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214 Cards in this Set

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How does Sitecore support the three pillars of a CMS: data definition, content, and presentation?
Templates define the data, items are the content, and layouts & components make up the presentation.
Describe some xWeb Content Management System features that separate Sitecore from other systems.
AIDA: Analytics, Gain Insights, Make Decisions, Automate
What is Sitecore's easy-to-use authoring tool and what functionality does it provide?
Experience Editor allows content authors to add or edit content and make look and feel (style) changes.
Which interface would an author use to see and edit items in a tree structure?
Content Editor is used by developers to create and define templates, items, layouts, and components. Some content authors may also use Content Editor.
What is the dashboard like interface where a user can see all of the interfaces they have permissions to in the Sitecore Experience Platform?
What are some of the other interfaces in the Sitecore Experience Platform?
Experience Editor, Content Editor, Media Library, Marketing Control Panel, Campaign Creator, Control Panel, User Manager, Role Manager, etc.
What is defined in a template?
Field sections and fields
Whate are some of the field types used in a template?
Text (single line, mutlitline, RTF), Media, General Link, Multilist, Treelist, Checklist, Date/Datetime, Checkbox
What field type would you use to store formatted HTML?
Rich Text
What happens if you use the same field section in a template as the field section name used in its parent template?
The field sections merge. It is best practice to use unique field names and field section names to avoid confusion and unexpected merging.
What is the name of the template that all templates inherit from?
Standard Template, which includes system fields which are normally hidden.
When would you use a template that inherits from another template?
When fields are repeated, the same fields could be put in a template. Then other templates would inherit from it.
What would you use the Field source for in a Rich Text Field?
Field source defines the toolbar configuration for the Rich Text Editor.
What would you use the Field source for in an Image field?
Field source defines browsing location in the media library.
What would you use the Field source for in a single line text?
What would you use the Field source for in a link field type (droplink)?
Field source defines the choices an editor can select from
What are the benefits of template inheritance?
Template inheritance reduces duplication and makes maintenance easier.
What are two best practices to make content editing easier when you are creating templates?
1. Set icons 2. Use editor-friendly names so content authors can understand what fields are for.
Where do you go to see what template the item comes from?
On the content item, expand Quick Info section. The template path is listed next to the Template label.
Where can you view all the templates the item is inheriting?
In Content Editor, on the template, go to the Inheritance tab.

How do you handle two fields named the same so they don't merge?
Rename one of them.
Why should admin users not create content with their admin account?
Admins bypass workflow. Also, they would not see any Content Editor warnings.
What action must content authors take before modifying content?
Lock the item.
What must be defined so content authors can create content?
Insert options.
Why do you create Standard values?
To define default values and settings for an item.
Where are insert options set as a best practice?
Standard Values. Select the item from the tree, then click on the Configure tab in the ribbon. In the Insert Options group on the ribbon, click Assign. In the modal that is shown, select the template(s) that can be used.
When do tokens get replaced?
On creation of the content item.
What happens when you set a field as shared?
There will be only one version of the content item for all languages.
What happens when you set a field as unversioned?
There will be a unique version of the item for each language.
If you manually delete text from a field, will the field be "empty" or revert to the standard values?
It will be empty.
What are some of the tokens available for use on standard values?
$name, $date, $now
What happens when a content author locks an item?
No one else can edit it until the user unlocks it.
What is an alternative to hard coding text in the presentation? Why would you choose this alternative?
Add the text to the Dictionary and then reference the Dictionary to get the text [(i.e. Sitecore.Globalization.Translate.Text("myButtonText")]. This will allow you to have the appropriate language's version of the text displayed on the site.
What are Sitecore's main databases?
Core, Master, Web
Which database is used for creating content?
Which database is used on the live site?
How do you get content from where it is created to the live site?
Use publish. If a workflow is set up, the workflow must be in an approved state for the content item to be published. Publish pushes the data from Master to Web.
What is stored in the Core database?
UI Definitions and membership tables.
Why would you need to run a full republish?
Standing up a new instance of the Content Delivery servers.
Will publishing restrictions automatically publish content at that exact time?
No. It will publish with the next publish done on the site during the publishing restrictions date. If the date is already passed, then it will not publish.
What happens if a user creates content against the Web database because they need it to go live immediately?
That change will be overwritten on the next publish. It will also bypass approval workflow rules.
What does checking the "Publish related items" do during a publish?
It publishes any items, like media items, links to other content, etc. when that item is published.
What is the difference between incremental publishing and republishing?
Incremental - publishes items that have a marked status in the publish queue.

