flight or fight response is managed and stimulates an optimum presentation.

What factors determine the difference between dysfunctional speech anxiety and functional speech anxiety?
The degree of anxiety and your ability to manage it, not anxiety itself, determines the difference between functional and dysfunctional anxiety.

Why is a moderate amount of anxiety a good thing?

– Individuals who experience low to moderate anxiety that is under control typically give better speeches.

Causes of dysfunctional speech anxiety primarily fall into what 2 categories –

self-defeating thoughts and situational factors.

… Can sabotage your speech

– self-defeating thoughts.

What is the illusion of transparency?
The overestimation of the extent to which audience members detect a persons nervousness is called the illusion of transparency.

Name three principal anxiety provoking situations –

novelty, conspicuousness, and types of speeches.

Uncertainty reduction theory

– as you gain experience speaking in front of groups, the novelty wears off, uncertainty is reduced, and anxiety consequently diminishes because you gain a reservoir of knowledge from giving speeches that helps you handle almost any situation that might occur.

Name two ways to reduce speech anxiety .
Know your topic well and do not wait until the night before to prepare your speech. Page 27. Do not give a speech on empty stomach. Page 28

What are the four phases to speech anxiety symptoms?

Anticipation phase, confrontation phase, adaption phase, release stage. Page 28.

Defined the anticipation phase

– when your symptoms elevate just prior to giving your speech.

Define the confrontation phase

– when you face the audience and begin to speak. There is a tremendous surge of adrenaline.

Define the adaption phase.

– symptoms deadly diminish.

Release stage

– immediately following the finish of a speech.

What does the communication orientation focus on?
Making your message clear and interesting to your listeners is the focus of communication orientation.
Which is preferred and why, the communication orientation or the performance orientation?
The communication orientation is preferred because the performance orientation leads to nervousness and poor performance.

Visualization –

Prepare a speech for presentation by countering negative thoughts of catastrophe with positive images of success

