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8 Cards in this Set

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What did Asch find about conformity?

36.8% of the time participants gave the wrong answer. 25% of participants did not conform.

What was the issue with the time period of Asch's study?

The study took place in the 1950s so it isn't as accurate for modern day life due to the different expectations in the 1950s to now.

What was the issue of the tasks being manufactured in Asch's study?

It fails to reflect everyday life as participant knew they were being watched so it lacks applicable value.

What was the issue with the gender only being male in Asch's study?

All participants were male so it's hard to generalise to how females would've reacted. This could also be said for the fact all were undergraduates from the same place making it hard to generalise to other places.

What were Asch's variations?

Group size, unanimity and task difficulty

For group size what did Asch say was needed for ultimate conformity?

3 people

What did unanimity suggest about conformity?

Asch introduced a dissenter who disagreed with the rest of the group. This reduced conformity by 1/4 suggesting conformity is less likely to conform if the whole group does not agree.

What did task difficulty suggest about conformity?

When Asch made the task more difficult conformity increased suggesting ISI plays the greater role when the task is more difficult.