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33 Cards in this Set

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What are the four diseases we talk about involving the larnx and pharynx?
Brachicephalic airway syndrome
Obstructive laryngitis
Larngeal neoplasia
If there is a change in the bark or meow what is diseased?
Stertor involves the ________ and stridor involves the ___________
Stertor = pharynx
Stride = larynx
With upper airway disease do you have problems on inspiration or expiration? (think about when your nose is stuffy)

(expiratory noises are usually lower resp....eg smokers cough when they try to exhale)
Which endocrine dz is associated with LarPar?
Older lab comes in for his annual and you notice some stridor. You ssk the owner how long thats been going on and she doesnt really have an answer for you. You consider LarPar because of the patients signalment and CS. What question did Dr Green tell you to ask her?
Have you noticed a change in his bark?

A change in phonation means laryngeal dz
What is GOLPP
Geriatric onset lar par polyneuropathy
What organ do we kinda expect to be abnormal (besides the larynx) with LarPar?
What future complications are we gonna warn the owner about when their dog has LarPar?
Neuro signs....maybe some cp deficits and tell them to watch for regurg (esophagus) or whatever
How do you diagnose LarPar?
Do we sedate dogs for laryngoscopy?
Yeah give them some propofol, the procedure wont take long
What two things MUST you have when doing a laryngoscopy?
A patent IV catheter
An ET tube in case the dog stops breathing
What do you see on laryngoscopy if he has LarPar?
One (or both) of the arytenoid cartilages wont move. Normally they abduct on inspiration (to let air in)
Whats a respiratory stimulant you can give a dog to help diagnose LarPar?
What are the two things we use Doxapram for?
Aid in larpar diagnosis
Stimulate a csection puppy to start breathing (put a drop under the tongue)
Why does he include a t4/free t4/TSH in diagnostic tests for dogs with larpar?
Hypothryoidism is associated with larpar
You diagnosed one of your patients with larpar a week ago. The owner couldnt afford/didnt want to do surgery. You scheduled a recheck for othe following monday and they didnt show up. Tuesday afternoon they rush their dog in because he cant breathe. He is blue, scared, and you think hes about to die. What are the owners wearing?
Their bathing suits. They were all outside (dog included) playing in the sprinkler on this hot summer day.

True story
What are you going to remember for emergency treatment of LarPar? TOES!
Tracheostomy (if ypu cant pass a tube)
ET intubation
Sedation (these dogs are scared. They are trying to breathe through a straw and dont know whats happening. Sedation helps)
If you give an emergency case larpar dexamethasone, what dose would you use?

Anti inflammatory
When a dog has larpar we recommend they avoid heat, exercise, and collars. True or false.
Whats a good diet for a dog with larpar?
One that doesnt make them a fatty. Weight loss is important
What is the common name for arytenoid lateralization surgery?
Tie back. Youre tying one side of the arytenoid back so the larynx is permanently open
A dog who has had tie back surgery is prone to ....
Aspiration pneumonia. Normally his airways would close when he was swallowing or swimming, but now it cant anymore
What are the anatomic abnormalities associated with bracycephalic syndrome?
Stenotic nares
Long soft palate
Everted laryngeal saccules
Larngeal collapse
Hypoplastic trachea
What breed is born with a hypoplastic trachea (congenital defect)
English bull
True or false. A normal soft palaye should not extend way back intp the larynx.
True. Our larynx is for air flow, not for slimy soft tissue!
True or false. The medical treatment for BAS is thr same as for LArPar.
On radiographs, is the esophagus dorsal or ventral to the trachea?
Obstructive larngitis is a rule out for laryngeal neoplasm. True or false.
True. Hope thats all we need to know
Which is more common, a primary laryngeal tumor, or compression of the larynx by a thyroid tumor?
Laryngeal neoplasias are uncommon.

Much more commonly hes seen thyroid carcinomas (dogs) and lymphoma (cat) invading or compressing the larynx. This is what causes the stridor and whatnot
Laryngeal neoplasias are uncommon. What are the ones you tend to see?
Carcinomas and lymphomas
Is laryngeal disease gonna cause upper or lower airway signs?
Upper. Stridor, noisy respiration, increased INspiratory efforts etc
What are the two things that are gonna cause a LOT of air in the gi tract?
GI obstruction
Airway obstruction (theyre trying to breathe, the airway is blocked. Theyre gulping down air)