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10 Cards in this Set

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When is the pitch limit indicator displayed on the PFD and what is its purpose?

-Flaps out of up

-stick shaker activation point (AOM 10-5)

What is the input source/s for the command speed display on the PFD?

a. Speed set in the MCP IAS/Mach Window Open

b. FMC Computed Speed when Window is Blank (AOM 10-2)

What identifies the active way point on the ND?

Magenta Star (AOM 10-64)

The altitude range arc (‘green arc”) displays what information?

Position where MCP altitude will be reached based on Vertical and Ground Speed (AOM 10-69)

The WXR, STA, WPT, ARPT, DATA, POS, TERR switches on the EFIS control panel display what information when pushed (each individually)?

a. WXR - Powers Radar Transceivers selected on wx radar control panel. MAP/MAP CTR, VOR, APP modes

b. STA - MAP/MAP CTR modes: displays High/Low navaids when ND range is in 40nm or less and High navaids when ND range is 80+

c. WPT – In MAP/MAP CTR modes: displays waypoints when ND range is selector is 40nm or less

d. ARPT - In MAP/MAP CTR modes: displays airports in all ranges (runways longer than 6000’)

e. DATA - In PLAN, MAP/MAP CTR modes: displays FMC ETA, Altitude, and Altitude Constraints at each waypoint

f. POS - In MAP/MAP CTR modes: -displays VOR raw data radials extended from nose of airplane to the VOR stations displayed on CDU NAV RAD Page. When co-located DME data received, tick mark displayed at DME distance; radial extends to edge of display if no valid DME data received. -Displays IRU and GPS positions

g. TERR - GPWS Look-Ahead terrain mode. MAP/MAP CTR, VOR, APP modes. Green - minus 500 to minus 2000 // Amber - minus 500 to 2000+ // Red - 2000+ (AOM 10-29)

If the Captains INBD and LWR (EICAS) CRT is inoperative, how and where could the HYD synoptic information be displayed?

On FO’s ND using INBD CRT knob to EICAS (AOM 10-32)

In what ND mode will weather radar not be displayed?


What indicates a route modification on the ND?

A White Dashed Line (AOM 10-69)

The standby horizon is powered from what source?

Main Battery Bus (AOM 10-51)

When will the G/S and LOC indicators/scales display and when will they fill to a solid magenta?

displayed: When Signal is Received

Magenta: 2 1/3 dots from the center (AOM 10-9, 10)