Republish - copies all items from Master to Web

Smart - publishes all items that have changed since the last publication.

What cache is cleared when you publish?
Output cache is automatically cleared when you publish. These are in the config file under the events publish:end and publish:end:remote.
When an item is deleted from Master and then published, what is the result in the Web database?
The item is deleted
What happens automatically when you publish?
Publishing queue is not deleted, but the last published date/time is updated in db so more incremental publishes can be done.

Output Cache is automatically cleared.

What two types of data are stored in the publishing queue?
Historical items and current items that need to be published. Sitecore uses the date/time of the last publish in dbo.Properities to determine what "current items" are.
In a component, what is the data source field used for?
The data source location limits the component a content author can select in Experience Editor to a certain location within the tree.
Can placeholders have other placeholders inside of them?
Why is it a good idea to limit the use of Rich Text fields?
Rich Text fields give too much control to the content author which could potential break the layout of the site. They should be used sparingly.
What do you need to do to allow users to add and remove components from a placeholder using the Experience Editor?
Create a placeholder settings item.
What happens when you request a page that has no layout defined in the presentation details?
Layout not found error.
Why do you define Presentation Details on Standard Values if the Standard Values item is never going to be mapped to the requested URL?
This sets the default presentation details which can be overridden on inheritted items.
Can you edit an item in the Experience Editor when there are no presentation details set on the item?
Which fields are editable inline using the Experience Editor?
Text, Image, Date / Datetime, General Link
Why would you use the DisableWebEdit parameter when rendering a field?
For fields that are displayed in the head tag. Could be for other scenarios.
How does Sitecore define a type of item?
Template are what define the schema for an item including fields, field type, and field sections.
What is the name of the feature that makes WCM possible in Sitecore?
Experience Mangement (xManagement) which includes Content Editor and Experience Editor. From infrastructure side, it includes Content Management and Content Delivery.
What do you need in addition to the Experience Mangement to take full advantage of the Sitecore Experience Platform?
Analytics and Marketing features.
Are all items pages in a Sitecore project?
All items are not pages. Items that are pages are configured for viewing in the browser using the Presentation Details setting.
What is the recommended version of Visual Studio for Sitecore development?
Visual Studio 2012 or later. If using Sitecore Rocks, then use Visual Studio 2013 or later
What tools can you use to install Sitecore?
Sitecore Instance Manager (SIM), EXE which runs a wizard, or the ZIP manual install.
What additional databases are required when running xDB?
Collection database, reporting database, search index. Collection DB uses MongoDB
When you set up multiple site structures in the content tree, what is the recommended practice for handling content that will be shared between sites?
In the content tree, create separate folders and home items for each site. Shared content should be placed outside of any site structure. Also, the SiteDefinition.config needs updated to include the new site.
What types of Visual Studio projects does Sitecore support?
webforms or MVC
How can you make your Visual Studio project portable?
Project is created in a separate folder structure and then deployed to c:\intepub\wwwroot\[sitename]\WebSite.
What is the difference between publishing and deploying?
Publishing is referring to Sitecore's content publishing mechanism. Deploying refers to Visual Studio code deployments.
Name some attributes that can be configured in the site node for a website (SiteDefinition.config).
rootPath, startItem, hostName, contentStartItem, database, domain, etc.
What are some of the features of Sitecore Rocks?
It automcatically copies non-compilable files to the webroot.
What are the three main Sitecore binaries used?
Sitecore.Kernel - gives you access to current item. Sitecore.Mvc - gives you ability to set up presentation. Sitecore.Mvc.Analytics - lets you invoke tracking of goals, interactions, etc.
Why is storing media in the Sitecore database an advantage?
By doing this, you can take advantage of the Publish Related Items feature. It also preserves locking, translation, versioning, and workflow. Images can be editted by content authors using the image editor. Each size of the image is cached.
How is the layout file linked to the definition item?
Path field in the Layout Definition item.
How do you display the contents of a field in code?
Model.PageItem and Model.Item properties
What makes it easy to translate field names and other values to the context language?
How should you handle static media paths (i.e. documents from an external source)?
Add the static media paths to the IgnoreUrlPrefixes setting in the web.config.
Can a media file in the media library have no media item?
No. Sitecore creates a media item when you upload a file, so the file always has a media item. The media item is what gets published and the file is stored as a blob in the database (unless changed in config files).
Which type of component would you create if you wanted to closely follow MVC patterns or invoke complex logic?
Controller Rendering
How do you make Sitecore recognize a controller rendering?
The Controller field and Controller Action field needs to be completed.
