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19 Cards in this Set

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What is a sexual relationship?

People often develop sexual feelings for someone at some point during their teenage years This means they find this person physically attractive, think about them a lot and spend time with them

What is heterosexual relationships?

A sexual relationship between a man and woman

What is a homosexual relationship?what

A sexual relationship between same sex couples

What is the Christian term for a sexual relationship outside of marriage?

Pre-martial sex

What is the sex and the law NI what are

Legal age known as the age of consent is 16

What are the Christian views on the meaning and purpose of sexual relationships?

Christian’s believe that sexual relationships should only take place in a committed married relationship

What does unitive purpose mean ?

To unite the couple and bring them closer together as indicated in Genesis 2:24 “that’s why a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife, and they become one

What does it mean by a procreative purpose

The sexual relationship between the couple should lead to children being born as indicated in Genesis 1:28

What do the churches say about sexual relationships??

Presbyterian church- God meant sex to be enjoyed in the context of the full commitment of marriage. It is the physical expression of the deeper reality of two becoming one in marriage

Church of Ireland - human sexuality is a wonderful gift from God and at a time in life when they are most aware of this gift. We would urge that young people question any behaviour that devalues this gift, or which hinders its fulfilment within the context of marriage

Catholic Church - fornication is carnal union between an unmarried man and unmarried woman. It is gravely contrary to the dignity of persons and of human sexuality which is naturally ordered to the good of spouses and the generation and education of children

What is Chasity ??

The practice of abstaining from sex is called “ Chasity”. Christians believe all people who are not married should be “chaste”

What are reasons for abstinence until marriage include:

Back (Definition)

What is Celibacy?

Choose to get married or live with someone at some point in their lives

What are some reasons that people remain single or celibate

Religious reasons - orders(nuns,priests), church is there family

Divorce- too hurt, too difficult for children

Still looking - haven’t found the right person to spend their life with

Death of a partner- too difficult for them to because involved with someone else

What is the role & importance of celibacy?

- Celibacy refers to the state of abstaining for sexual relations. This can be for religious or non-religious reasons where people stay celibate for life or simply stay celibate until marriage 1 Corinthians 7:8

When people choose to stay celibate for religious reasons it is so they can devote themselves to God and to the service of others

Should priests/ clergy be married??arguments FOR

People out of the congregation of a church can relate to each other and give them support

Supported by husband or wife/ not lonely

Should priests/clergy be married? Arguments AGAINST

Not enough time

An argument or divorce can effect the church & congregation

Not fully devoted

People out of the congregation of a church can relate to each other and give them support

Supported by husband or wife/ not lonely r

They may be unmarried and believe that it is wrong to have sex outside marriage.

They may not have met the right person yet

They believe that staying celibate until marriage is the best way to avoid unwanted pregnancy outside marriage.

Avoiding sex before marriage and being faithful to one partner reduces the risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection

They may want to dedicate their lives to God or some other worthy cause eg charity work

Biblical teaching is against homosexuality;

Genesis 2:24 - God instructions that a man leaves his father and mother & joins himself to his wife & they become one body both male and femaleare to be fruitful & multiply & fill the earth (Genesis 1:28)

Leviticus 18:22 & Leviticus20:13

Religious reasons - orders(nuns,priests), church is there family,.

Divorce- too hurt, too difficult for children

Still looking - haven’t found the right person to spend their life with

Death of a partner- too difficult for them to because involved with someone else

Presbyterian church- same sex couples could not be full members of their churches & that the church would not baptise children from same- sex couples,

Church of Ireland:-homosexual people are in every way as valuable to and as valued by God as heterosexual people

Methodist church - opposed to all debased forms of sexuality and sexual practice whether heterosexual or heterosexual