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12 Cards in this Set

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How have equal opportunities impacted on gender differences in achievement?

Feminist ideas have had an impact on the education. Boys and girls entitled to same opportunities is now a part of mainstream thinking. Policies such as GISE and WISE encourage girls to pursue career in non-traditional areas.

What does Boaler believe about equal opportunities' impact on gender differences in achievement?

Sees impact of equal opportunities as key reason for changes in girls achievement. Many barriers have been removed and schooling more meritocratic. So, girls achieve more as they generally work harder than boys.

How have positive role models in schools impacted on gender differences in achievement?

Increase in proportion of female teachers and heads, women in senior positions act as role models so girls have non-traditional goals to aim for. Are important role models as will have had to have a successful education themselves.

How has GCSE and coursework impacted on gender differences in achievement?

Some sociologists-way pupils are assessed favour girls.

Gorard - gender gap in achievement fairly constant from 1975-1989 when GCSE was introduced with more coursework. He concluded gender gap caused by changed system of assessment.

What do Mitsos and Browne believe about GCSE and coursework's impact on the gender gap on achievement?

They argue these factors have helped girls to benefit from the introduction of coursework:

-spend more time on their work.

-take more care with the way it is presented.

-better at meeting deadlines.

-bring right equipment and materials to lessons.

Give a criticism about GCSE and coursework's impact on the gender gap in achievement?

Elwood- it is unlikely to be only cause of gender gap in achievement as exams have more of an influence than coursework on final grades.

How has teacher attention impacted on the gender gap in achievement?

Teachers interact with boys and girls differently. Teachers respond more positively to girls than boys.

Some sociologists analysed classroom interaction- boys received more attention as they attracted more reprimands.

Swann - gender differences in communication styles. Boys dominate in whole-class discussions while girls prefer pair or group-work.

How has challenging stereotypes in the curriculum impacted on the gender gap in achievement?

Some sociologists- removal of gender stereotypes from learning materials have removed barrier to girls' achievement. 1970s and 80s women depicted as housewives and mothers in reading schemes.

Weiner - since 1980s teacher have challenged stereotypes. Generally sexist images removed from learning materials so may have helped to raise girls' achievement by showing them positive images of women.

How has selection and league tables impacted on the gender gap in achievement?

Marketisation has meant schools see girls as desirable as they achieve better exam results.

Jackson - exam league tables improved girls' opportunities as high achieving girls are more attractive to schools. Tends to create SFP as girls more likely to be recruited and more likely to do well.

What does Slee believe about selections league tables' impact on the gender gap in achievement?

Boys are less attractive as more likely to suffer from behavioural difficulties and 4 times more likely to be excluded.

What are liberal feminists views on girls' achievement?

They celebrate progress made so far.

They believe further progress will be made by continuing development of equal opportunities policies, encouraging positive role models and overcoming sexist attitudes and stereotypes.

What are radical feminists views of girls' achievement?

Emphasise that the system is still patriarchal shown by:

-sexual harassment of girls continues at school.

-education still limits girls' subject choices and career options.

-male teachers still more likely to become heads of schools.

-women under-represented in many areas of curriculum e.g contribution to history is largely ignored.