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31 Cards in this Set

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TNF inhibitors SE

Scleroderma Abs

Anti scl70 - ILD

ACA - pulm HTN

RNA polymerase 3 Abs - renal crisis

RA Activity Ax



Global health rating

Total jt count

Smalll jt count

Hx: duration morning stiffness, degree of jt and and level of fatigue


Decide acute/chronic

Distribution + deformity

Go on to CV exam as is a FR and look for Sx of CKD

Ddx: septic arthritis

- jt aspirate: neg birefringent crystals, phagocytosis of urate crystals, WCC 20 - 50000. SA > 50 000.

Inx: uric acid (1/3 have N level at time of attack), UEC, lipids, bsl, ECG (CV risk factors). XRAY

Mx: acute colchicine/NSAIDs/pred.

Poor response: feboxustat. 40 then 80mg.

Prophylaxis: start 1/12 after attack with prophylaxis for 6/12

Tophi aim ur < 0.3

5 types of psoariatic arthropathy and Inx

1. DIP predominant

2. RA pattern

3. Arthritis mutilans

4. oligoarticular (2-4 jts)

5. Axial

Infalmmatory arthropathy

Findings: nail changes, telescoping/shortening or digits, digit auto amputation

Psoriatic arthropathyseronegative spondyloarthritides.

erosive change with bone proliferation

symmetric polyarthropathy, or asymmetric oligoarthropathy.

30% with rash get arthropathy

Inx: HLA B27 (60% +)

Dactylitis (sausage fingers), enthesisis, marginal jt erosions, pencil-in-cup, acro-osteolysis (reabsorption of the distal phalanx) and telescoping

DdX; RA (no bony proliferations), erosive OA, reactive (usually feet > hands)

OA XRAY changes

Asymmetrical jt space loss

Jt sclerosis

Subchondral cyts


Bouchards + Heberdens + squaring of base of thumb

RA XRAY changes

Loss of joint space - symmetrical

Marginal jt erosions

Periarticular OP (disuse and steroids)

Soft tissue swelling - tenosynovitis

boutonniere and swan neck deformities, Z deformity, volar subluxation, MCP ulnar deviation

Jts: 2-3rd MCP, ulnar styloid, triquetrum

Feet RA changes
Feetsimilar to the hands, there is a predilection for the PIP and MTP joints (especially 4th and 5th MTP)involvement of subtalar jointposterior calcaneal tubercle erosionhammertoe deformityhallux valgus

TNF i Se

Infusion reactions: acute and delayed

Infection: neutropaenias in 75%

- bacterial infections (particularly pneumonia), zoster, tuberculosis, and opportunistic infections.

- FBE at 1/12 then 3/12 if stable

Malignancy: mixed evidence lymphomas, leukemias, non-melanomatous and solid malignancies.

Low risk: pulm fibrosis, hepatotoxicity



Skin eruptions eg psoroasis

Induced autoimminity eg lupus

Dermatomyositis - Sx

Heliotrope rash

V Sx

Shawl Sx

Holster Sx

Gottrons papules

Ragged cuticles and prominent blood vessels on nail folds

Poikiloderma (varying pigmentation)



Look for cancer!

Dermatomyositis Inx

Myositis: CK, AST, LDH, MRI, EMG, biopsy

Skin biopsy: lupus erythematosus

ANA + (most), anti-Mi-2, anti-Jo (ILD)

Screen for Cancer!

Skin checks!

Lupus findings: need 4/11 ACR criteria

Malar rash

Discoid rash

Photosensitivity skin rash

Mouth or nose ulcers: usually painless

Arthritis (nonerosive) in two or more joints, along with tenderness, swelling, or effusion. Serositis: pleurisy / pericarditis

Neurologic disorder: seizures and/or psychosis Nephritis

Hematologic disorder: hemolytic anemia, leukopaenia, thrombocytopaenia

Immunologic disorder: dsDNA, anti-Sm, anti-cardiolipin


Gout discussion

Presence of acute flare

Chronic tophaeus gout - ? severity

Polyarticular gouty arthritis

Associations eg IHD, CKD, haematological malignancy

Precipitants drugs, infection, dehydration, starvtion, surgery, trauma, fatty foods,

Mx: urate lowering Rx, Ur targets

Gout risk factors and Ddx

RF: Hyperuricemia, Obesity, HTN, lipids, CVD, diabetes, CKD, high meat and seafood diet (dairy is protective), ETOH

Meds: aspirin, allopurinol, thazides/loop diuretics.