When would you use a View Rendering?
When you have a simple scenario, like a footer on the site.
What happens if no allowed controls are defined on a Placeholder Definition item?
All controls are allowed. This means that content authors could try to put the wrong content items in the placeholder.
If you wanted to ensure the header and footer are always visible on your main layout, would you statically or dynamically bind it?
Static binding.
What is the difference between the Renderings and Final Renderings fields?
Use the Renderings field for shared or global presentation details. Use Final Renderings field for item version specific presentations (per numbered or language version).
When you add @Html.Sitecore().Placeholder("main") to your rendering, what do you need to do to make the placeholder selectable in the Experience Editor?
In Content Editor, create a placeholder definition item to allow content authors to use the placeholder in Experieince Editor. Be sure to set allowed controls so you can restrict component use.
What does dynamic binding allow you to do?
Dynamic binding allows you to build alternative page designs and add Experience Editor support. It uses placeholders.
An author adds a component to a page in the Experience Editor and the "Select the Associated Content" dialog box automatically appears. What triggers this behavior?
Opens automatically when you specify a Data Source Location on the Data Source Item.
How can you restrict authors to a specific type of item for a component's data source?
Set the Data Source Template field on the Data Source Item. If the Data Source Template is specified, but the Data Source Location is not, then the content author will be allowed to select items from anywhere in the entire tree, but incompatible items will be ghosted.
How are component parameters stored in the Sitecore database?
Key Value Pairs
What template must be used as a base template for your Parameters Template?
Standard Rendering Parameters Template. If it is not, then the user will see an error when they access the component properties.
How do you ensure your component uses a Parameter Template that you've already created?
Set the Parameters Template field on the component definition item.
What are Compatible Renderings?
Renderings that have been added to the Allowed Controls. In order to be compatible, the renderings must have compatible data sources and parameters.
What should you keep in mind when configuring Compatible Renderings?
When you set up a compatible rendering, it is not a two-way setting. For example, if you set up an Article Rendering to be compatible with an Event Rendering, you must also go to the Event Rendering and set it to have the Article Rendering as an allowed control.
Where do you define a component's cache settings so it will be cached anywhere it is used?
On the component definition item, expand the Caching section and check each type of caching desired (i.e. Cacheable, Vary By User, etc.)
Why should you never cache a component that displays personal information?
Because the whole output of a component and children components is cached as HTML (aka Output Cache), don't cache personal info especially anything like credit cards, passwords, etc. Design and Edit modes don't cache, so you would only see the effect on the public view of the page.
What cache setting do you use to cache a component on every Event Details page?
Set the cache setting on the Standard values for the Rendering.
What page can you go to in Sitecore to view cache sizes and manually clear the cache?
From your root site, go to /sitecore/admin/cache.aspx
Why would you want to have the languageEmbedding option set to never?
If you have a single language site, then in the Link Manager Config file, you would set the languageEmbedding to false.
How would an author cause a broken link when renaming an item?
The URL to a content item is automatically created by Sitecore based on the path in the tree and the name of the content item. If a folder in the tree is renamed or the item is renamed or moved, it will need to have a 301 redirect set up, otherwise anything that references that item will not be able to find it.
How would you diable .aspx being added to all URLs that are generated from Sitecore?
In the Link Manager config file, set addAspxExtension = false
Why is it important to have friendly folder structures within your content tree?
This reduces the need to rename or move items and would reduce the likelihood of causing a broken link.
How would you display the direct children of an item?
Use the ContentSearch API. Sitecore.Collections.ChildList children = currItem.GetChildren();
What is the danger of using a method like Axes.GetDescendants()?
It can cause poor performance because it gets all of the children of the child item and all of their children recursively throughout the entire tree.
How can you skip certain items when you build the navigation?
Create a custom field as a checkbox called ExcludeFromNavigation. Then check to see if it is checked. If so, don't show in navigation.
How can you make sure content authors do not modify or remove certain components in the Experience Editor?
On the Placeholder Item, uncheck the "Editable" checkbox in the Data section.
Where can a user go to see a list of broken links for the site?
Go to Launchpad. Click on Control Panel. In the Reports section, click on Scan for broken links. You can choose which database you want to search against.
Which namespaces do you include in the MVC View so you can get the current item?
Sitecore.Mvc - Has Presentation.RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem to get current item.
Which namespaces do you need to include in the MVC Controller?
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls - for access to FieldRenderer.Render()

