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8 Cards in this Set

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Forty men aged twenty to fifty recruited by newspaper ads. Whole sample were from New Haven District of North America.

Milgram's sample were collected from a newspaper ad.

Bocchiaro et al

Ninety-two people took part in the pilot studies, confirming the studies to be ethically acceptable. The main study's sample consisted of ninty-six women and fifty-three men (totalled to 149 participants with a mean age of 20.8). Participants were volunteers recruited by flyers posted in VU University of Amsterdam.

A further 138 participants were surveyed about how they believe they would respond to the experimental situation.

Loftus and Palmer

Fourty-Five students in the first experiment. No details of age or gender were recorded.

One hundred and fifty students took part in the second experiment. Same as above.

Grant et al

Thirty-nine students aged seventeen to fifty-six (seventeen females and twenty three males) from Iowa state university.


Study two had twelve participants, and study three had two groups of fourteen. Study 1s data were not recorded. All participants were undergraduates or research workers, both male and female.

Simons and Chabris

228 participants in total, using volunteer sampling, most undergraduates offered a reward of a candy bar or a single fee for participation multiple studies.


Seventy-two participants: thirty-six male and female between thirty-seven to sixty-nine months.

Chaney et al

Thirty-two children: twenty-two male and ten female, with an age range of 1.5-6 years. They Average duration of asthma of 2.2 years. The technique used was random sample of asthmatic children prescribed drugs delivered by spacer from clinics.