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36 Cards in this Set

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a malignat neoplasm arising from the bile duct


congenital dialation of the common bile duct. usually found in children

choledochal cyst

stones in the biliary tree


progressive obliteration of the extrahepatic and proximal intrahepatic bile ducts, as well as the gallbladder. Usually diagnosed within the first 2 weeks of life

Billiary Atresia

enzyme involved in protein metabolism. Increased in alcoholic hepatitis , jaudice and cirrhosis. Formerly called serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase SGPT

ALT alanine aminotransferase

enzyme involved in sythesis of amino acids. Elevated in acute hepatitis and cirrhosis. Formerly called serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase SGOT

AST asparte aminotransferase

Lactic dehydrogenase. Enzyme that catalyses the formation and removal of lactate. Elevated with liver disease.


A type of cholangiocarcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the common hepatic ducte bifurcation.

Klatskin tumor

Anemia resulting from distruction of red blood cells. Either congenital or acquired from a variety of causes including various infections

hemolytic anemia

Fibrous membrane that surrounds the liver, as well as the portal triads within the liver

Glisson's capsule

Gamma glutamyl transferase Billiary enzyme that increases with obstructive jaudice and liver disease.


Infiltration of hepatocytes by lipids. Eventually results in fat cells being surrounded by fibrous material. Common cause include hepatitis, diabetis, metabolic disorders, and pregnancy. May be focal or diffuse.

Fatty infiltration

the extrahepatic portal vein becomes thombosed and is replaced by numerous collateral veins in the portal hepatis

Cavernous Transformation of the portal vein

Enzyme that catalyses the cleavage of inorganic phosphate elevated with biliary obstruction

alkaline phosphate

the point at which the common bile duct and pancreatic duct enter the duodenum

ampula of vater

vein that arises from the splenic vein in the midline and courses superior and to the left. Becomes dilated in the setting of portal hypertension.

coronary vein

enlarged, palpable gallbladder. Results from distal obstruction of the common bile duct secondary to a pancreatic head mass

Courvoisier Gallbaldder.

Drains the gallbaldder. Joins common hepatic duct to form the CBD

cystic duct

disease process in which large quantities of glycogen are abnormally deposited within the liver, resulting in fatty infiltration and tumors.

Glycogen storage disease

Inflammation of the liver due to viral infection of less commonly, autoimmune disease. May be acute or may become chronic after an acute episode.


Diffuse disease affecting the liver parenchyma such as cirrhosis, fatty infiltrationor hepatitis

Hepatocellular disease

portal vein flow away from the liver. This patter can be seen in patients with severe portal hypertation


normal portal vein flow, toward the liver


Yellow pigmentation of the skin due to excessive bilirubin accumulation. Usually secondary to liver or biliary disease


Transverse fissue on the viscral surface of the liver in which the cbd , proper hepatic artery and mpv, run along side each other as they leave or enter liver

porta hepatis

portal vein, hepatic artery, biliary duct

portal triad

autoimmune disease resulting in irreversible destruction of the liver and bile ducts

primary biliary cirrhosis

Dilated vins


increased portal venous pressure usually secondary to liver disease (most common cirrhosis) leads to dilation of the portal vein with splenic and superior mesenteric vein enlargemnt , splenomegally and formation of collaterals can also be caused by portal or splenic vein thrombosis

portal hypertantion

annular sheath of muscle contraction around the ampula of vater

Sphincter of oddi

Regenearing areas of hepatocytes surrounded by fibrotic septa

regenerating nodule

also called varices. Dilated veins that occur with protal hypertantion. Seen proncipally in the region of the portal hepatis, pancreas and splenic hilum


portion of the biliary duct formed by the confluence of the righ and left hepatic ducts

common hepatic duct

progressive hepatocellular disease. Common cause include excessive alchohol or drug use and viral infection


portion of the biliary duct formed by the confluence of the common hepatic duct and cystic duct


Yellowish pigment in bile formed by red blood cells breakdown. Increases with hepatic disorders in which metabolism is impared, such s cirrhosis or hepatitis. Also incrases with obstuctive disese such as gallstones. Bilirubin is classified as direct or indirct

direct -conjugated

indirect- unconjugaed
