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11 Cards in this Set

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What’s rock?

A mixture of one or more different minerals without definite composition; an aggregate of fused or compressed discrete mineral particles

Rock material

The term used to describe the intact rock between discontinuities;it might be represented by a hand specimen or piece of drill core examined in the laboratory.

Rock mass

Rock mass is the total in situ medium containing bedding planes, faults, joints, folds and other structural features.

Rock mechanics

The subject concerned with the response of rock to an applied disturbance

The disturbance include:

engineering disturbance( blasting, excavation, transportation)

natural disturbance(structural, fracture, weathered layer)


Underground engineering

Slope engineering

Mining engineering

Civil engineering

Sedimentary rocks

Weathered rock broken down and carried away by water


consist of an assemblage of detrital particles and a matrix of materials such as clay minerals, calcite, quartz, etc

Formed from deposition and accumulation of sediments of other rocks, plant and animal remains by wind or water at the earth’s surface, and the are later solidified into rock

Metamorphic rocks

Change of rock Under the action of heat and pressure


form when already existing rocks (sedimentary or igneous) undergo changes by recrystallization in the solid state at high pressure, temperature, andchemical action at some time in their geological historycharacterized by the development of new textures, new minerals, or both;difficult to determine the nature of the original rock

Igneous rocks

Erupted out of surface and cooledStayed inside the layer


consist of a completely crystalline assemblage of minerals such as quartz,plagioclase, pyroxene, mica, etc. Form when hot molten silicate material from within the earth’s crust solidifies

Mutual Conversion

Under certain conditions can be mutual conversion

1. Limestone- sed_met - marble. (Lmm)

2. Granite- sed_ign - Genesis( gig)

3. Sandstone - sed_met - quartize(smq)

4. Shale - sed_met - killas(smk)

Classification of rocks

1. By origin or genesis

- igneous, sedimentary, Metamorphic

2. Based on compressive strength of rock

- very high strength(>32000psi), high strength, medium, low strength and very low strength(<4000)

3. based on modulus of elasticized rock


4. Based on the behavioral attributes of rocks

Crystalline texture

- Clastic Texture

- Organic rocks


Importance of rock mechanics

Rock mechanics determines how a particular rock reacts when it is put to the use required by mankind for buildings, roads, bridges, dams, tunnels, and other civil engineering uses.

Rock mechanics can also determine the response of rock when it is subjected to dynamic loading that may be a result of manmade applications or natural occurrences like earthquakes

Rock mechanics will determine the shear strength of the rock, which in turn will allow the rock to resist the forces applied to it.

It will assess the bearing capacity of the rock on the surface and how the force applied on the rock by the structures being built on it will affect the rock at various depths.