Sitecore.Mvc.Presentation - for access to RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem

How do you get the parent item for the current item?
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item currItem = RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem;

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item parent = currItem.Parent;

How do you get the Home site path?
How would you render the content of an Image field on the website?
Use FieldRenderer.Render(item, [item_name]) to render an image because it is not considered a complex field type and can be edited inline in Experience Editor.
What happens if you use the FieldRenderer to render a Multilist field?
It doesn't work.
How do you render a Multilist field?
Use the MultilistField class and invoke the GetItems() method.

MultilistField relatedEvents = item.Fields["Related Events"];

if (relatedEvents == null) return new EmptyResult();

var events = relatedEvents.GetItems()
.Select(i => new NavigationItem() {
Title = i.DisplayName, URL = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(i)

What class would you use to retrieve the contents of a Treelist field?
In what order do children items appear by default?
Why would you avoid sorting items in code using LINQ?
Content authors can modify the default children item sorting, so if you sort items in code using LINQ, it could cause unnecessary processing and slow down performance.
What is the name of the popup window in the Experience Editor that can be used to edit fields that are not editable inline?
Field Editor
How would you enable the use of a Field Editor?
Add a Field Editor Button. These are defined in the Core database, so remember to switch contexts when defining items in Content Editor.
How would you show a toolbar in a particular part of the page?
Add an Edit Frame to the page on the cshtml page.

@using (Html.EditFrame(RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem.Paths.FullPath, "Related Events", null, null, null, null))

How do you configure buttons shown in an Edit Frame?
The default configurations for these buttons are located in the Core database under /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Edit Frame Buttons.
What is the biggest challenge when you post forms with Sitecore MVC?
How do you bind a controller to deal with the post of a View Rendering?
In the View Rendering, the Form Controller Name field corresponds to the MVC Controller and the Form Controller Action field is the MVC action method name.
What method do you need to invoke inside a View Rendering form to ensure only its controller reacts to the post?
The @Html.Sitecore().FormHandler() in the cshtml view creates two hidden fields that Sitecore uses to get the Form Controller Name and Form Controller Action that you defined in the View Rendering. The MVC Action method should be decorated with [ValidateFormHandler] attribute.
What three pieces of information are required to create an item programmatically?
Location, TemplateID, Name
How can you run part of your code with a set of privileges from those of the context user?
using (new Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserSwitcher("sitecore/caroline",false))
Why does Sitecore not allow the use of certain characters in an item name?
Because they are invalid URL characters. Use ItemUtil.ProposeValidItemName() method to strip out invalid characters when creating an item in code.
What methods do you invoke when you begin and finish editing an item through the API?
var contextItem = Sitecore.Context.Item;

contextItem.Editing.BeginEdit() and contextItem.Editing.EndEdit()

