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12 Cards in this Set

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The Congress of Vienna
1815- European diplomats met at the Congress of Vienna after Napoleon's defeat

-Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria- wanted to restore Europe to life before French Revolution

-Alexander I of Russia- create an alliance of Christian monarchs to suppress future revolutions

-Lord Castlereagh of England- prevent France from building military forces

-Maurice Talleyrand of France- obtain equal footing for Francce with the rest of the nations
Results of the Congress of Vienna
established a balance of power- distribution of military and economic power that prevents any one nation from becoming too strong
-restored power to monarchs

-strengthened nations around France
-added Belgium and Luxembourg to Holland and created the kingdom of the Netherlands
-Gave Prussia lands along the Rhineland
-Austria took control of Italy
set of beliefs held by those who wanted to preserve traditional ways
people opposed the power of mmonarchs and sought democrati reforms
Poeple wanted independent nation-states that were free form foriegn rule
Revolutions of 1830
-France- restoration of the Bourbons

-Belgium- demanded indpendence form the Dutch
1831- gained independence

-Italy- Congress of Vienna had divided Italy among Austria and France, Italian revolutionaries tried to overthrow the governments, they were thrown down by the Austrians

-Poland- under Russian rule, in 1830, nationalist poland staged and uprising, eventually crushed
Revolutions of 1848
-France- King Louis Philippe's government denounced as corrupt
-Louis Philippe stepped down and a republic was set up

-Austrian Enpire- students revolted, Metternich resigned when workers rose up to support the students
-Austrian army soon regained control

-Italy and Germany- Italy was successrfrul for short periods, Germany student protesters backed by peasants and workers demanded reforms
-assembly was formed, dissolved as revolutionaries turned on each otehr
Absolutism in Czarist Russia:
Social Conditions
Feudal Society- landowning obles were powerful and resisted nay change that would weaken their position
-middle class was too small to have any influence
-sefdom was continued, sefs were bound to the land, and the owner of the land had almost total power over hte sefrs who worked it
Absolutism in Czarist Russia:
Freeing the serfs
Russia became involved in the Crimean War after trying to seize Ottoman lands along the Danube
-Russia lost the war, stressing to leaders the need for westernization and industrialization

1861- under Alexander II, serfs wer freed
Russia contained many ethnic minorities, czars aimed to maintain tight control over htese peopel as ewll as to enourage feeling of Russian unity
-Russian czar Aleander III persecuted non Russians, including Poles, Ukrainians, and Armenians
-insisted on one language, Russian, and one church, the Russian Orthodox Church
violent attacks on Jews, authorities stood by and watched as the homes of Jews were burned and thier businesses looted
Reasons against a unified latin America
Geographic Barriers- Andes Mountains

Social Inujustice- colonial class structure remained intact, Creoles replaced peninsulares as the ruling class, and oland and wealth remianed in their hands