Systematic desensitization
Incremental exposure to increasingly threatening stimuli coupled with relaxation is called systematic desensitization.
Name four methods of speech delivery
Manuscript, memorized, impromptu, extemporaneous
What is the problem with reading a manuscript during her speech?
A read manuscript has a distinct sound and rhythm, and it can sound stilted and overly formal
Name two reasons a typed manuscript speech might make sense
If you are concerned about being legally encumbered because of your phrasing or of causing offense because of the wording.
When would a memorized speech be appropriate?
A short toast at a wedding, a brief acceptance speech, or a few key lines in a lengthy speech may be memorized
As a guideline, how long is too long for a memorize speech?
Five minutes or more
What is an impromptu speech?
An impromptu speech is a speech delivered without preparation, or so it seems.
What are three recommendations for impromptu speech mentioned in the book?
Anticipate Impromptu speaking if possible, draw on life experience and knowledge of the subject for your remarks and formulate a simple outline for an impromptu speech.
What is an extemporaneous speech?
And extemporaneous speech is one delivered from a prepared outline or notes.
What two types of outlines should you make for an extemporaneous speech?
When preparing for an extemporaneous speech, you should make a preparation outline and a presentation outline
When giving a speech it is important to use inflexion, describe that
Vocal variety is called inflection. Raise and lower the pitch of your voice. Pitch is the range of your voice from high to low sentence.
What are vocal fillers?
Focal fillers are home, like, my point is… Things that feel awkward pauses. Excessive use should be avoided.
What effect on an audience does a moderately fast speaking rate have?
A moderately fast speaking rate increases the audiences perception of you as intelligent, confident, and effective.
What speaking rate is appropriate for most speaking situations?
A speaking rate from between 140 and 180 words per minute is appropriate for most speaking situations.
What is the definition of proper articulation?
Proper articulation means speaking words clearly and distinctly.
What is the definition of pronunciation?
Pronunciation is the way you say words.
Why is moving, at least a bit, during a speech preferred.
Moving during a speech, at least a bit, is preferred so that your physical form will not meld into the scenery.
What is the advantage of being physically animated (Without overdoing it) during a speech?
An animated, lively delivery can excite an audience to pay attention, but don't seem out of control.
Should, or how should gestures be used during a speech?
Gestures should be used in a natural conversational manner, there is no need to plan gestures.
According to the book, what two elements are at the core of any good public speech?
Audience analysis and adaptation are at the core of any public speech.
Name five general types of audiences.
There are five general types of audiences; captive, committed, contrary, concerned, and casual.
Describe a captive audience
A captive audience assembles to hear you speak because it is compelled to, not because listeners expect entertainment or intellectual stimulation. An example of a captive audience would be a required speech class.
Describe a committed audience.
A committed audience voluntarily assembles because they want to invest time and energy listening to and being inspired by a speaker. The committed audience usually agrees with your position already and is presumably interested.
Describe a contrary audience.
Hey contrary audience, could be consult hostile listeners. They are people who don't hold your position.
Describe a concerned audience.
A concerned audience is one that gathers voluntarily to hear a speaker because listeners care about issues and ideas.
How does a concerned audience differ from a committed audience?
Unlike a committed audience, listeners of a concerned audience have not attended the speech to show commitment to a particular cause or ideas. Concern listeners want to gather information and learn.
Describe a casual audience.
A casual audience is composed of individuals who become listeners because they hear a speaker, stop out of curiosity or casual interest, and remain until bored or Sated.
What should be your primary consideration when addressing a casual audience?
Your primary consideration when addressing a casual audience is to connect with your listeners immediately and create curiosity and interest.
What is the definition of an attitude?
An attitude is "a learned predisposition to respond favorably or unfavorably toward some attitude object. "
What is a belief?
They believe is what a person thinks is true or possible.
What is a value?
A value is the most deeply felt, generally shared view of what is deemed good, right, or worthwhile thinking or behavior.
Often, you must make educated guesses about an audience based on demographics. What are demographics?
Demographics are characteristics of an audience such as age, gender, culture, if the city, and group affiliations.
What is the definition of ethnocentrism?
Ethnocentrism is the belief that customs, practices, and behaviors of your own culture are superior to any other culture.
For speech class purposes, what is identification?
Identification is the affiliation and connection between speaker and audience.
Name three ways of increasing likability with your audience.
Praising and complementing your audience, saying you like your audience, and expressing genuine concern and showing empathy for problems and pain faced by audience members.
Name a method of promoting social cohesion as a speaker.
Substantial research shows that storytelling promote social cohesion.
What is the definition of stylistic similarity?
Looking and acting the part, working to appear similar to the audience is called stylistic similarity.
What is substantial similarity?
Highlighting similarities in positions, values, and attitudes also encourages identification. This is substantial similarity. Establishing common ground between speaker and audience.
Define credibility.
Credibility is defined as judgments made by a perceiver concerning the believability of a communicator.
What did Aristotle call credibility?
Aristotle called credibility ethos.
What did Aristotle call the ingredients of credibility?
Aristotle identified the ingredients of credibility as good sense, good moral character, and goodwill.
What are the primary dimensions of credibility?
The primary dimensions of credibility our confidence, trustworthiness, dynamism, and composure.
To what does the term competence refer?
Competence refers to the audiences perception of the speakers knowledge and experience on the topic.
What does the word trustworthiness mean? To what does it refer?
Trustworthiness refers to how truthful or honest we perceive the speaker to be.
Name one way to increase your trustworthiness, (from page 59.)
One way to increase your trustworthiness is to argue against your self interest.
What is Dynamism?
Dynamism is a third dimension of credibility. It refers to the enthusiasm, energy, and forcefulness exhibited by a speaker.
A final dimension of the speakers credibility is composure. Describe it.
Audiences tend to be influenced by speakers who are emotionally stable and appear confident and in control of themselves.
What is the gauge on the appropriateness of displaying composure?
The appropriateness of displaying composure depends on the context. Too much composure may have the speaker perceived as hard hearted.
What should the speaker do when his or her listeners seem to be losing interest?
Crank up the delivery by showing greater enthusiasm and animation
Choosing bad topics produces band speeches; choosing great topics is the first step toward producing great speeches. Name three ways to pick a topic.
Three ways to pick a topic for speech 1) do a personal inventory: you as a topic source. 2) brainstorm: possibilities. 3) scanning for topics: quick ideas.
Name some factors in choosing a topic for a speech.
Appropriateness to a speaker, appropriate to the context of the speech, interests of the audience are all factors to be considered when choosing a topic for a speech.
What is meant by General purpose?
A general purpose identifies the overall goal of your speech – to inform, describe, explain, demonstrate, persuade, etc.
What is considered the top-ranked skill for preparing and delivering a speech?
The national survey of individuals from a wide variety of professions revealed that the top -ranked skill for preparing and delivering a speech was keeping and audiences attention.
What is the definition of attention?
Attention is the act of focusing on a specific stimulus to the exclusion of compelling stimuli.
Retention is enhanced when listening is mindful. What is mindful listening?
Mindful listening is active listening; you were engaged in the communication transaction with others. You were not merely a passive observer.
What are some key stimulus triggers that can ignite attention involuntarily?
Key stimulus triggers that can ignite attention involuntarily include appeals to that which is normal, startling, vital, humorous, changeable, or intense. When direct effort is made by you to exploit such traders, they become attention strategies.
Why should you not begin your speech with, "my topic is," Or "today I'd like to talk to you about"…?
Because novelty attracts attention. You should not begin your speech with something Boring.
According to the book, what is one reason you would want to incorporate a story in your speech?
Storytelling can jazz up a potential he tedious speech.
Why is unusual phrasing important?
Colorful freezing, unusual wording, can transform an ordinary statement into a novel, memorable one. Don't say most books are carried less than 60 days by bookstores. Say something like the shelflife of the average book is somewhere between milk and yogurt.