What two core services make up the Sitecore Services Client?
The Item Service gives you access to regular Sitecore items. The Entity Service gives you access to business objects that you define.
What happens if you forget to include @Html.Sitecore().VisitorIdentification() inside the head tag of the page?
All traffic is identified as a robot.
How does Sitecore track a device?
Using a session cookie and Contact record.
How does Sitecore initially identify a contact?
Device or browser info is stored in cookie
Why is Engagement Value so important?
Engagement Value lets an organization measure how much a contact is using the site and if they are taking the desired actions. It is a better measurement than website traffic because it measures whether or not the website is meeting marketing objectives.
How does Sitecore calculate the engagement value?
Engagement Value Points are assigned in the Marketing Control Panel for specific contact actions and behaviors. The contact accumulates points across single and mutliple contact sessions.
Where is the contact stored?
Sitecore Experience Database (xDB) contains both unidentified and identified contacts.
Where do you let Sitecore know that you have more than one site?
Add other site(s) to SiteDefinition.config sites node
How do you configure Sitecore to handle multiple sites?
Content Editor > Content Item > insert > Insert from template.

Choose Site Folder and give it a name.

In IIS, open Site Bindings for the main site and add a new binding.

In the hosts file, add an entry for the site.

Edit the SiteDefinition.config file to include the new site.

Make sure you update the publishing handler nodes in web.config too.

Where are log files stored?
How do you scale Sitecore horizontally?
Add additional servers. Best practice is to split Content Management from Content Delivery servers.
How do you scale Sitecore vertically?
Adding capacity to individual servers. This usually does not help the bottlenecks in the databases.
Can an item bucket contain both bucketable items and regular items?
When would an item show up in the content tree even though it is part of a bucket?
When it is a regular item (aka not based on a bucketable template)
How can a content author find items bucketable items since they are hidden in the content tree?
The content author must use the search interface to find bucketable items.
What is the default folder structure for item buckets and can it be changed?
The default is YYYY/MMdd/HH/mm.

This can be changed by the developer in the Bucket.config file BucketConfiguration.BucketFolderPath.

When discussing Item Buckets, what is a regular item?
A regular item is any item that is based on a template that does not support item buckets. Regular items can be a child of an item bucket and a regular item maintains its relationship with ancestors and descendants.
What is a bucketable item?
A bucketable item is any item based on a template that supports item buckets. Bucketable items are not visible in the content tree. They do not maintain their parent-to-child relationship
Why is it important to set up item buckets early in the developent cycle?
Item buckets affect the URL of the item, so if an item is later switched to a bucketable template the URL will change.
When would you use item buckets?
A single item bucket can contain millions of items without slowing down the UI or cluttering the content tree. Since items in item buckets are automatically organized in a logical format, this will improve performance of the Sitecore search engine.
Why is it best practice to not include both regular and bucketable items in an item bucket?
By doing this, it introduces unnecessary complexity to your site.
What are raw values?
A raw value is how the data is stored in the underlying database. For something like a single line of text, raw and field values are the same. More complex field types such as General Link, Image, etc., the raw value may be custom XML, whereas the rendered value is HTML. Some fields store a path or GUID in the raw value.
Where are raw values stored and how?
Raw values are always stored in the database as a string. When you use the FieldRenderer.Render() method, Sitecore converts it to the rendered value (HTML, string, etc.)
When, if ever, would you display a raw value to a user?
Never. This is only relevant to administrators and developers.
How do you access a raw value in code?
MultilistField m = item.Fields["MyMultilistField"];
var myItems = m.GetItems();
What can the sitecore\anonymous user access?
A user who only has access to the login screen of the website. This is used for users who will go on to access the application framework section of the website (i.e. Content Editor, etc.).
What can the extranet\anonymous user access?
Any user who is not logged in and is viewing publicly accessible parts of the website.
What is the sitecore security domain?
This is the internal security domain that contains all the users who can access Sitecore client tools. (i.e. content authors, marketers, admins, etc.)
What is the default domain for Sitecore?
Extranet is set up as the default security domain.
What is the difference between the User Manager, Role Manager, and Security Editor?
User Manager is where you can find all Sitecore users.

