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12 Cards in this Set

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What is gender stratification?
unequal access to property, power and prestige on the basis of sex
How do sex and gender differ?
Sex refers to biological distinctions between males and females.
Gender is what a society considers proper behaviors and attitudes for its male and female members.
What does the "nature vs. nurture" debate involve?
whether or not differences in behaviors in males and females are caused by inherited (biological) or learned (cultural) characteristics
In the "nature vs. nurture" argument what has been the traditional mindset of most sociologists?
take nurture side

recent years some sociologists have begun to cautiously open the door towards biology
Is patriarchy universal?

What are some common areas of gender discrimination?
yes (male dominance)

work, education, politics, violence
Explain how females became a minority.
origin of discrimination is unknown but physical limitations imposed by childbirth is a common explanation
Give an example of violence in gender inequality.
female circumcision
Explain the three waves of feminism.
1st- early 1900s, met w/ hostility and violence
2nd- 1960s continuing today
3rd- emerging
What is one key fundamental change in terms of women defying gender equality in education?
getting degrees/ jobs in health and law
How does gender equality show up in lifetime pay?
lifetime pay gap between the genders runs over a million dollars in favor of men
Other than pay what else is a common reality in the workplace that exemplifies the gender gap?
sexual harassment
What is conflict theorists view on violence-- men to women?
men use violent to maintain their power and privilege