What is meant by Vital Appeal?

People tend to ignore things they in which they are not interested. Some ignored AIDS when they thought it was a gay disease. They were concerned when heterosexuals started getting it.

What things should you consider when using humor in a speech?

When using humor in a speech you should consider appropriateness and effectiveness. Don't tell the audience it is a funny story. Use only relevant humor.

Why should you not start with, "Let me tell you a funny story?"

Don't lead off with, "Let me tell you a funny story," because if no one laughs, you invite embarrassment.

What type of humor 'travels best' across the demographic spectrum?

Humor that is gentle or self-deprecating usually travels best.

What term is used to describe humor that makes gentle fun of your own failings or limitations?

Self-deprecation is humor that makes gentle fun of your own failings and limitations.

Why is some movement, or change in voice needed?

Some movement, or change in the voice, or other changes are needed because attention to change is built into our brains. It gets attention.

What is the book's definition of intensity?

According to the book intensity is concentrated stimuli.

Describe the Vital Appeal

People attend to stimuli that they care about. Make your topic apply to your audience. The example given was AIDS. Page 77

Describe the humourous appeal

Use relevant humor to keep an audience's attention.

Name five principal objectives for a competent introduction to a speech

Five principal objectives for a competent introduction to a speech are: Gain attention. Make a clear purpose statement. Establish the significance of your topic. establish your credibility on the subject. Preview your main points. These are guidelines, not necessary for some occasions.

What are some examples of when you do not need to establish your credibility on a subject.

You would not have to establish your credibility of a subject at a wedding speech or a eulogy.

What would be an example of a speech where you would not need to establish the significance of the occasion.

A graduation would be an example of a speech where you would not need to establish the significance of the occasion.

Asking questions of your audience can be an effective way to gain listener's attention. A question in which the audience is asked and the audience would not answer out loud, but mentally, is called what?

A question that an audience would answer mentally is called a rhetorical question.

What is a short, entertaining, real-life story called?

A short, entertaining, real-life story is ucually called an anecdote.

What is the advantage of using an anecdote?

Introductions which begin with an anecdote motivate your audience to listen and promote understanding and retention of your message,.

What is a specific purpose statement

A specific purpose statement is a concise, precise infinitive phrase composed of simple, clear language that encompasses both the general purpose and indicates what the speaker hopes to accomplish with the speech.

What five questions should you use to test the appropriateness and likely effectiveness of your purpose statement?

Is it concise and precise? Is it phrased as a declarative statement? Is it free of colorful language? Is it more than simply a topic? Is it practical?

Define a central idea

The central idea, sometimes referred to as your theme, identifies the main concept, point, issue, or conclusion that you want the audience to believe, feel or do.