Role Manager is where you can manage all the roles used in Sitecore.

Security Editor lets you specify tree level access rights.

These applications can be launched from each other.

What are the three possible settings for an access right?
Allow, deny, and inherit.
What order does Sitecore look at access rights in the case of a conflict?
If any part of the user account or its roles has Deny, then they are denied access. After that, the user account's access rights override the security account's access rights. Any access rights assigned to an item override the acces rights of its parent.
What are some of the access rights in Sitecore?
Read, Write, Rename, Create, Delete, Administer, Create Bucket, Revert Bucket, etc. There are some access rights related to workflow, language, and fields.
What are some of the predefined security roles in Sitecore?
Developer, Author, Designer, Limited Content Editor, Marketer Form Author, and many more.
What does the Sitecore Limited Content Editor role do?
If a user is in the Sitecore Limited Content Editor role, they must also be in the Sitecore Client Authoring role. They only have acess to the Home, Review, and Publish tabs on the Content Editor ribbon and they cannot copy, move, or sort items from the item's right-click menu.
What role does a user need in order to have access to personalization ni the Experience Editor and Content Editor?
Analytics Personalization
What Sitecore application is used to set up profiles, profile keys, profile cards, and pattern cards?
Marketing Control Panel
What is the difference between a profile card and a pattern card?
A profile card is a preset of values for profile keys and they help make sure content is profiled consistently. A pattern card is the archtype used to compare a visitor (i.e. Beginner Hiker).
How can authors change a component through personalization?
Authors set up personalization rules in the Experience Editor.
In Sitecore personalization, what is a profile and what is a profile key?
A profile is a category or dimension and the profile key is a distinct value. For example, if you have a profile of Activity, it may have Profile Keys of Hiking, Swimming, Cycling, etc.)
What is an event or page event?
Page events are used to track things that happen during a visit, like errors, goals, searches, etc. This uses Sitecore.Analytics namespace and the Tracker.Current.Interaction.CurrentPage.Register([page event data]) method.

Custom page events are defined as items in /sitecore/system/settings/Analytics/Page Events

How do you add data to the Contact?
Create a custom contact facet. In c# create an interface and implement it. The class must be decorated with the Serializable attribute. Then add the facet to the Sitecore.Analytics.Model.config file under the model > entities > contact node.
What are the characteristics of a custom Facet?
Elements, attributes, and Dictionaries.
Where does a Facet get stored?
Sitecore Experience Database (xDB)
What are the different types of Facets?
System Facets are used internally by Sitecore and cannot be removed or disabled.

Standard Facets are pre-defined Facets that are commonly used.

Custom Facets are created by you and relevant to your organization.