Ddx: septic arthritis, trauma, acute calcium pyrophosphate crystal arthritis (pseudogout), cellulitis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis

What other systems to exam if have gout?

CVS - BP and cardiac exam

- ? CCF and diuresis as a ppt

Renal - fluid balance, fistula, transplant

Old - ? haematological malignancy eg LNs, hepatosplenomegarly, Sx BM failure

Pregnancy and dmards

Stop prior to conceiving:

MTX - 3 months prior and breast feeding

Leflonamide - do levels

SSZ - reversible oligospermia, men stop 3 months prior

Aspirin and nsaids - can use in 2nd trimester

Steroids - cleft lip and gDM

Biologics probs ok

Drug induced lupus

Methyl dopa







Anti histone +/- ANCA Abs

Lupus nephritis classes and Tx

Tx Steroids and CYC or MMP


Systemic sclerosis Ddx

Gadolinum nephrogenic sclerosis


Exposure PVC

Drugs: bleomycin

Eosinophilic fasciitis

Diabetic induced skin thickening.

Sx of Tx on exam


Nutritional ax on exam

Bedside: grip strength and gait speed

BMI and wait circumference

Pallor > anaemia

Stomatitis, SCDC, peripheral neuropathy > B12 def

Glossitis, koilonys=chia >Fe def

Gums > scurvy

Skin integrity/wounds > micronutrients: zinc, selenium, copper

Fat solube: K > eccymoses, A- night vision D - osteomalacia, scolosis, myopathy.

Sx of synovitis





When to use Bactrim prophyaxis

If > 20mg prednisolone/d for > 1 month with a second reason for immunosuppression eg TNFi (MTX is ok)

Higher risk of PJP in DM/PM and wegners

HCQ monitering and SE

Test visual fields and acuity at baseline then at 5yrs then annually.

Cummulative effect.

Bulls eye maculopathy.


Pyoderma gangrenosum

- grows by 1cm/d or doubles in size over 1/12

Painful, rapidly pregressive, purulent ulcer

Underminded edges, post pathergy.

Dx: biopsy, exclude Ddx

Mx: moist dressings, minimise trauma

TOP steroids/tacrolimus, dapsone (anti-neutrophilic effect), severe > po pred/cyclosporine/infliximab

Pyoderma gangrenosum associations and Ddx



Haematological malignancy

Ddx: infection (fungal, mycobacterium), skin ca, lymphoma, vasculitis (ANA, RF, ANCA), venous HTN, arterial insufficiency, hypercoagulable states.





Oral ulcers



Bone dysfunction: anaemia, leukopaenia, thrombocytopaenia, haemolytics anaemia



Immunological: dsDNA, anti Sm, low C3/C4



Discoid rash


- 90% 10yr survival

Photosensitivity: sun protection

Rash: HCQ (less nephritis, improves mortality)

Arthralgia: rest, NASIDs, HCQ, MTX

Raynauds: warm, CCB

CNS, pericarditis, pleurisy, severe haemolytic anaemia or low plts > steroids

Clots and APLS: warfarin INR 2.5-3 (no clots, aspirin)

Proliferation GN: steroids + MMP (or CYC)

OP: ca + vit D and bisphosphonates

Others: rituximab, auto SCT

Pregnancy: LMWH and aspirin + HCQ

Contraception: progesterone only

High CVD and malignancy

Gout meds and CI

Colchicine: CI in renal or hepatic impairment if used with strong inhibitors of CYP3A4 or P‐gp inhibitors. eg clarithromycin

eg eGRF - 250mcg/d

Moniter FBE at 1 and 6/12 and CK

300 mg allopurinol and 40 mg febuxostat appear similarly effective. Moniter Ur monthly then 6/12 once at target.

nb feboxustat/allopurinol increase 6MP/AZA levels.