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51 Cards in this Set

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Quickly changing from depressed to joyful states. (Bi-polar)


Sickness, or disorder of the mind.


Factors that contribute to the development of a disorder.


"Interferes with functioning"

A person with psychopathology exhibits thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are maladaptive rather than deviant.

Categorical Approach

Either you have the disorder or you don't. So you have to fit a specific disorder.

Like a Light switch

Dimensional Approach

Consider a psychological disorder along a continuum in which people vary in degree rather than in kind.


The simultaneous presence of two chronic diseases or conditions in a patient.

Research Domain Criteria (RDoC)

A Method that defines basic aspects of functioning and considers them across multiple levels of analysis, from genes to brain systems to behavior.


Examination of a person's cognitive, behavioral, or emotional functioning to diagnose possible psychological disorders.

Diathesis Stress Model

Psychological disorders can be seen as resulting from the interactions of diathesis and stress

Diathesis my be biological (genetic predisposition) or environmental (childhood trauma).

Family System Model

A diagnostic model that considers problems within an individual as indicating problems within the family.

Socioculture Model

A Diagnostic model that views psychopathology as the result of the interaction between individuals and their cultures.

Cognitive Behavioral Approch

A diagnostic model that views psychopathology as the result of learned, maladaptive thoughts and beliefs.

Internalizing Disorders

Characterized by negative emotions grouped by fear and distress.

More common in Female

Externalizing Disorders

Characterized by disinhibition. More common in Males

ex. Alcoholism

Cultural Syndromes

Disorders that include a cluster of symptoms that are found in specific cultural groups or regions.

Anxiety Disorder

A psychological disorder characterized by excessive fear and anxiety in the absence of true danger.

Specific Phobias

Involve particular objects and situations.

Effects 1 in 8 people.

ex. Claustrophobia, Triskaidekaphobia

Social Anxiety Disorder

(Social Phobia)

The fear of being negatively evaluated by others.

Effects 1 in 8 people.

ex. Public speaking, meeting new people, eating in front of others.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Constantly anxious and worry incessantly about even minor matters, even worry about being worried.

A diffuse state of constant anxiety not associated with any specific object or event.

Panic Disorder

An anxiety disorder that consists of sudden, overwhelming attacks of terror.

More likely in women.


An anxiety disorder marked by fear of being in situations in which escape may be difficult or impossible.

Usually develops with panic attacks

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

A Disorder characterized by frequent intrusive thoughts and compulsive actions.

More common in women


Recurrent, Intrusive, and unwanted thoughts or ideas or mental images.

ex. Fear of contamination, accidents, or ones own aggression.


Behavior or mental act that is aimed at preventing or reducing anxiety or preventing something dreadful from happening.

OCD Cyle

1. Anxiety

2. Compulsion

3. Relief

4. Obsession

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A disorder that involves frequent nightmares, intrusive thoughts and flashbacks related to an earlier trauma.

Major Depressive Disorder

A disorder characterized by severe negative moods or a lack of interest in normally pleasurable activities.

A Major Depressive Episode

A person experiences depressed mood or a loss of interest in pleasurable activities everyday for at least two weeks.

Persistent Depressive Disorder


A form of depression that is not sever enough to be diagnosed as major depressive disorder.

"down in the dumps"

Learned Helplesness

A cognitive model of depression in which people feel unable to control events in their lives.

Bipolar I disorder

Extremely elevated moods during manic episodes and frequently depressive episodes as well.

Can cause hospitalization

Bipolar II disorder

Less extreme mood elevations called hypomania, characterized by heightened creativity and productivity, they can be extremely pleasurable and rewarding.

Alternating period of extremely depressed episodes and mildly elevated moods.

Dissociated Disorders

Disorders that involve disruptions of identity, of memory, or of conscious awareness.

Dissociative Amnesia

A person forgets that an event happened or loses awareness of a substantial block of time.

ex. may lose memory of identity or place of residence.

Dissociative Fugue

Rarest form of Dissociative Amnesia.

Involves loss of identity and traveling to another location.

Fugue = french for "flight"

Dissociative Identity Dissorder

Multiple personality Disorder (DID)

ex. Split


"splitting of the mind"

Characterized by a split between thought and emotion: It involves alterations in thoughts, perceptions, or consciousness.

ex. Delusions, Hallucinations, disorganized speech, catatonic behavior, diminished emotional response


(Schizophrenia Symptom)

False beliefs based on incorrect inferences about reality.


(Schizophrenia Symptom)

False sensory perceptions that are experienced without an external source.

Disorganized Speech

(Schizophrenia Symptom)

Speaking in an incoherent fashion that involves frequently changing topics (loosening of associations) and saying strange or inappropriate things.

Word Salad

(Schizophrenia Symptom)

Speech that is so disorganized that it is totally incomprehensible.

Clang Association

(Schizophrenia Symptom)

The stringing together of words that rhyme but have no other apparent link.

Disorganized Behavior

(Schizophrenia Symptom)

Acting in a strange or unusual ways, including strange movements of limbs, bizarre speech, and inappropriate self care (not bathing or failing to dress properly.

Negative Symptoms

(Schizophrenia Symptom)

Marked by deficits in functioning, such as apathy, lack of emotion, and slowed speech and movement.

Personality Disorders in Clusters

Cluster A: Odd or eccentric behavior (paranoid)

Cluster B: Dramatic, Emotional, Erratic behavior

Cluster C: Anxious or fearful behavior

Borderline Personality Disorder

Disturbances in identity, in affect, and in impulse control. An intense fear of abandonment, causing them to be manipulative and impulsive.

More common in women

Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD)


People engage in socially undesirable behavior, are hedonistic and impulsive, and lack empathy.


Characterized by deficits in social interaction, by impaired communication, and by restricted interests.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder


Restlessness, inattentiveness, and impulsivity


diagnostic statistical manual