What is a goal?
Goals are a specific type of Page Event that is used to measure engagement value.
Where is a goal defined?
Marketing Control Panel
How do you trigger a goal?
In code, you use Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker to register the goal and assign it to an interaction. A goal can also be triggered by adding sc_trk=[goal name] to the query string.
What must be done before a goal will be available in the Content Editor?
A goal must be deployed from the Marketing Control Panel before it will be available for use in the Content Editor.
How can you categorize goals?
Create a Goal Facet in Marketing Control Panel under Taxonomies and deploy it.
What is an outcome and where is it defined?
An outcome gives you insight into how contacts interact with your website and the relative financial value they have for the organization. They are defined in the Marketing Control Panel under Outcomes.
What is the difference between engagement value and an outcome?
Engagement value uses a points system. Outcomes typically use monetary value and help the organization determine the financial value the contact brings to the organization.
How are outcomes registered?
Namespace: Sitecore.Analytics.Outcome.Extensions
Outcomes are registered programmatically using either the TrackerExtensions (when event happens during a web session) or OutcomeManager (when event comes from an external source)
What are some predefined outcomes in Sitecore?
Marketing Lead, Sales Lead, Opportunity, Close won, Close lost, Close Cancelled, Contact Acquisition, Product Purchase
What does the Experience Profiles (xProfile) application do?
The Experience Profile enables you to monitor key ares of a customer experience and interactions across all digital channels. You can see info about a contact card's visits, outcomes, triggered campaigns, triggered goals, etc.
What happens to item versioning when you lock and edit an item that is a member of a workflow?
Sitecore automatically creates a new numbered version and places this new version in the initial workflow state.
What is a workflow?
A workflow is a series of steps an item goes through to get approved and available for publishing. The steps are customized by your organization. A workflow must contain a minimum of two states: initial state and final state.
What are the three things that make up a workflow?
Commands, Actions, and States.
Where are workflows created?
Content Editor under System > Workflows
What is a workflow state?
A workflow state represents the different stages of the content creation process (i.e. draft, awaiting approval, approved, rejected, etc.)
What is a workflow command?
A command moves an item from one workflow state to another.
What is a workflow action?
An action is automatically performed on the items when they are in a particular workflow state or when a particular workflow command is executed.
How do you bind a workflow to a certain type of items?
In the content tree, find the template item and click on Standard Values. Set the Default Workflow field.
What are the two consequences of making a state Final?
The final state in a workflow makes the item so it can't be modified and it updates the version.
What is tokenization?
It's the process of breaking down search phrases into relevant search terms. Stopwords filtering removes useless words like "is", "a", "for", etc.
How does Sitecore crawling work?
Sitecore crawls items in the database and not the rendered pages.
What are the two Search Providers for Sitecore and when would you use one over the other?
Lucene.net is for a single server. Solr is used in a distributed environment.
Why is it important to set EnableBucketDebug to false on the Content Delivery servers?
When EnableBucketDebug is set to true, every query executed against an item bucket is written to the search log file, making it huge. In order to improve performance and reduce the size of the search log file, this should be set to false on the Content Delivery servers.
In Content Editor, where are the two different places you can go to invoke a search?
Search tab on an item. Quick Search above the content tree.
What are some of the search filters available in the Content Editor search?
The user can filter by author, template, creation data and many more properties. They can also set whether the results should match, must match, or must not match the search phrase.
What does setting ExcludeContextItemFromResult to false do to the search results?
When it is set to false, this includes the current item in the search results. When set to true, the search results will not include the current context item.
By default, how many items does Search operate on in Content Editor?
What is content indexed into?
An Index Document is stored as field.
What is the best practice for Indexing?
Only Index what you need, especially as it related to defining the fields being indexed.
What are some of the default behaviors of Indexing in Sitecore?
All the fields you define are indexed. Field types are set so they are NOT stored in the index (meaning you have to query database if you need field type). Most system fields are indexed automatically.
Where are the two places indexes can reside?
Configuration based indexes or In Memory indexes
Why would you create an In Memory index?
Use this when you temporarilly need and index in code and you don't need the index persisted to disk.
When do you need to rebuild indexes?
Whenever the index is changed (fields added or removed)
What application do you use to manually rebuild indexes?
Control Panel
Where are indexes stored?
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\[site]\WebSite\App_Config\Include Sitecore.ContentSearch.[provider].DefaultIndexConfiguration.config
How are indexes triggered?
There are several different strategies for updating indexes: Rebuild After Full Publish, On Publish End Asyn, Interval Asynchronous, Synchoronous, Remote Rebuild, Timed Index Refresh, Manual
What are the two binaries used for the Content Search API?
Sitecore.ContentSearch.dll and Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.dll
What is the basic approach to using the Content Search API in code?
Choose an index to search against. Open a SearchContext connection and close it when done. Set results to IQueryable. Invoke the .GetResults method to fetch the final result set.
Can you use all Linq interfaces on the ContentSearch API?
No. Most are supported. However, GroupBy, Aggregate, and Sum are not supported.
Is the same code used by the search in Content Editor and the Content Search API?
Why create an index in Sitecore?
An index enables the item data to be searched and accessed quickly at scale.
What does storageType=Yes do for an index?
It stores the original value of the field in the index, thereby reducing an extra call to the database to retrieve the value.
How are index fields stored by default?
As raw values.
What would you use to index a Multilist field so it contains meaningful information instead of raw value?
Create a computed index field. For example, If we have books with a multilist of book category, we would create a computed index field for the book category that uses the name vs the book category raw value.